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Awkward... when I check on my kids' Facebook pages and their friends IM them

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That happens when I'm on dh's facebook page (he has one for one of our businesses, but in his business, everyone likes to talk and are very friendly). I just answer "this is Mrs. Dh. How are ya?" At least they know who they are dealing with, which I think is fair. In your case, you can just answer their original question and end with "I'll let ds/dd know you IM'd." Fair enough. :)

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I just answer "this is Mrs. Dh. How are ya?" At least they know who they are dealing with, which I think is fair. In your case, you can just answer their original question and end with "I'll let ds/dd know you IM'd." Fair enough. :)





Well, except for the Mrs. DH part:D


Since I know her friends, it's not an issue at all with me. Except for one girl that i avoid like crazy. You could always go offline for chat if you didnt want them to see you?

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I was just on my DS's and someone IM'd him so I quickly logged off.


It just just feels awkward...



Well, if I were your ds's friend, and I IM'd him, and he immediately logged off, I might be tempted to feel a bit awkward. I'd definitely wonder if he had logged off because I was IMing him. I might even get a complex or something! :D


I actually think it would be a good thing for my dc's friends to know that I sometimes hang out on their FB page. They might be less inclined to take things where they oughtn't go. I would have just said, "Oh hi, Df. This is Ds's mom. I'll let Ds know that you were here."

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I wouldn't really worry about it. There have been plenty of times that I've initiated an IM with someone, only to have them log off or go idle shortly after. And there have been times that people have IM'd me when I was away from the computer, but was still showing up as active (hadn't automatically switched to idle yet). I come back later and see it, but by then they're already gone.


So I wouldn't worry about it:)

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... I just answer "this is Mrs. Dh. How are ya?" At least they know who they are dealing with, which I think is fair...


I do this, too. And one of her friends wants to chat with ME when he realizes who I am. Or maybe he's just being polite. But really, if I am signed in as dd I am just checking around for a few minutes and I don't want to chat!

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Sometimes my 16 yr old forgets to log off. I just say "This is X's Mom. X forgot to log off". Kids simply say, 'Oh, sorry". I think that is pretty common and nobody seems to be freaked. I don't feel awkward. I don't read his IMs.


I am friends with my 3 kids who are on FB, so I never feel awkward; I am just another visitor. I tag them with photos, my oldest teases me about my gardening talk etc. It's fun.

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Guest Katia
I always have mine set to offline. I'm not on facebook to SOCIALIZE! :tongue_smilie:


Me too!! LOL! And when I'm on my dh's account, the first thing I do is set it to 'offline' so that I don't have to chat with any of his friends.


I'd suggest to OP that when she logs on to her dc accounts, that she immediately set it to 'offline' then she wouldn't have to worry about friends wanting to chat.

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Back in the day, before FB, my son and his pals would chat via ICQ. One night, he saw a female friend log on so he sent her a message. She responded and they chatted for a few minutes. Then Ds said, "Wait a second. This isn't Karen. Who is this?" It was her father. How did Ds know? Karen's father has better spelling! ROFL!


Both Ds and Karen's father got a good chuckle. Thankfully, Ds's conversation was honorable!

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