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I have been looking for my keys for over an hour

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I seriously dont know where else to look:confused: I have a pug that likes to steal stuff and carry things away, but I even looked in all his hiding spots. Soooo my question is where are some ODD PLACES that keys have been found:confused::confused:


I have already look in the fridge, freezer, in my cupboards, in the dog kennels, under the couches, in dresser drawers, in the washing machine and dryer (I have been doing alot of laundry today):confused::confused::confused:


Please ANY suggestions. Pathetic I know because you are all in my computer I just dont know where else to look. :confused::confused:

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I know this may sound silly, but I always pray when I lose my keys--which is way too often!


Have you tried asking someone else to look? I know that I have tendency to not see things that are right in front of my face. :glare:


I have been praying actually-- and i have all 4 kids tearing the house apart (its not so clean anymore:001_huh:) I pray about things I cant find alot , and usually find them QUICKLY after

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That happens to me all the time and when I do find them, they are usually somewhere I have already checked.



Isn't it odd how we can look right at things and not see them?


I spent nearly an hour yesterday looking for my 6 year old's eyeglasses. They were on his train table where I had looked THREE times before seeing them.

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That happens to me all the time and when I do find them, they are usually somewhere I have already checked.


I do have to add a bit about pugs...we have one too! Don't you just love them!!



I do love him... we actually rescued him from the denver pug rescue so hes soooo spoiled.... but I truly think he is guilty :glare: does yours steal and hide things????

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Okay places mine have recently been. In dd's riding car, behind the shelf I usually keep them on (had to pull it out to find them), under the couch, in the couch covers, in the block bucket, in the return library books bucket, and in my hoodie pocket(forgot I wore it as a coat the day before) and lastly in one of dd's little purses. I don't have a pug but I do have a 2 year old that likes to play with them, thankfully most of the time she remembers where she put them. Will your pug retreive them if you ask him "where's the keys?"

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We have also found keys between the car and the door, in the lock, in the library bin, in the foot of a child's pjs, and in a coat pocket. At least two of those times involved replacing said keys. Luckily, I don't lose keys so I wasn't responsible for those. I once was missing a very precious item that means a lot to me. I posted here. I tore my house apart. Six months later I found it in a place I had already looked three times, exactly where I thought I had put it. I still not sure if someone was gaslighting me or what. Anyhow, can you remember the last time you had them? Try to go through the motions from when you remember having it until . . . ?

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You said you looked under the couch, how about between and under couch cushions? I have also dropped something and then kicked it under the refrig or stove and not known it. Another spot I lose things a lot is behind my desk. Things always seem to be getting knocked off, behind my desk.


I have also lost my keys in my purse, it ate them. :lol: There was a hole on the inside lining of my purse at the very bottom. My keys managed to find their way in there. Praying you find them soon!

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When I was little I put my mom's checkbook in my baby carriage.


Once, when my dh was deployed (and I had a toddler in the house) I had to look for my keys for *six hours*. They were in the bottom drawer of my nightstand.


eta: My niece once threw a set of keys in the garbage.

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I FOUND THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



They were in the bottom of the toy box (that 2 of my dc said they emptied one by one and checked EVERYTHING:leaving:)


:hurray: We were once missing a cat. We tore the house apart looking for it. The kids each swore that they had searched their rooms high and low. When I finally made it to one of the girl's rooms, I first looked under the bed (and found said cat) and then asked her again if she had checked her room throughly. She assured me that she had so I asked if she had checked under the bed, she said she had but I guess the cat could have moved. I don't think that excuse will fly with the keys though, huh? ;)

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