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I just realized...I am not a young Mom anymore

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My "baby" is six, I have no more coming...and I had my first REAL hot flash this morning. My daughter is older than I was when I had her....and my 2nd dd is almost that age too.


I don't fit in at the baby pool...yet I still have little kids.


I don't fit in with the parents of teens becaue we still have little guys...and the Mom's with little ones are SO YOUNG!!! LOL


nothing else...just noticing....



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LOL right there with you. When I had ds15 at 22 I was always the 'young mom' in the group. With dd11 at 26 I was more in the middle. With dd3 at 35 we moved to the other end, and I am one of the older moms now. Funny how much difference 13 years makes between being a new mom at 22 vs 35. Now, I am almost 40 and find my self being the 'older, wiser mom' to my younger Friends with babes the same age. LOL :rofl:

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When my mom was my age, all her daughters were married and she had a couple of grandkids. I'm the youngest and I was 26 when she was my current age. But she did marry and start her family very young. I've been musing over the advantages/disadvantages of having kids young (early 20's) vs. later (I had mine later). Still can't reach a conclusion:001_unsure:

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*hugs* mama


i am a young mom but i am at such a different place than most of the other 23/24 year olds that i know that i really have no other moms to hang out with that are my age lol...most of my friends are in their late 20s/early 30s.

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*hugs* mama


i am a young mom but i am at such a different place than most of the other 23/24 year olds that i know that i really have no other moms to hang out with that are my age lol...most of my friends are in their late 20s/early 30s.


I have the same problem. Sometimes I wish I was older so that I'd have friends with similar interests. The 20-somethings that I know don't have kids, are single, and spend all of their time drinking and sleeping around, and the 30 - and 40-somethings look at me like I'm a little kid. Very frustrating.

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I have the same problem. Sometimes I wish I was older so that I'd have friends with similar interests. The 20-somethings that I know don't have kids, are single, and spend all of their time drinking and sleeping around, and the 30 - and 40-somethings look at me like I'm a little kid. Very frustrating.

Glad to know I'm not the only one lol

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I hear you. My boys are in public HS so I do the activities with the girls. I was 28 when youngest was born, 36 with last pregnancy, 40 when youngest dd was adopted, and I was the second youngest mom in the group. Some of the parents became first time parents at 60, and with a 14 month old!!! :scared:


There are mostly younger moms in my local co-op and I remind them regularly to respect their elders. It's hard to do when I'm acting like a kid. :D

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I have my teens who are 17 and 14. Then I have baby boy turn 10. and baby girl is 4. I am an older mom. I was just about the only one pushing a stroller at the high school. I attend MOP's so baby girl can hang out with kids her own age. I am at a totally different place than most. Mothers of my teen friends are back in college or working.

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Guest Katia

The Older Mom thing didn't hit me until just this year, when I realized that I was now 50yo and at the end of April all of my children would be adults......Ok, so I'm a slow learner. I get that. :D

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I think it hit me two years ago when my oldest turned 22. That was my age when he was born. My youngest is 10 and I realized on her last birthday that I had no children in single digits anymore.


I was a young mom with my first two, as I had them at 22 and 24. With my last two I have definitely been the older mom. I had my son at 35 and adopted my daughter at 36. I am much older than most of my younger two's friends' moms.


It is actually kind of strange to me, because I don't "feel" old. :001_smile:

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Yeah, I figured that out this past week which I spent at my dd's. My grandson is 19 mos. old and he wore me out. I realized that there was no way I could handle a baby at this age.


Ya know, for years I still desired more children even though I knew we were probably finished. That desire completely left me when my first grandchild came along. I was pooped just helping out!


Children in our church are baptized at eight. It's a big milestone. My youngest dd was baptized last week, and I realized that we're done with the little kid stage. And then, I turned 46 less than a week later. It took a few days, but I think it sent me into a slight depression ;).

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I am right there with you. My kids are 18, 14, 6 & 4. I went through early menopause which was really painful to me, even though all my kids were adopted. It makes me feel old.....too old to have any more, even though the desire hasn't gone away. My oldest has special needs and will always be dependent on us, so I'm still a long way away from enjoying grandchildren.

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Funny thing. I never felt young as a mom. My daughter was born when I was 24 and my two sons at ages 30 and 33. But when my dd gave birth to my first granddaughter at the age of 18, I thought . . ."Hey, I'm not ready to be a Grandma at 42! Yikes!"


I'm over it now, of course, and my sweet little granddaughter has a sweet little sister and I just love them all to pieces and couldn't imagine my life without them in it!:001_wub:

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Im sorry. Yes...I thought about it when my dr told me I need to start my yearly mamos now! I didnt realize I was that age! LOL. Not really old at all...but my hubby told me I could be a grandma in as little as 7 years (or less...hopefully not!!!!) but...I never though of it prior. I feel like all my friends are just starting to have babies. I cant imagine having a baby now! (I want one...just not the extra work and running around) It would take me less time to wait for grand kids then to raise a baby! LOL. :001_smile:

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My "baby" is six, I have no more coming...and I had my first REAL hot flash this morning. My daughter is older than I was when I had her....and my 2nd dd is almost that age too.


I don't fit in at the baby pool...yet I still have little kids.


I don't fit in with the parents of teens becaue we still have little guys...and the Mom's with little ones are SO YOUNG!!! LOL


nothing else...just noticing....





Welcome to the group....I'm probably only a tad bit older. ;)

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