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Molly the Barn Owl

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Have you been to ustream to watch Molly the barn owl yet? If not, I highly suggest you do! It's live streaming video and I (and to some extent, my boys) have been glued to the screen for days.


She is a wild barn owl, nesting in a box that a couple in San Marcos, California installed. They have a camera in the box, so you get to see Molly's every move. She is sitting on 5 eggs and the first could begin to hatch at any time. Her mate McGee visits to bring her food during the night. We have seen her eating, turning the eggs, preening, and bonding with McGee. We have learned so much about barn owls watching.


Go watch her! But don't blame me if you fall in love and spend too much time at the computer over the next few weeks. :D

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We have been watching her at every possible moment these past few days. We have also checked in with the bald eagle and the hibernating bear.


Wow! I didn't even know about these live streams until last night. Do you have links for the eagle and the bear as well? I'd love to show my dd. :) Thanks.

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Yep, we've been watching Molly ever since someone posted the link here was it 3-4 days ago?


Also Phoebe the Hummingbird, but no eggs were viable... :(


We peek in on the bear now and then too.


I have the feeds running on my kitchen computer so we can hear or see if anything exciting happens.

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Granted, I haven't specifically studied the brooding habits of owls, but I own chickens and ducks. The eggs don't hatch at separate dates, the countdown to hatching starts when the last one is laid. I'm not sure why Molly's eggs are all given different due dates. It would be extremely hard to care for a week old hatchling while being unable to leave the nest with the other eggs. I'm pretty sure will see some hatchin' action the week the last egg is due.


That is so sad Phoebe didn't have any viable eggs. I hope they return to the same nest to brood again. She is just so pretty.

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Yep... we're addicted :) I keep her up on the computer all day and we glance over every now and then to check on Molly. :D


TMI: For those of you who have been keeping up with Molly, you will understand this... I knew that we were all addicted when my dh woke me up this morning and said "I brought you a mouse;)" :lol:

Edited by babysparkler
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Love Molly! I wish you could turn off the comments on the side tho.:glare:


We have a Western Screech Owl pair in a dead tree in our back yard. They were here last year also and had 3 babies. We had so much fun watching them!!! Can't wait to see how many they have this year.


Try this link... the comments are at the bottom and barely noticeable unless you scroll down. I like it better than the other one.



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I almost feel a little too voyeuristic (sp?) watching her.


LOL I was thinking the same thing when I was watching her. I was just imagining all of these people watching her waiting for her eggs to hatch and she has no idea at all. I can't help but wonder how strange it must feel to just be watched. shudder. It's a good thing she doesn't realizes it or it would probably really freak her out.

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Yes, she leaves periodically for "potty breaks" and to stretch.


LOL Poor thing. I feel it for her having to stay there all the time on the eggs. I'm glad she gets breaks. I didn't know. I only started watching her today.:) This may be a dumb question, but when the male comes back and he climbs on her for a moment, is he doing what I think he's doing or is he doing something else?? :001_huh:

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Yep, we've been watching Molly ever since someone posted the link here was it 3-4 days ago?


Also Phoebe the Hummingbird, but no eggs were viable... :(


We peek in on the bear now and then too.


I have the feeds running on my kitchen computer so we can hear or see if anything exciting happens.

I missed that thread. I did a board search for Molly+owl but came up with nothing. Sorry for the duplicate! Phoebe was sad. Did you see the alligator lizard? *shudder*


Granted, I haven't specifically studied the brooding habits of owls, but I own chickens and ducks. The eggs don't hatch at separate dates, the countdown to hatching starts when the last one is laid. I'm not sure why Molly's eggs are all given different due dates. It would be extremely hard to care for a week old hatchling while being unable to leave the nest with the other eggs. I'm pretty sure will see some hatchin' action the week the last egg is due.


That is so sad Phoebe didn't have any viable eggs. I hope they return to the same nest to brood again. She is just so pretty.

That's very interesting! Off to do some research. The bird of prey expert who installed the box and is available for answering questions once in a while hasn't mentioned anything like that.


LOL Poor thing. I feel it for her having to stay there all the time on the eggs. I'm glad she gets breaks. I didn't know. I only started watching her today.:) This may be a dumb question, but when the male comes back and he climbs on her for a moment, is he doing what I think he's doing or is he doing something else?? :001_huh:

Not exactly, but close! :lol They call it bonding, and it's more like hugging and kissing than what you're thinking. It's a way for them to reconnect and recommit since they've been separated for so long. Or something like that according to the experts. :D

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Granted, I haven't specifically studied the brooding habits of owls, but I own chickens and ducks. The eggs don't hatch at separate dates, the countdown to hatching starts when the last one is laid. I'm not sure why Molly's eggs are all given different due dates. It would be extremely hard to care for a week old hatchling while being unable to leave the nest with the other eggs. I'm pretty sure will see some hatchin' action the week the last egg is due.


That is so sad Phoebe didn't have any viable eggs. I hope they return to the same nest to brood again. She is just so pretty.

Ok, I looked it up at various sources online and they all say the same basic thing. Owls lay their eggs over a period of several days and the egg hatching is staggered.


Scroll down to the fourth paragraph from the bottom on this page from owlpages.com and you can read why the hatching is staggered.

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Not exactly, but close! :lol They call it bonding, and it's more like hugging and kissing than what you're thinking. It's a way for them to reconnect and recommit since they've been separated for so long. Or something like that according to the experts. :D


I thought it was like a hug or something because it was so quick, but they way he climbed up there I wasn't too sure. hehehe Ay, I'm such a city girl! I know NOTHING about wild animals! :tongue_smilie:

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  • 4 months later...

All four of Molly's eggs have hatched. The owlets are named Ashely, Carrie, Kelly, and the newest (hatched yesterday) is Jodi.


This is where I watch the live footage.



Usually around 10 AM CST the babies get a feeding.


You can watch Jodi hatching at this link:



There is a marker on the playtime of the footage noting where Jodi gets out of her egg.


Some pictures of Molly helping Jodi out of the egg and then cleaning her.


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