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5 am ER visit

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Dd8 woke me up this morning at 5 am with a high-pitched cry. She couldn't breathe (croup). I think it was a lot worse because she was in sheer panic. I managed to calm her down some and we took her to the ER. Of course the walk in the cool damp air helped her so that by the time they saw her they didn't hear much. She got some steroids and now we're home. Boy, am I tired. I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night.

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And here I was complaining about the 3:00 wake up call. I was able to get my dd's cough under control and get her back to sleep around four so I did get some sleep but not near enough. I hope your little is doing we and that a sleepless night doesn't set you back to far. :grouphug:

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Oh man! I remember those days...only my son was 9 MONTHS old at the time. He cried out at 2am and his dad said, "he is fine." My mother's instinct kicked in and I knew, just by the one cry, that he was NOT fine. I jumped up and grabbed him and he was already starting to turn bluish in the face. We rushed him to the ER, and like your dd, by the time we got there, he was much better. For the first 3 years of his life, we had a steroid in the cabinet just waiting for the next episode of croup. He seems to have "grown out of it" though because he hasn't had a problem with it since he was 3 or so. I didn't actually realize that older kids got croup.


I hope your dd is feeling much better and that you can get some sleep! *hugs*

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I was a croupy kid. I hated that feeling of not being able to breathe. I spent many a night on the bathroom floor with the shower running on hot and steam filling the room. I've also heard that opening the freezer door and having a child breathe the cold, moist air helps.


Hope you both get some rest today!!

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Oh my stars we have had the croup at our house too! My 10 year old and I were headed to the ER on Friday morning when she finally started breathing again. She had stridor for 40 minutes! She has, unfortunately, gotten used to having the croup and handles it well. Now my 8 year old dd has lost her voice. Crazy. Hope this all passes quickly for everyone.

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Jean - I feel for you! Croup is SO scary.


We're another croup family. My oldest outgrew it by about 5 or so. My third child got his FIRST round of it when he was 6. He turned blue and I rushed him to the ER. He did NOT get better by the time we got there (it was a warm night). I carried him in and they took him from me and treated him right away. Scary stuff. The doc couldn't believe that it was his first case! But, then again, he had his first fever seizure at 6. He's just a strange child, I guess.


Hope you get a nap before you lose an hour of sleep tonight!

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Oh no!!! Croup is so scary! DD3 went through a croup spell when she was around a year old. She got croup 4 times in 3 months. We've had the middle of the night ER visits when you hear your baby struggling to breathe. VERY scary!!! She was even hospitalized once for it. I'm so glad that the walk in the cool air helped your DD.

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