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I was reading my kids a "Young Readers" style biography last night on Thomas Edison. After hearing about all the inventing he did and what a huge impact he had on how our lives are lived today, my dd exclaimed, "You mean, he's G*d?"

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I pulled each one of the older kids aside last night and asked them if there were specific things they would like to study this fall.


My daughter said that she would like to study some Art History, Astronomy and German.


OK. I dismissed my daughter and called in my son.


"Is there anything specific you would like to study in school this fall?" I asked.


My son said, "Potions and Dragons."


What do you think this is, Hogwarts???? :001_huh:

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We have been studying ancient empires. Yesterday my youngest son made coins out of clay. He started about what he would do if he had his own empire. He would like to have a big empire, but not take over the whole world. If he took over the whole world, his armies would not have anyone to fight. "Then all those people would be out of work and it would be so sad," he said. :lol:

Edited by mrsrevmeg
left out some words
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My daughter is turning 7 and had a sleepover last night to celebrate (the cool thing about homeschooling is that we can do that on a Thursday night, lol)


Anyway, we decided to make it a "spa night" and at one point, the girls were resting on the couch with cucumbers on their eyes (dd thought this was the ultimate in spa fun)


My 4.5 year old son told me "When I have my birthday party, we are going to put burgers on our eyes!!!"

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We have been studying ancient empires. Yesterday my youngest son made coins out of clay. He started about what he would do if he had his own empire. He would like to have a big empire, but not take over the whole world. If he took over the whole world, his armies would not have anyone to fight. "Then all those people would and it would be so sad," he said. :lol:


Oh my goodness! That is hilarious!




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My daughter is turning 7 and had a sleepover last night to celebrate (the cool thing about homeschooling is that we can do that on a Thursday night, lol)


Anyway, we decided to make it a "spa night" and at one point, the girls were resting on the couch with cucumbers on their eyes (dd thought this was the ultimate in spa fun)


My 4.5 year old son told me "When I have my birthday party, we are going to put burgers on our eyes!!!"



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I was reading my kids a "Young Readers" style biography last night on Thomas Edison. After hearing about all the inventing he did and what a huge impact he had on how our lives are lived today, my dd exclaimed, "You mean, he's G*d?"


I love the logic!



My son said, "Potions and Dragons."


What do you think this is, Hogwarts???? :001_huh:


Dragons :D




I told chatterbox ds to fill in the blank "If I don't talk, I'm _____ "

His response: dead







Ds12.5 is having a lot of fun, getting his sister to look behind her when he yells "Hey look, an obvious distraction!" She's starting to wise up.


Love it!



I love all these. They're great.

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at my sister's while I ran to the store. My sis, mom and some relations of my bil were there, apparently they were talking about public school because Dee-Dee piped up with "Public School, that's where people who don't want to take care of their kids send them during the day!" Now, I have never said anything of the kind. That I can remember...... One of the ladies is a teacher and my sister and the other lady send their kids to ps.


I was thinking about making a T-shirt that said "The opinions expressed by my children do not necessarily reflect the views held by their parents." Sort of a disclaimer for Mom's.

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Last night I was talking on the phone with my sister. My nephew goes to a dayhome during the day, and dd2 had been going through the list of family that day trying to figure out who went to daycare, to work and who stayed home. I was relaying this story to my sister when dd2 decided she had something more to add.


Ty-Ty go school when he is 6. Me go to school when 7. Ty-ty no babyschool only daycare. My no daycare only babyschool stay with mommy. Tracy stupid.


And she walked away.


Ty is my nephew, Tracy is my sister. Babyschool is what she calls her homeschooling. (To her the big kids do homeschool, she does babyschool) And of course everything had the mispronunciations that 2 yr old do, but she was clear enough for us to understand her. Thankfully she thought the whole thing was hilarious and was laughing. After reminding dd that we do not call people stupid I had to start laughing too. My sister and I do not agree on ps/hs/working/sahm so we have had similiar talks just not in 2 year old speak.

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I was out at bible study the other night and dh was putting the kids to bed and had this exchange with my 5 yo:


ds: Daddy? What are boy booKies for?

dh: I don't know, ds. (ever the avoider of deep conversations)

ds: Ok, I'll ask Mommy. She knows all about booKies.


I guess that's sort of accurate in a way!:D

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In trying to get my kids to understand the importance of brushing their teeth, I'd say "if you don't brush them, they're gonna rot out"


When my youngest was about to lose his first tooth, he was nervously trying to work up the nerve to pull it when he said, "I changed my mind, I'm just gonna let it rot out".

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I was out at bible study the other night and dh was putting the kids to bed and had this exchange with my 5 yo:


ds: Daddy? What are boy booKies for?

dh: I don't know, ds. (ever the avoider of deep conversations)

ds: Ok, I'll ask Mommy. She knows all about booKies.


I guess that's sort of accurate in a way!:D


Ahem....they show that you are a mammal. ;)


Our most recent funny was yesterday in the cafe at the aquarium when ds asked me, "Mom, I forget, which of the gas laws is it that says that if you decrease the volume of a gas the pressure increases? Because I'm about to do that to my chip bag. Watch." BANG!


ETA: This was in response to dd asking him why chip bags explode if you squeeze them. The bang was followed by an Aspie-style lecture on gas laws, air being a gas, what volume is, what pressure is, and how you get the bag to pop by increasing the pressure until the pressure is sufficient to overcome the strength of the seal on the bag. Dd used her newfound knowledge to "open" her bag of apple slices "all by myself", and then the two reminisced about the annoying behavior of children in the lunchroom at school, back when they had to go to school.

Edited by MamaSheep
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This was a few years ago when dd was TWO....


We were staying at my sister's house and dd had had enough.


Dd - Mommy, YOU are annoying.

Me- Dd! you are not allowed to be sassy!

Dd - This HOUSE is annoying!

Me - You need to change your attitude.

Dd - Mommy, you are this house.

Oooh, on the road to logic already!


DS 7 came up with this gem: "If I had been Adam, I would've followed Eve around all the time to make sure she didn't do anything stupid."

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Conversation in car:


Chrystine: Mom, it's so cool that I am talented in piano.


Me: Yep


Chrystine: And it's cool that Nathan's talent is drawing.


Me: Yep


Chrystine: Mom, what's your talent? Chocolate??


Me: (laughing hysterically) Yep. Chocolate. It's what I do.


Who knew chocolate could be a verb??

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On a nature walk this last week my 8 year old son expressed the need to empty his bladder. So my dh told him to "Just pee on a tree." :glare:


Glad to have the opportunity to show his great skills he exclaimed that he could, "Pee past the no trespassing sign". And with an added giggle said, "My fluids are trespassing". :lol:


My 2yo dd was most impressed with her brothers great skill and begged to also, "Pee on a tree."


Then my 5yo had to get involved and said, "That's the one and only great thing about being a boy. Only boys can pee on trees."


Of course, she wasn't going to take no as an answer and striped right there on the nature trail and managed a nice little stream of her own. And then everyone else had to pee too. So they all (not including me) had a nice little pee :party:


I was very glad that it was a deserted stretch of the trail.

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Conversation in car:


Chrystine: Mom, it's so cool that I am talented in piano.


Me: Yep


Chrystine: And it's cool that Nathan's talent is drawing.


Me: Yep


Chrystine: Mom, what's your talent? Chocolate??


Me: (laughing hysterically) Yep. Chocolate. It's what I do.


Who knew chocolate could be a verb??


Wow! We must be long-lost sisters. Chocolate is what I do too!!! :D

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Last night at our monthly 4-H meeting, Dh taught the kids how to make LED flashlights. He used ultraviolet LEDS so these things were REALLY cool! When everyone had theirs done, one of the dad's turned the lights off so they could test them..."one, two, three...on!" Almost instantly, all of the kids started humming the Star Wars theme! It was soo dog gone cute and I have to admit, it looked like a lightsaber show!


Gotta love kids!


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