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Anybody else not able to handle caffeine?

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I am so sad to say, but I think this is ME! Dh and I were totally off caffeine for 10 days for a detox. Although the first 2 days were really bad, I felt great the last 8. Yesterday I had a small cup of coffee and felt SO good. Today, tired, irritable, and blah. I really think it was because I had caffeine yesterday, and didn't today. This makes me sad b/c I LOVE coffee. I like tea, but something about coffee in the morning ... And I know there's decaf, but it still has some caffeine, right? And, for some reason decaf clogs up our coffee maker too. Anyone else?

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I'm very sensitive to caffeine. Fortunately I dislike coffee but if I have anything with a lot of caffeine in it (chocolate or Excedrin Migraine) I have to take it before noon, otherwise it keeps me up all night. I only take one Excedrin Migraine. It helps my headache but I am very jittery and feel awful after taking it.

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I cannot drink items with caffeine. If I do my blood pressure shoots up. My ds reacts the same way, so did my mom and so do several siblings.


For coffee I can have one, maybe two cups of decaf in the morning but not any later in the day. If I have coffee later in the day I will be up all night. I might have heartburn in the middle of the night too. If I drink decaf coffee day in and day out PMS will be awful. Sure it might be from some other reasons but this winter I've had one cup of decaf a week and have not had PMS, no mood swings ---- strange and I have no explanation.



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I can't do coffee at all, and caffeine really affects me. Coffee will make me very jittery, spacey, and not to be too graphic, but I'll "digestive issues." :tongue_smilie: I can drink caffeinated tea or the occasional soda, but if I have it after 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon, I am unable to go to sleep until 2:00 -- 4:00 in the morning.

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I just gave up coffee 2 weeks ago. I love my coffee but noticed accidentally that I didn't feel very well after having a cup. I gave it up and unfortunately feel so much better. I am sleeping better. I am drinking herbal tea and don't care for it much, but it is hot. I wish that I wasn't feeling so much better so that I could drink it again. :glare: I miss it.

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these last couple of weeks have proven that to be the case.


When I decided to go completely vegan, I dropped coffee as well because I really wanted to eliminate the caffeine as well as the additional sugar (it was the ONLY thing I'd put regular sugar in).


Since I gave it up I have felt TONS better, have started drinking more herbal teas (which I love), and have been able to stop taking anxiety meds (which I really wanted to stop).


It's really seemed to have a positive effect on me.

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For the most part, I do not have a problem with caffeine. I will not try those "energy" drinks with lots of caffeine....I'm scared of those. I occasionally experience heart palpitations and I'm afraid one of those would send me over the edge.


Something weird happened to me a few months ago. At church I drank some iced tea. Now, I am NOT a tea drinker (despite being from the south LOL). I maybe drink a sip of tea every few years. But I drank tea at church one evening and a bit later my heart was racing. I could not sit still. I had to bounce my leg all. the. time. My insides felt all jittery. It was a very unpleasant feeling. After a while, it wore off.


The only thing I can figure is that it was from the tea. Is the caffeine in tea different than that in a soda? I drink caffeinated soda every so often (maybe once a month because I'm more of a Sprite girl when I do drink a soda). But the caffeine in a soda never seems to bother me.


It was really strange. And it felt strange enough that I will probably never drink tea again.

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More than an occasional coffee makes my joints hurt. And 2 cups of coffee will make me jittery.


You know you can train your body to tolerate poisons- people have trained themselves to tolerate deadly snake poison, arsenic, all sorts of things.Small quantities that wont kill you, until you can handle a larger dose The body can adapt to all sorts of things. It doesnt make it good for you, though. When you go off a drug, as caffeine is, you become more sensitive to it. You can build up a tolerance again, though- doesnt make it good for you.

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Six years ago I started drinking two cups of coffee in the morning when my children were babies. Have three in 13 months, I really needed something to help me stay awake to take care of all of them. About two months ago I suddenly developed an extreme sensitivity to caffeine. I literally felt like I would jump out of my skin. It was HORRIBLE! I had no choice but to give it up at that point. I'm 41 years old so it's possible that I'm going into perimenopause and maybe that's why I have this sensitivity now.


I have since discovered a drink called Teechino that I find at Whole Foods Market. It has no caffeine and is actually good for you. I brew it in my coffee pot just like I would regular coffee. Definitely taste more like coffee than tea. I add a little coconut milk and RAW sugar. :tongue_smilie:

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I have heart palpitations if I have more than a cup of coffee. It also happens after about half of a glass of wine. :( I think it is worse with specific brands of coffee. I just stick with decaf to be on the safe side, as long as I don't have more than 3 cups, and I just avoid alcohol for the most part.

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Sad to say, I think I'm becoming more sensitive to caffeine....in that in chocolate. If I have too much chocolate, or coffee, while I have no problem getting to sleep, I don't think I go into a nice deep, restful sleep. I wake up feeling tired and worn out. It seems to be particularly bad w/ dark chocolate M&Ms. I'm not even talking eating one of those small bags. Today I have yet to have any M&Ms. It is difficult. I did have to have a cup of caffeinated tea b/c I'm about to drop where I stand.....which means my sleep will likely be messed up tonight. It's a vicious cycle. I don't drink caffeinated coffee or tea .... only if I'm in dire need.

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I am also sensitive. I can have one cup in the morning of a medium-blend coffee, or a latte. Anything more than that and I will be jittery. Any coffee after noon and I will have problems falling asleep. I can't have dark chocolate (even a small piece) after dinner unless I want to stay up until 1am.


You might want to switch to espresso and make yourself a latte. A shot of espresso has about 1/2 the caffeine as a regular cup of coffee. It might be just the right amount for you. :D


I think the trick with coffee is to have it every day, at the same time. If I forget to drink my coffee in the morning (this rarely happens, haha ;)) I will have a headache after lunch. When I first started drinking coffee, I only drank it at work. It took me months to figure out why I had a huge headache every weekend. :glare:

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