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Here is my basic plan next year for kindergartener (inside). Can you help me decide


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if these are good selections or not?


Math - leaning toward Math-U-See


History/Bible - Veritas press history/Bible cards and SOTW


Reading/Phonics - continuing the Abeka phonics cards and reading in genereal...she reads big books already...should I include something like grammar or spelling this year?


Art - Discovering Great Artists (that book that shows you the techniques of different great artists from different periods)


Writing - Just copying things and practicing letters with me.


What else?

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Looks great! I love FLL also.


How are you with math? Do you need a curriculum to feel more at ease? If so, that is fine. I feel comfortable with math, so I have not used a curriculum and will not until 5 grade. You might be able to save yourself some money by just getting a workbook from Target or Wal-mart. I have used the School Zone series since they follow the NCTM Guidelines.



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I think that is enough. ;) Course, we started out "full steam ahead", but have since changed things up to a more gentle/relaxed approach so take what I have to say through that sort of "filter", if you will...(I have a k4 and a first grader now)...


Is your ker sitting in on History with an older sibling, or are you just wanting to start history now?


I have a ker next year (my second time around) and we are taking things easy. He does history, but only because his older brother is doing it. I don't have him do anything except listen to the stories, use the coloring pages, and he chooses to do the projects with us...he is very hands on. But, I don't expect him to *know*or retain anything at this age, just develop a love of history (through the stories and projects).


Grammar...not yet. This can wait. Same thing with spelling. I know a lot of people don't even start formal programs of these until around 3rd grade. We start ours in first.


Phonics...awesome they are reading already! Continue strengthening those skills by lots of exposure to good books and the phonics program you have been working on.


Math...good choice!


Our kindergarten is going to include math (RS levelA), phonics (Happy Phonics and ETC), history (will sit in with big brother on SOTW vol 2), and Language Lessons for Little Ones vol 2 (includes picture study, reinforcement of phonics, some copywork, and poetry). Oh, and he also does Nature Study for science, art/craft projects, and lots of reading aloud.


Again, we take things slow, but use quality programs. At this young age, I am concentrating on them knowing the 3 R's well, developing a LOVE of learning, having plenty of time for creative endeavors...imaginary play, art/craft projects, drawing, play time, games, ect.


Hope this helps a bit....:D

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Looks good, but I'd wait on history. It is a bit heavy for my K'r that is listening in on big brother's SOTW. I did Galloping the Globe our 1st K year and it was great! It gave both of my boys a much bigger picutre of the world and was fun to boot! :) I'd recommend checking into that. I'd wait on grammar, no need to start then. I did with my 1st and am waiting until 1st grade for my 2nd.

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How about some fun books on science? I've liked the options that Sonlight carries, like the Berenstain Bears Big Book of Science and the Usbourne First Book of Nature We've also enjoyed some books by Robert McClung. He has short chapter books on gorillas, snakes, pandas, etc.




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Keep it simple for K. I repeat (partly for myself) keep it simple for K!!! I've made the mistake of doing to much when kids are young not once but twice. This is what K is going to look like for the the Morning Glory Academy kids that have a mom lucky enough to know what she's doing:


Math - Games and books

Phonics - ETC wherever they're at

Reading - Early readers and read alouds

Science - Exploration

History - May listen to some books from older siblings studies

Handwriting - HWT K

Bible - Beginners Bible, Kingfisher Children's Bible and Book of Mormon Stories

Lots of playing!!!

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This is our K curriculum for our 4 1/2 yo.


We're using OPG for reading (next Rainbow Resource order, I'll probably grab some Explode the Code. everyone here seems to love them. and i used them when i tutored at a huntington learning center.)


We're using Saxon Math 1, which has been going smoothly. Just easing into addition right now.


Zaner-Bloser Level K book with extra practice.


Waiting on Version 3 of RS (but you knew that from my other post:001_smile:)


I'm holding off on history until she's reading more fluently.


Other than that, it's run around town -- swimming at the Y, soccer, piano, art, spanish class, and on and on.


Today has been so gorgeous that I'm starting to think happy thoughts about getting out to the park again someday!!! As in, it may actually happen!

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My 2nd guy is in K now and I keep it pretty light for him. He enjoys some parts of school but really wants to spend most of his time playing outside or with legos. And I'm pretty ok with that....of course he sits in on stuff with my oldest sometimes just because he doesn't want to be left out.


He does:


Reading instruction - OPG and ETC. This is where I put my greatest effort forth to "do school". We spend about 1/2 hour doing OPG and playing a phonics game. ETC is usually 2-3 pages a school day.


Math - my son is math savvy (unlike my oldest) so I don't press him on this. He doesn't do a ton of math but he seems to understand it so intuitively I don't fret over it. He's been doing Singapore Earlybird and is nearly done with 2b. He's also been working on Math U See primer (which I prefer) and is 2/3 done with it. Some days he does 2 pages, some days he tells me he is "a math-madman" and he does 20 pages.


Handwriting - He finished Reason for Handwriting's K book. Today he finished a Kumon handwriting book. I guess now I'll just depend on ETC for handwriting.


For fun: Animal Worlds from Winterpromise. He is crazy about animals and really enjoys the books and crafts.


Other - he sits in on stuff I'm doing with my older guy occasionally because he wants to, but I don't require him to do so.


Good luck - kinder is really fun!

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Right now (dd is 4 yo) we do OPG, ETC, RS math, and read her Bible/devotional and practice French (at lunch). This is about 30 minutes to an hour four days a week, or so. We're also reading about/doing projects on animals and habitats for science. That's it - except for lots of play, games, arts/crafts, and read-alouds. She loves workbooks/activity books so I keep a magazine holder with some workbooks that she can do whenever she wants.


For K - we will do the above and a geography/world cultures study and probably some poetry memorization.

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if these are good selections or not?


Math - leaning toward Math-U-See


History/Bible - Veritas press history/Bible cards and SOTW


Reading/Phonics - continuing the Abeka phonics cards and reading in genereal...she reads big books already...should I include something like grammar or spelling this year?


Art - Discovering Great Artists (that book that shows you the techniques of different great artists from different periods)


Writing - Just copying things and practicing letters with me.


What else?



I would drop history unless he's tagging along with other siblings. And I would choose something more age appropriate for Bible - maybe Leading Little Ones to God, or My ABC Bible Verses.


I add Spelling Workout A about halfway into Kindergarten - it worked nicely, if your child is already reading and comfortable with handwriting,you might be able to start it earlier. I hold off on grammar until first grade and use FLL.


I'll have a kindergartner next year - and the one thing I want to make sure to do, since he is child #3 and it would be easy to let it slide - is to have storytime each day with just the classic kids picture books!

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Here's what we are doing for K


Math-Singapore 1A(we are going through it for the second time), we are also working on skip counting and some basic math facts


LA-HOP, ETC(working on book 3 now), we just added FLL about half way through the year but we only do it 1 or 2 times a weeks


History/Read-Alouds/Bible-Sonlight Core C-this has been a very gentle introduction and my dd has really enjoyed it


Science-we started with a Harcourt first grade text but now are working on the plans I wrote


We do Bible, math and language arts first. If we get to the rest great, if not I don't worry about it, at this point it's only gravy. Hope our experience helps!

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Our kindergarten is going to include math (RS levelA), phonics (Happy Phonics and ETC), history (will sit in with big brother on SOTW vol 2), and Language Lessons for Little Ones vol 2 (includes picture study, reinforcement of phonics, some copywork, and poetry). Oh, and he also does Nature Study for science, art/craft projects, and lots of reading aloud.


Again, we take things slow, but use quality programs. At this young age, I am concentrating on them knowing the 3 R's well, developing a LOVE of learning, having plenty of time for creative endeavors...imaginary play, art/craft projects, drawing, play time, games, ect.


:iagree: Our K year looks a little similar, although we're not doing history. This is ours, I don't know if it helps at all to see what others are doing...



Bible- Leading Little Ones to God by Marian Schooland

Math- Horizons K

Phonics- Sing, Spell, Read & Write K/1



Galloping the Globe with Geography Songs by Audio Memory- older sis will join in with this

Poetry Memorization- The Harp & Laurel Wreath

French songs and games

Themes to Remember

Picture Study with books and games

Fables, Folklore, Fairy Tales read alouds


Of course, crafts and games, nature studies & read alouds for science, etc. He'll join in with what older sis is doing for the most part but we'll be working on character training and developing good habits for the most of K and 1st.


I hope this helps

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If this Kindergartener is your oldest and you decide to not do history (which I didn't do until 1st grade), perhaps you might consider Five in a Row. I used that with my twin K'ers and younger child several years ago and it includes great books, geography, other cultures, art, math concepts, science, and Bible. You can do as much or as little of the activities. My next K'er did SOTW Ancients with her brothers which was fine. I also like a Reason for Handwriting for this age as it was just a letter each day and a coloring page. I also used MUS which we still use. I love the Kindergarten year! Enjoy!




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