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a cat questions for all of you cat mavens on this board

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Last night a cat we have never seen before came into our yard, walked right up to us, and started meowing very earnestly AT US. It was like it was trying to talk to us. I know that sounds crazy but it is true. Anyway, we sat down, gave her a few pats, and she kept looking right at us and MEOWING. We decided to give her some food. She ate it up and then proceeded to go into the house and start exploring. We gently removed her through the side door and shut it with more food/drink outside for her. A minute later she was in the house again - the front door was open and she had walked around the house and let herself in. :001_huh:


So, we gently put her out again and she meowed some more but finally quieted down. This morning she was in the garden again, but now she is gone.


I have never seen a cat behave this way.


How did she choose us? What could she need besides food/water? Could she be pregnant?


I cannot let her live with us because of allergies but I am willing to put food outside.

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When my cats address me like that they have a specific request. It could be food, water, a special treat. If my cats want catnip they go to where I keep it and meow. One of my kitties occasionally demands that I sit down with her until she falls asleep. Maybe your visitor wanted attention? And if she is a she, and a stray, you can bet your life she's preggers.

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I would continue to put food/water outside. I'd also call your humane society &/or put up signs/look for lost pet signs (to see if someone is looking for her).


She could indeed be a stray or abandoned by her humans, in which case, if you can catch her & put her in a cage, a trip to the vet would be a good thing. (They can also scan her for a microchip implant to see if she has an owner.) Get her fixed (if she's not currently pregnant), shots, etc..., then enjoy your new outdoor kitty. :001_smile:

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when we first moved into our house, a cat used to always be waiting in our yard whne we would come home and he would run into the house, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. We found out that he had belonged to the previous owner (she had moved into a nursing home and gave the cat to neighbors). THe cat kept coming into our house until some time later when the neighbors moved and took the cat with them.

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When my cats address me like that they have a specific request. It could be food, water, a special treat.




Each morning, as soon as I get up, one of my two cats will follow me around meowing quite persistently until I sit down to give her a good five minutes of petting time. Cats can be quite loud and determined when there's something they want.

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My oldest dd had been praying for a cat for at least 6 months. I kept telling her that she would have to wait (dh is allergic and I was kind of hoping the issue would go away). Well one well before Christmas 2008, a cat showed up at our front step. She would not leave our yard. Eventually we started leaving food/water out for her and had her fixed. She started sneaking in the house (the kids let her in), but my dh never had a problem with her. We now have a 3 year old fat cat that sleeps with my dd.

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I don't think most cats are particular about who their human slaves are as long as humans in general willingly submit to their demands. The only cats that generally don't understand the proper cat/human dynamic are feral cats. The one you encountered was probably a family cat or former family cat and just looking for some food, water and shelter. I'd probably either call a local shelter or continue feeding it outside and put up some posters. If you live in a cold area then you can build a little shelter for it to stay out of the cold. Here's a link with some different shelters. It might be a nice learning experience for the kids.


And understand that I meant no sarcasm in my post. We ARE their slaves. You've just had the experience that proves it. :)

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And understand that I meant no sarcasm in my post. We ARE their slaves. You've just had the experience that proves it. :)

What is that saying? Dogs have owners, cats have servants. :lol:


We have a visitor cat. He hangs around all the houses in the neighborhood. He likes to make my cats growl and hiss by coming on the porch and staring at them while they sit on the window sills.

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I cannot let her live with us because of allergies but I am willing to put food outside.


That's about what I said three years ago about the week old kitten we found in the back yard, except in his case I had to dropper feed him kitten formula...and hold him...and bathe him...and keep him company when he was lonely.


He's curled up sleeping behind the recliner.

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So what are you going to name your new pet??? :D


Great suggestion to check if someone's looking for this cat and also to make a visit to the vet. Cats choose people more often than the other way around. :)


I was very allergic to cats, but after living with one, the allergies have gone away. It took about six months, but it was worth it - they're great pets and very entertaining!!!

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I was very allergic to cats' date=' but after living with one, the allergies have gone away. It took about six months, but it was worth it - they're great pets and very entertaining!!![/quote']


After the kitten let us know he never had any intention of leaving, I called my allergist's office to request they add cat to my allergy shot serum as I'd told them to not include it because I'd never had a cat.


Turns out they had ignored my request so I'd been receiving it in my shots for two years by then.

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If the cat didn't look overly thin or bedraggled, odds are it was just a neighborhood cat out for a stroll. He probably thought, "Hmm, I could use a snack... Ah, that person right there looks gullible." :) If he doesn't come back, you can be fairly sure he has a home somewhere, because a cat that is lost or homeless would most likely keep returning to such an easy food source.


I wouldn't try to grab him and bring him to the humane society unless you're fairly certain he doesn't have a home. My cat likes to sneak out occasionally during the summer to wander the neighborhood (she's spayed and fully clawed, and has an excellent traffic sense, so we don't get too worked up about it) and at one point someone decided to grab her and bring her to the humane society. Cost us fifty dollars just for the privilege of picking up our cat a day later.

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As with people, the felines too have their beggars. We've got one who comes around our house we call "Meowcat". He just meows and meows constantly. My wife and mother-in-law gave him food once and now he comes over here twice as much!


What they want is food. They have learned that meowing gets people to feed them. Then they either decide to stick around (in hopes of more sympathy and thus more food) or move on to find another sucker...with better food. :lol:

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