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Name that phonics curriculum!


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We are using MFW K and 1st this year (not with the same child LOL), and I do like the phonics instruction. I'm *pondering* a switch to something else next year just so I can combine all of my children rather than doing one MFW with the olders and then MFW 1st with my younger one.


Here is what I'm looking for:


  • Not necessarily scripted, but something very easy to implement - essentially open up and go.
  • Some little games and activities are OK, but they can't be the bulk of the program.
  • The use of workbooks is OK.
  • Not many sight words
  • Readers/reading lists of books included for practice/reinforcement would be GREAT, though I guess if I had to I could just use some of the reader packages from SL. I'm not super particular as to whether it's a reader or a regular book. I'm not crazy about finding books on my own though because I don't want to have to figure out if they can read it yet.
  • CANNOT take a long time to use. I'm thinking like 15 minutes tops per day.
  • Preferably does not make a HUGE use of word families
  • JUST phonics, not an AIO LA program. I've been eyeballing SL, but I wouldn't use more than half of it since we use other things for spelling and writing - why pay for that???

Here is what I have used in the past:


  • Reading Made Easy - it was OK but all the cards got annoying
  • 100 EZ Lessons - it helped with teaching my kids how to blend, but I didn't like it well enough to keep it when they were done with it
  • Bob Jones - too time consuming, plus one ds in particular "learned" how to read by looking at the end of the word first, since they use word families. I had to reteach a LOT of stuff with him. I'm not impressed.
  • MFW - we're liking this pretty well. If need be I'll just keep it, but I'd rather not keep an entire multi-subject curriculum for one subject


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We are using MFW K and 1st this year (not with the same child LOL), and I do like the phonics instruction. I'm *pondering* a switch to something else next year just so I can combine all of my children rather than doing one MFW with the olders and then MFW 1st with my younger one.


Here is what I'm looking for:


  • Not necessarily scripted, but something very easy to implement - essentially open up and go.

  • Some little games and activities are OK, but they can't be the bulk of the program.

  • The use of workbooks is OK.

  • Not many sight words

  • Readers/reading lists of books included for practice/reinforcement would be GREAT, though I guess if I had to I could just use some of the reader packages from SL. I'm not super particular as to whether it's a reader or a regular book. I'm not crazy about finding books on my own though because I don't want to have to figure out if they can read it yet.

  • CANNOT take a long time to use. I'm thinking like 15 minutes tops per day.

  • Preferably does not make a HUGE use of word families

  • JUST phonics, not an AIO LA program. I've been eyeballing SL, but I wouldn't use more than half of it since we use other things for spelling and writing - why pay for that???

Here is what I have used in the past:


  • Reading Made Easy - it was OK but all the cards got annoying

  • 100 EZ Lessons - it helped with teaching my kids how to blend, but I didn't like it well enough to keep it when they were done with it

  • Bob Jones - too time consuming, plus one ds in particular "learned" how to read by looking at the end of the word first, since they use word families. I had to reteach a LOT of stuff with him. I'm not impressed.


  • MFW - we're liking this pretty well. If need be I'll just keep it, but I'd rather not keep an entire multi-subject curriculum for one subject



Phonics Pathways: It isn't scripted, but is so easy to use. It does not use sight words. There aren't any readers, but you can get Reading Pathways for practice. My ds6 usually does 5-10 minutes in Phonics Pathways and 5-10 minutes in Reading Pathways. This is black and white, but I prefer it over OPGTR.


Hooked on Phonics: Open and go. Lessons take 10-20 minutes. It includes readers, as well as stories in the workbook. It does teach some sight words. It is bright and colorful.

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R&S phonics is student workbooks and T.M. IF you don't want sight words, just do not purchase the readers and reading workbook. The T.M. covers both, but the programs do not depend on each other. There are ideas for games in the early units, plus spelling and vocabulary ideas daily. It goes through 1st and 2nd grade.

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Since you are using MFW K which teaches consonant/vowel blending, I would move on to Abeka. Abeka uses the same consonant/vowel blending approach. I used the Abeka Handbook for Reading with the First Grade readers with my ds for the first half of 1st grade. I didn't use the workbooks. He was progressing nicely. Then, I put him in a christian school that used Bob Jones. His decoding skills took a nose dive, and he's had trouble ever since. So I hear you there. I definitely think you could use the Handbook, readers and workbooks without all the extra bells and whistles and be just fine. It didn't take us long at all each day. I do think there are sight words, but you could always break them down and teach them phonetically.

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I did Reading Made Easy with Kat following MFW K - I actually didn't use the cards hardly at all, and it was fine. Then I moved her straight into reading through the list of emergent readers from Heart of Dakota (I just picked up all the books, and have my kids read them in order). It's worked really well for us! She does her own phonics/spelling/handwriting/math, and then joins us for all the rest of our MFW stuff.

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With Phonics Pathways, how would we go about figuring out where to start, since my dd will be done with MFW K at the end of the year (so she should be reading short-vowel one-syllable words)? Or will we have to start at the beginning?


It would be very easy to figure out and start where your daughter needs to start. You don't have to start at the beginning, and you can easily skip what isn't needed.

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We used Phonics Pathways and A Beka's A Handbook for Reading (I had it on hand and she likes the color). We also used Explode the Code. When she completed book 3 and her reading was becoming more fluent (about mid-year), we switched to Spelling Workout B and reading, reading, reading. I think Spelling Workout does an excellent job of reinforcing phonics once they're reading well. If she had needed more phonics, I would have done the 1/2 ETC books and kept doing Phonics Pathways.


I used Rod and Staff with my oldest and it was A LOT. If you want them to know all the dictionary symbols and what each sound is (digraph, dipthong, schwa etc), Rod and Staff is for you. If you're just using phonics to teach reading skills, you can go with ETC.




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Since I love Reading Made Easy, I would vote for that. It's easy, simple, and effective. Just yesterday I was thinking how wonderful RME was while my 5yo ds sat in my lap reading his lesson. It's also time efficient - we do two lessons/week for 10-15 min each.


I don't use the index cards. They annoy me. I just have my dc read the words out of the manual or I write the words on the white board.


My ds does like putting together the index card sentence at the end of each lesson, so I do those. I usually write them during the lesson so they take no extra time.

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I did Reading Made Easy with Kat following MFW K - I actually didn't use the cards hardly at all, and it was fine. Then I moved her straight into reading through the list of emergent readers from Heart of Dakota (I just picked up all the books, and have my kids read them in order). It's worked really well for us! She does her own phonics/spelling/handwriting/math, and then joins us for all the rest of our MFW stuff.


How did you know what order to have her read them in? Did you have the Beyond Little Hearts guide?


Did you just start at the beginning with RME?

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I'm going to...fifth (?) Phonics Pathways. If you get the Reading Pathways, your job is made easy with readers. I had the girls make bookmarks that they keep in the books so they (and I) know exactly where they are. You can spend as much or as little time on each page as you need. Sometimes we spend 15 minutes on half a page, but today we did 3 pages in 15 minutes.


To figure out where to start, I'd just start at the beginning and skip through it for a few days, reading through a little of each skill that she's already mastered. That way you can all get used to the way the book is laid out and she'll feel super confident when she gets to a new skill.


We love the very versatile guidelines for games that are included in the newest edition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry Keer - just now seeing this!


I did start at the very beginning with RME, even though it was super easy for Kat b/c she'd had all of MFW K. I thought it was good reinforcement, and the lessons are set up differently enough that it wasn't a big deal to her at all.


On the HOD website, the Emerging readers are listed in order from easiest to hardest - I just had her start at the beginning and read a little bit each day until the end. Killian has JUST finished reading through them all - I think it helped his reading *tremendously*. Kat is on the 2nd or 3rd book.

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