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Help me brainstorm a short list of Family Rules

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My four year old seems to be a really good rule follower.. so was thinking of coming up with maybe 4 or 5 "family rules" that are short, can be memorized and said quickly if someone "breaks" them.



We do what mom and dad tell us. or We do as we are told. or We use our listening ears.


We do not talk back to mom and dad (but don't know if he will understand "talk back"...) but lately he is doing the "FINE!" and storming off.. trying to address this quickly.


Maybe something about sharing and helping.


Maybe something about trying.


Any ideas?

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My kids are older, but we've taught them that these are "their jobs." They say, "My job is to be responsible, respectful and fun to be around, and to do things right the first time, fast and snappy, Mom's and Dad's way."


You could simplify/modify this for a four year old to something like this:


1. Use your words respectfully. (This covers the "FINE!" thing, in addition to encouraging talking, not acting out, when mad/sad/frustrated.)

2. Treat other people the way you'd like to be treated. (Simplified "Golden Rule.")

3. Do things right the first time, fast and snappy, Mom's and Dad's way.

This is integral to good behavior. The child should know that it's his job to do what he's told quickly and correctly -- the first time.


Most situations are covered by those three. If a child can use his words, be thoughtful of and kind to others, and do things as instructed by his parents, he's doing a good job. :)

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We eat what we are given, or we don’t eat.

Toys, TV and computer are for after school and chores.

We put away the things we use.

We use indoor feet and voices.

We use kind speech and actions with each other.

Mommy & daddy’s room is off limits, unless a parent is with you.


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On the talking back thing, I would simply tell him what you want to hear. It is MUCH easier to give a pat answer than to work against your frustration and come up with AND say the right thing in the right way. In time, of course, he'll have to learn just that; but at four, it's more than reasonable to give him the right answer :)

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We have four basic house rules here:


Obey Your Parents

Be Honest

Be Kind

Be Responsible


Each one is up on a board in our kitchen with a corresponding Bible verse that the kids need to memorize. Works great for the elem. kiddos, since they are easy to remember but also cover a multitude of issues.

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I like having a list of rules with set consequences (well as much as possible kids are creative when they sin so sometimes that requires a creative consequence) I don't think this should be a jam it down their throat kind of thing either but more like a friendly reminder with consequences sometimes. I find if I can I sing to them the reminder it helps me (settles my frustration) and makes it more palatable for them. this is still a work in progress for me. I find doorposts materials helpful for scripture based consequences. http://www.doorposts.com/ I've loved everything I've bought from them.


I will obey the first time I am told eph 6:1

I will not complain phil 2:14

I will be slow to anger prov 14:29

tell the truth prov 12

be quiet prov 10:19

not gossip prov 11:13

not listen to gossip prov 17:4

not tease prov 4:24

not answer back with folly prov 26:4

I will treat other kindly math 7:12

I will cease from strife Prov 20:3

do what is right james 4:!7

I will be positive Prov 17:20

do my chores @ the 3:10

I will do my best eccl 9:10

I will share romans 12:10

I will forgive ephesians 4 :32

not laugh at sin prov 14:9

I will not repay evil prov 24:29

I will not be proud prov 16:18

no be envious prov 27:4

not be jealous prov 6:34

I will be content prov 15:16

I will listen in family devotions and church prov 28:9

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Here's our official family list:


1) No running, jumping, thumping or banging.


2) No yelling. Use your inside (classroom) voices.


3) No snacking without permission.


4) Do not play with the dog





I could probably add a couple more but these are the ones with have the most problems with. If you'll noise really bothers me,

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Our family rule is "The Smith Family Doesn't Pick Their Noses."


It's a start...



That's hilarious! Our very first rule when my son was around 9 months old, was 'don't put your hands in the poop!' It was almost impossible to try to keep his hands out of the way when changing his diaper!

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