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I am so excited!!!!

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I know this probably won't be exciting for anyone but me...but I have to share. I got a call from the hematologist today. Last week, they crushed my hopes of taking Prometrium due to my genetic clotting factors. However, today they called and said that they had sought the help of a specialist at Vanderbilt University because my case was so unique. The doctor said she had great news for me...I CAN take the meds!!!! I am so excited. I have dealt with female issues for 2 years now and all the doctors stood around wringing their hands on what to do. Finally...an answer to a prayer! Like I said, I know this probably won't matter to a single soul here but me...but I kindly thank you for allowing me to share. :001_smile:




To clairify: I have had abnormal menstrual cycles for the last 2 years. They include spotting, heavy flow, the whole 9. In the midst of all this, doctors wanted to put me on BCPs, and then found out I had a relative (great grandpa) who had a stroke at 29. That scared them and they did some genetic testing. Come to find out, I have 2 gene mutations (MTHFR and Prothrombin aka Factor II) that cause me to be at a 3 fold increased risk of DVT, PE, strokes, heart attacks...all the "fun" stuff. I saw a hematologist to try to address these issues and he was just telling me "I don't know." Apparently, my case was unique. This natural progesterone idea could really help my cycles and keep me from having to have surgery or an ablation at the age of 30...but the clotting issues were a fear for my hematologist. He originally told me "no." But he was so interested in my case that he contacted some specialists in genetics and such and has now signed off on me taking the meds. They found that natural progesterone without estrogen does NOT increase my risk of clotting any further than it already is. Praise God!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I know this probably won't be exciting for anyone but me...but I have to share. I got a call from the hematologist today. Last week, they crushed my hopes of taking Prometrium due to my genetic clotting factors. However, today they called and said that they had sought the help of a specialist at Vanderbilt University because my case was so unique. The doctor said she had great news for me...I CAN take the meds!!!! I am so excited. I have dealt with female issues for 2 years now and all the doctors stood around wringing their hands on what to do. Finally...an answer to a prayer! Like I said, I know this probably won't matter to a single soul here but me...but I kindly thank you for allowing me to share. :001_smile:


I am thrilled for you, I hope it helps!

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:grouphug:We care, and I hope it works too.


I know this probably won't be exciting for anyone but me...but I have to share. I got a call from the hematologist today. Last week, they crushed my hopes of taking Prometrium due to my genetic clotting factors. However, today they called and said that they had sought the help of a specialist at Vanderbilt University because my case was so unique. The doctor said she had great news for me...I CAN take the meds!!!! I am so excited. I have dealt with female issues for 2 years now and all the doctors stood around wringing their hands on what to do. Finally...an answer to a prayer! Like I said, I know this probably won't matter to a single soul here but me...but I kindly thank you for allowing me to share. :001_smile:
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To clairify: I have had abnormal menstrual cycles for the last 2 years. They include spotting, heavy flow, the whole 9. In the midst of all this, doctors wanted to put me on BCPs, and then found out I had a relative (great grandpa) who had a stroke at 29. That scared them and they did some genetic testing. Come to find out, I have 2 gene mutations (MTHFR and Prothrombin aka Factor II) that cause me to be at a 3 fold increased risk of DVT, PE, strokes, heart attacks...all the "fun" stuff. I saw a hematologist to try to address these issues and he was just telling me "I don't know." Apparently, my case was unique. This natural progesterone idea could really help my cycles and keep me from having to have surgery or an ablation at the age of 30...but the clotting issues were a fear for my hematologist. He originally told me "no." But he was so interested in my case that he contacted some specialists in genetics and such and has now signed off on me taking the meds. They found that natural progesterone without estrogen does NOT increase my risk of clotting any further than it already is. Praise God!

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