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So....Did anyone else see Percy Jackson today? (Possible spoiler)

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My dh was the only one who liked it! Because he hadn't read the book.:glare:


I'm so wildly disappointed. It has put me in a bad mood.


I don't think the people who wrote the script for the movie read the same book we did. Ugh.


We spent the ride home from the theater list all the things that were wrong. I don't mind that scripts are adapted from books. I don't mind when they omit secondary story lines or specific details. But this was beyond ridiculous.


I'm curious to see what other people thought of it. I don't want to add lots of details because I don't want to wreck it for people who still want to give it a try.

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I'm so sorry to hear that. DS will be so disappointed. :sad:


He already pointed out a few things in the trailer that he said were "not right," but I was hoping it was just a case of the actors not being how he pictured them, or the screenwriter just taking a few small liberties. It sounds more like Desperaux, where the movie was an ENTIRELY different story from the book ~ we're were all incredibly disappointed with that one.


Why oh why do screenwriters think that the best thing to do with a wonderfully written, beloved book is to completely rewrite it???? :cursing:



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My ds10 is reading the book right now to prepare to see the movie. He will be very disappointed! He was so angry at Spiderwick Chronicles that he wanted to go in and change the script to accurately depict the books. I don't get why they don't follow the book- they did select it for a reason:confused:. Well, I am sure we will see it, and it will open up a great discussion!


Thanks for the heads-up!

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We just got home.


The basic story line is the same, but they did condense and change/leave out many things to get through the movie. If your kids can keep that in mind, it will be more enjoyable. I tried to prepare my kids and encouraged them to appreciate it as just the movie. They still were disappointed that certain things were left out. The mom sitting beside me hadn't read the book and I could tell she really enjoyed it.


I would definitely recommend this movie, but you have to be prepared that it isn't the same.


BTW, I hadn't checked the list of actors ahead of time. Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean were a nice surprise. :) Also, Brandon T. Jackson was an enjoyable Grover.

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They took an innocent, fun story and filled it with suggestive material. I could not believe it. I'm actually quite peeved and disappointed.


Raini, you have a point. The Lotus Casino was depicted as a modern casino for adults. Plus, there were some adult type jokes in the movie. In my opinion many children's movies are actually written for adults. Igor comes to mind. I didn't find the suggestive material overpowering in this movie seeing as the book was written for a tween audience. But yeah, it's there.

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We have not read the book but I plan on seeing it Monday, if there is no public school, and then do a literature comparison between when we read the book. I think that every time I have read a book and then seen the movie I have been disappointed. Red October, John Grisham books, The Da Vinci Code....DH doesn't like to read so he lives without the disappointment.:D

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They took an innocent, fun story and filled it with suggestive material. I could not believe it. I'm actually quite peeved and disappointed.



I had not read the book, but my dd had. I cannot believe the amount of suggestive material, and really ticked that they had a grown female coming on to a seemingly teen character. I know he may not be a teen in the story, but they did not make that clear in the movie. Way out of line, IMHO!

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Yeah, the casino was not the same, but it was Grover's character at the casino that was...just NOT Grover. So unnecessary. And the scene in the underworld with Grover? (not saying the other character's name since it was so different from the book.)


Percy and Annabeth...I know they get together in future books, but again, attraction based on her looks was the first thing introduced. Again, yuck.

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The part I was angriest about was that Persephone was with Hades (the story takes place in summer) and that Hades wanted the lightening bolt. It was a big part of the book that he felt he had enough souls to deal with and wasn't interested in the war.

Personally, I was really looking forward to seeing Ares. Bummer.

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Ds and I saw it today. I think the script was average to bad, but Logan Lerman did a good job as Percy. It's hard to separate from the books because I adore the books. The movie was acceptable as a movie, but they still changed some things I wouldn't have.


I wrote a review on my Wakefield blog and have been pondering it. I feel like I saw the Cliff notes version.


If you go to see it make sure you stay after the credits start. There is a GREAT scene that plays in the middle of the credits.


I hold out hope as I think the casting was good, but the next script needs some work.


ETA: I think one of the things missing from the movie was this. The books made me want to learn more about Greek mythology, it made what we had been studying more "real". The movie misses many of those opportunities.

Edited by elegantlion
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The part I was angriest about was that Persephone was with Hades (the story takes place in summer) and that Hades wanted the lightening bolt. It was a big part of the book that he felt he had enough souls to deal with and wasn't interested in the war.

Personally, I was really looking forward to seeing Ares. Bummer.


No Ares? Is his character implied as the one who was causing problems, or did they change it to Hades being the thief? I was prepared for some changes, even ones that I thought were significant, but the absence of him is disappointing.


Is the last scene with (gosh his name is slipping; too lazy to get up) Luke (?) in the movie, and the prophecy?

Edited by Shawna in Texas
remembered Luke's name
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The part I was angriest about was that Persephone was with Hades (the story takes place in summer) and that Hades wanted the lightening bolt. It was a big part of the book that he felt he had enough souls to deal with and wasn't interested in the war.

Personally, I was really looking forward to seeing Ares. Bummer.


Yeah. I looked at DD and said, "Isn't it June 21st? Why is Persephone there??"


They also made the gods "nicer". They just weren't like that.

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We just got home.


The basic story line is the same, but they did condense and change/leave out many things to get through the movie. If your kids can keep that in mind, it will be more enjoyable. I tried to prepare my kids and encouraged them to appreciate it as just the movie. They still were disappointed that certain things were left out. The mom sitting beside me hadn't read the book and I could tell she really enjoyed it.


I would definitely recommend this movie, but you have to be prepared that it isn't the same.


BTW, I hadn't checked the list of actors ahead of time. Pierce Brosnan and Sean Bean were a nice surprise. :) Also, Brandon T. Jackson was an enjoyable Grover.


Sean Bean is always a nice surprise. lol

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The rule in our house is you must reda the book first. Dh and I broke it and went to see the movie last night (I'm always disappointed in movies because the books are sooooo.much.better. so this time I decided to just go and enjoy the movie first). I enjoyed the movie.


As someone who had not previously read the book, I found the movie to be a lot of fun. As a mother previewing for my kids...I did not appreciate the "suggestiveness" and I didn't particulary like that Percy was rewarded at the end of the movie for disobyeing orders and leaving camp instead of being held responsible for his actions. That is enough that I may not take my kids - jury's still out on that one. But, we do plan on reading the book together when we get to Ancient Greece in about 3 weeks. I was hoping the movie would be a fun treat after reading the book. I guess I'll decide after we read the book if the movie would be worth it then for good discussion material.


I was surprised so many people on this forum recommended the book, glad to know the book is not as suggestive as the movie!:001_smile:

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No Ares? Is his character implied as the one who was causing problems, or did they change it to Hades being the thief? I was prepared for some changes, even ones that I thought were significant, but the absence of him is disappointing.


Is the last scene with (gosh his name is slipping; too lazy to get up) Luke (?) in the movie, and the prophecy?


That's what I was thinking, too. How could there be no Ares? I knew they would change some things, but that's ridiculous. I haven't made it to see the movie yet, but now I almost wish I hadn't read the book first. :confused:

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I went in to the movie expecting changes, so most of those didn't bug me too much (I wish it'd been closer to the book, but had prepared myself and the kids for all the changes). But they lost me at the Lotus Eaters' casino. All the women--- Grover being surrounded by a dozen pawing hotties... it was just toooooo much.


I missed Clarisse too!


They took an innocent, fun story and filled it with suggestive material. I could not believe it. I'm actually quite peeved and disappointed.


:iagree: The suggestive content was just ... silly. There was zero reason for it to be there - it was over the top, and it looked sadly forced and out of place.


I know that Grover is a satyr, so the behavior is "normal" for one of his kind - but it wasn't in the book, and it didn't add anything to the movie, so... why was it there? So obviously?



Yeah. I looked at DD and said, "Isn't it June 21st? Why is Persephone there??"


:lol: That hadn't occurred to me! lol She should've been on her way home, lol!


That's what I was thinking, too. How could there be no Ares? I knew they would change some things, but that's ridiculous. I haven't made it to see the movie yet, but now I almost wish I hadn't read the book first. :confused:


Luke was the thief. (I read the book so long ago, I couldn't remember how exactly it happened in the book)

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No Ares. I was bummed! The writers just changed so much that didn't need to be changed. The kids (no longer 12 yos by the way) had to search for the pearls that were freely given by Percy's dad. The never went to the Tunnel of Love. I guess I figured because it was directed by the same director that did HP and the Sorcerer's Stone it would be closer to the book.


My youngest was very disappointed that he didn't get to see Cerberus. And the Minotaur scene scared him. I'm a huge Kill Bill fan though, so I was happy to see Uma playing Medusa.

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