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SNOWPOCALYPSE photos...post here!

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It's still snowing here - that picture was from 6am






Right now I have 30+ inches on the deck (kids tried to stick a yard stick in without actually WALKING on the deck because the snow is so heavy and got it to 30 and then couldn't reach anymore)


We have light snow right now - but some of the drifts are above my waist (40" or so)

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This pics aren't very good, but they do show how close the tree came to my son's Jeep! That's the very same place the basketball hoop came down a while ago, again, missing his car by 2 inches.


We have several holly trees snapped off from the top--basically any tree with leaves, except our towering magnolias, was weighed down or broken. We have a LOT of trees on our wooded property.

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This was taken this morning with another 6 inches still to fall.


The bird feeder was very popular today. I think it was due to the fancy hat it was sporting!


In the center of this picture is our chicken house. For scale, it is about 6 feet tall.


The view from through our basement doors. This was strange. This morning these doors only had a couple of inches covering the glass. I went outside and completely cleared the area around these doors. I cleared the entire area down to the concrete, which is about 10 inches below the glass. This photo was taken about 3 hours later! There was much more snow against the doors *after* I cleared it. I guess I messed up the aerodynamics! :tongue_smilie:


The sun came out before sundown! The two bumps just to the right of the holly bush are the Weber grills we made pizza on this summer.











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The snow pictures are incredible and beautiful. Goodness, I'm in Michigan and I've not seen snow built up like that in years! What a storm. That's too bad about the broken bushes and trees; that's always the sad part. But I hope you all are enjoying it as best you can. Stay warm!

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From southern VA; we ended up with an additional 10-12" of snow, and what we got last weekend is still on the ground. We reached 40 this afternoon, and much has melted off the trees.


I'm thankful for neighbors who plow the driveways on our street; I wasn't thinking when I parked my car before our first storm in December, and it took me two weeks to get it out of the snow.


Very considerate of the deer to stay in my picture too.


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I'm also in MI and it's been years since we've had snowstorms like this, but I do remember them. Seems we get more of the Canadian cold temps now. Amazing the difference across the country, when we usually have lots of snow.

Ksva - what a beautiful area you live in.

Thanks to everyone for sharing these pics. Even though the snow is burdensome and can cause major problems, nature's transformation is so beautiful.

Hope all of you are safe and warm!

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Hey, I have a pic of my kids in that same shark (from your aquarium post)! We haven't been there in a few years... might have to make another field trip sometime soon. I bet my kids would love it - most of them were too young to remember the first trip.


Sorry - I know this isn't snow-related at all! Although, there are a few pics of last weeks snow on my blog.


I am SO ready for spring!

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Virginians - do you all usually get any snow? I thought if you did, it was minimal. Are the homes built to deal with all of this? How about flooding in the spring?


The pictures are absolutely beautiful! You have gotten more snow in these past few days than we have gotten all winter so far!

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Virginians - do you all usually get any snow? I thought if you did, it was minimal. Are the homes built to deal with all of this? How about flooding in the spring?


I'm in southern VA, about two hours north of Greensboro, NC. Our annual snowfall averages 19". We've had at least 3' so far. The past several years have had lower than average snowfall, so this is a big adjustment. I am from Denver and Colorado Springs, I'm used to snow in suburbia. The rural counties here just can't get/keep the roads sufficiently cleared. On top of that, I live a mile down a narrow, twisty, hilly private street, and if I could get out of my driveway (!), I still have to navigate my street before hitting the county roads.


For the most part, flooding's not an issue. We get large rainstorms and will occasionally have flood warnings, but don't have large scale problems. The snow melts in between storms (for the most part!), so it's not like all of it is running off just in the spring. Creeks have been full all year, as it's also not unusual to have plenty of winter rains.

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Virginians - do you all usually get any snow? I thought if you did, it was minimal. Are the homes built to deal with all of this? How about flooding in the spring?


The pictures are absolutely beautiful! You have gotten more snow in these past few days than we have gotten all winter so far!

We're in the tidewater and we get lots of flooding, but it usually goes as quickly as it comes. Until recently (housing boom) none of the houses here were slab built and any with basements were on hills because we are at water level. We'll be a little swampy while this mess melts, but we're all used to it.


The amount of snow does seem unusual, but I think it depends on how far back you can remember. We had some winters like this when I was younger (there are pictures of me at five in a decent sized igloo). So, while it's not always like this, there does seem to be a cycle (about 10 years). The winter of 95' was like this too.

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I'm glad to hear you all are somewhat used to it. I really didn't think you had much snow and after looking at all those pics, I was worried about you all! I was picturing beautiful, old, wonderful homes with little insulation, small electric wall furnaces, and one small, red, plastic shovel. Glad I was wrong - I was seriously nervous for all of you.

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