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You know how some days you love your hubby so much that you refrain from killing him?

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When he clearly deserves it? Today is one of those days. I went to sleep at midnight last night. My hubby woke me up (on purpose) when he came to bed at 3:00. The cardinal rule in my house is don't wake up mom unless the house is bruning down and then only if you can't get her out of the house without waking her up. I never went back to sleep and now every muscle in my body is screaming, I am exhausted and I still haven't managed to get my prescription filled. This is all said tongue in cheek as I am managing to maintain an amazing sense of humor about the whole thing but I guarantee, somehow, someway, that man will pay today. :tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, my story is not that extreme but...


On Sunday after church, my dh took a LONG nap on the couch right there in the middle of the living room. No one bothered him or spoke to him.


Later in the day I went to take a nap IN MY BED away from everyone. He came into the room, not even looking to see if I was awake or not. He was loudly announcing some non-essential information about some mess made by a dog or something, I don't even remember. Why am I not allowed to take a nap????

Edited by teeleigh2000
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I'm sorry! I understand.....I think it is harder for women to go back to sleep than men. I know that my husband can be asleep in two seconds flat. Me, it takes more like 15 minutes or more. If I'm woken up in the middle of the night, I have lots of trouble going back to sleep.


It's exactly the opposite here, so I don't think it's a male/female thing.

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My big grrr time was when I found out dh had left a whole pack of gum in his shirt pocket and it went through the washer. Thankfully it all came out in the wash (ha ha) and none of it got into the dryer. And thankfully I had washed it in cold water. It was hard enough to scrape the gum out; I can't imagine how bad it would have been if it had been washed in warm or hot. Would have really gummed up the works. :tongue_smilie:


On the plus side, our laundry room had a nice minty smell for a week! :lol:




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When he clearly deserves it? Today is one of those days. I went to sleep at midnight last night. My hubby woke me up (on purpose) when he came to bed at 3:00. The cardinal rule in my house is don't wake up mom unless the house is bruning down and then only if you can't get her out of the house without waking her up. I never went back to sleep and now every muscle in my body is screaming, I am exhausted and I still haven't managed to get my prescription filled. This is all said tongue in cheek as I am managing to maintain an amazing sense of humor about the whole thing but I guarantee, somehow, someway, that man will pay today. :tongue_smilie:

I am so sorry that happened. Dh has done it to me too. When he was a volunteer fire fighter he would wake me up on occasion when there was a late night call out. He would come home and I'd be wide awake (sometimes for days). But how can I blame him for going to help people who badly need help?


I hope you are able to get some good sleep soon.

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When he clearly deserves it? Today is one of those days. I went to sleep at midnight last night. My hubby woke me up (on purpose) when he came to bed at 3:00. The cardinal rule in my house is don't wake up mom unless the house is bruning down and then only if you can't get her out of the house without waking her up. I never went back to sleep and now every muscle in my body is screaming, I am exhausted and I still haven't managed to get my prescription filled. This is all said tongue in cheek as I am managing to maintain an amazing sense of humor about the whole thing but I guarantee, somehow, someway, that man will pay today. :tongue_smilie:


We have that same problem in this house. I really love it when he gets upset that I move to the couch after about an hour of lying in bed wide awake after he has woken me up. :001_huh:

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When he clearly deserves it? Today is one of those days. I went to sleep at midnight last night. My hubby woke me up (on purpose) when he came to bed at 3:00. The cardinal rule in my house is don't wake up mom unless the house is bruning down and then only if you can't get her out of the house without waking her up. I never went back to sleep and now every muscle in my body is screaming, I am exhausted and I still haven't managed to get my prescription filled. This is all said tongue in cheek as I am managing to maintain an amazing sense of humor about the whole thing but I guarantee, somehow, someway, that man will pay today. :tongue_smilie:



That's right.... Gitt em' girl! :lol: I'm thinking dishing for a week! :D....

I could have written the title of this thread myself.... just ask my sister in law! She knows all about it! :D.....

Oh and I think you need to take the day off and nap;)

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This is all said tongue in cheek as I am managing to maintain an amazing sense of humor about the whole thing but I guarantee, somehow, someway, that man will pay today. :tongue_smilie:


OMG! That is hilarious! I go through similar things...like dog food. My dh LOVES to feed he dogs at night, even though they have never eaten the food at night. What happens? Guess what the first this is that the baby goes for in the morning? Yup! Dog food, and guess who cleans it up? Yup....from this morning on...HIM! :tongue_smilie:


. He was loudly announcing some non-essential information about some mess made by a dog or something, I don't even remember. Why am I not allowed to take a nep????


My dh has done this too....all I do is glare and ignore him :tongue_smilie:


Like now he is going on and on about the snow we are supposed to get, not paying attention to the fact that I am typing! :glare: He even is turning the monitor so I can see the projected amounts on the map. Yes, he is going to school for weather. I can't wait for it to be done so he can be at work talking about weather! :tongue_smilie::D



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When he clearly deserves it? Today is one of those days. I went to sleep at midnight last night. My hubby woke me up (on purpose) when he came to bed at 3:00. The cardinal rule in my house is don't wake up mom unless the house is bruning down and then only if you can't get her out of the house without waking her up. I never went back to sleep and now every muscle in my body is screaming, I am exhausted and I still haven't managed to get my prescription filled. This is all said tongue in cheek as I am managing to maintain an amazing sense of humor about the whole thing but I guarantee, somehow, someway, that man will pay today. :tongue_smilie:


I think I may have you beat. Try waking up at 3am everynight for 2.5 years to someone screaming that something is attacking them. Gets your adrenaline going and then I never go back to sleep. Dh has night terrors every night sometimes 2-3 times per night. I haven't gotten a full night sleep in FOREVER! Oh, and yes we have been to a sleep specialist and no the many meds he has been given DON"T WORK!

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I think I may have you beat. Try waking up at 3am everynight for 2.5 years to someone screaming that something is attacking them. Gets your adrenaline going and then I never go back to sleep. Dh has night terrors every night sometimes 2-3 times per night. I haven't gotten a full night sleep in FOREVER! Oh, and yes we have been to a sleep specialist and no the many meds he has been given DON"T WORK!


My SIL has night terrors and it drives my dd crazy. I have to admit though, some of the stories are hilarious. :lol:

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Try being awakened at 2 a.m. every night because your DH has leaped out of bed to engage in a squirt gun battle & chase with the cat.


I brought the cats into the marriage. Cat #1 wanted to sleep in our bed. DH said no cats in the bed. He shut the bedroom door. Cat #1 sat outside meowing to get in for hours on end.


So I buy 2 squirt guns one day because I think squirt gun battles are fun. DH decides to go after the cat with the squirt gun, sure that she will give up on wanting to sleep in our room once she sees that she will get soaked if she continues.


Night after night, he gets up to chase the cat around. Well, the cat is not stupid. She loves this game! She stops meowing at the bedroom door, except to wake up DH at 2 a.m.


This goes on for a couple of weeks. I am not happy that my cat is smarter than the man I married.


End result: The cat wins when DH finally realizes that maybe I'm right, that the cat enjoys this game. Not only that, she trains DH to come home from work, immediately lie on the bed in his suit and tie, and she climbs onto his chest, and he pets her for a good half hour. His suits are covered in cat hair, but my usually fastidious clothes horse DH doesn't mind.


Next thing I know, he's buying the most expensive, exotic cat foods for her to try. She turns up her nose at most of them, but really loves the Gerber lamb and veal baby foods he brings to tempt her palate.


Then he comes home with a $300 (!) cat tree he got at some overpriced boutique pet store in Cambridge. This was 20 years ago, so it was really expensive! Made a good place for me to stash library books.


At least the DH v. Cat squirt gun battles stopped.

Edited by RoughCollie
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My husband wakes me up M - F at 5:00 a.m. to say goodbye and tell me he loves me. It seems really bad form to kill a man for waking you up to tell you he loves you, but if he really loved me wouldn't he leave a note and let me sleep?!?

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Try being awakened at 2 a.m. every night because your DH has leaped out of bed to engage in a squirt gun battle & chase with the cat.


I brought the cats into the marriage. Cat #1 wanted to sleep in our bed. DH said no cats in the bed. He shut the bedroom door. Cat #1 sat outside meowing to get in for hours on end.


So I buy 2 squirt guns one day because I think squirt gun battles are fun. DH decides to go after the cat with the squirt gun, sure that she will give up on wanting to sleep in our room once she sees that she will get soaked if she continues.


Night after night, he gets up to chase the cat around. Well, the cat is not stupid. She loves this game! She stops meowing at the bedroom door, except to wake up DH at 2 a.m.


This goes on for a couple of weeks. I am not happy that my cat is smarter than the man I married.


End result: The cat wins when DH finally realizes that maybe I'm right, that the cat enjoys this game. Not only that, she trains DH to come home from work, immediately lie on the bed in his suit and tie, and she climbs onto his chest, and he pets her for a good half hour. His suits are covered in cat hair, but my usually fastidious clothes horse DH doesn't mind.


Next thing I know, he's buying the most expensive, exotic cat foods for her to try. She turns up her nose at most of them, but really loves the Gerber lamb and veal baby foods he brings to tempt her palate.


Then he comes home with a $300 (!) cat tree he got at some overpriced boutique pet store in Cambridge. This was 20 years ago, so it was really expensive! Made a good place for me to stash library books.


At least the DH v. Cat squirt gun battles stopped.

It sounds to me like your DH likes the squirt gun battles with the cat too. Your DH and cat have a funny relationship. I think they are squirt gun buddies. :lol:

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