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Dr. Hive! Need advice!! DS-14 sick again -fever & exhausted with no other symptoms.

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No energy, no appetite, 102-103 degree fever.


I am really worried about mono. Is there always a sore throat with that?


When he is sick, he pushes himself really hard and he won't tell us he is sick because he doesn't want to miss hockey or his words: "be a baby."


Saturday, he wasn't himself. One of his hockey teams had a bad loss and we thought he was being unusually down on himself. He came home and went right to bed (it was late anyway) but he didn't even eat and he was talking about how discouraged he was with hockey, himself, etc...


Sunday, he spent on the couch. He said he didn't feel like doing anything and we took it as a bad game hangover. :) Sunday afternoon, he had a game and dh said the other goalie started and DS sat in the middle of the bench with his head down. The other goalie got pulled and DS went in and played well. (Team lost 10-3)


DH said he came out of the locker room and walked straight to the car without saying anything. When DH caught up with him, he looked pale, with really dark circles under his eyes and he said he just wanted to go home and rest until his other team's practice. They got home & I saw him & took his temp. It was 103. No practice, obviously.


Yesterday, he was on the couch or in bed the whole day. Had 1 ladle full of soup, grilled cheese and gatorade. When he was in bed, he said he wanted to come downstairs but was too tired to do it. Temp was 102-103 thru the day.


Now, I am waiting for him to wake up. If he still has a fever I am calling the doc.


Since he started school in the fall, he has been really sick 3 times (this is the third). In Oct, it was probably H1N1. Then this month, he had a double ear infection, sinus infection & double eye infection (all at once.) Now this. I am really worried about him.


Please, please tell me there is just some random virus that is going around with just a fever and being tired.


Any thoughts??

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When I had mono I had a fever, was very weak and tired, didn't want to eat or drink. I felt lousy, just laid around. It was hard to concentrate on anything. I felt like this for about a week and then slowly started to get some energy back. It was almost 3 weeks total before I started to feel normal again. My side was also swollen and very tender. I think I lost about 20 pounds in the 1-2 weeks I was laying around the house.


I hope that it is just a little virus and not mono, but you will all make it through which ever it turns out to be.

Edited by Lacie
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When I had mono in college, I was tired, weak, had a headache, and felt everything took so much energy. I had a fever too. I didn't stop because I was in college and had so much to do with exams coming. I wound up going to the hospital with a swollen liver. It took longer to recover because I kept pushing.

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It kind of just sounds like a random virus to me. If he had the same syptoms all three times, I might would take him in. But the other two times, he was diagnosed with totally different things. If it were mono, wouldn't it be ongoing with the same symptoms? Possibly with no break in between?


DD5 had a run of "bad luck" when she was around 3 years old. Every few weeks she was getting some sort of new illness. She ended up with like 3 or 4 different things within about 3 or 4 months and we were at the doctor several time. For some reason, she was just more prone to catching things right about that time. She hasnt really been sick since.

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When I had mono at 19, it weakened my immune system so that I caught every bug I came in contact with. I had it (mono) for a total of 6 months (had it, began to recover, had a relapse).


Mono gave me fever, lethargy, and the loss of appetite that normally comes with it. In addition, mono brought me 'gifts' over that 6 month period that included three bouts of strep throat, three bouts of good old-fashioned tonsillitis, multiple ear infections, pink eye twice (different eyes!), and cat scratch fever (I literally laughed out loud at that one, because I thought it was only a song!). The upside was that I got through my college history classes in a fog (I hated history back then!) and the doctor offered me a job in his office because of getting to know me so well because of all my visits. :tongue_smilie:


I really hope your ds doesn't have mono, but if he does, rest, rest, and more rest. Hard to do and still live life, I know.

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When he got up he had a 102.8 fever. Called the doc & got an appt.


DS tried to take a shower and almost passed out. He was able to stumble out of the shower and sit on the toilet. I heard all this crashing & banging and when I went to the door, he called me in this voice I'd never heard before. I think he scared himself & he sure scared me!


We went to the doc. Negative strep test. Only things significant besides the fever were swollen lymph nodes so he ordered blood work including mono test. Doc said he hasn't seen the flu yet and the viruses he is seeing are coupled with vomitting and diarhea.


Please pray if you are the praying type or sending good thoughts if you can.


I am worried about mono.


I am worried about school. This is the third major illness. All his absences were 3 or more days and I am wondering about what the school will say.


I am worried about DS if he has mono. He is not one to stay on the couch. I also can't see him willingly giving up hockey for the last weeks of the season without a big ordeal.

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When he got up he had a 102.8 fever. Called the doc & got an appt.


DS tried to take a shower and almost passed out. He was able to stumble out of the shower and sit on the toilet. I heard all this crashing & banging and when I went to the door, he called me in this voice I'd never heard before. I think he scared himself & he sure scared me!


We went to the doc. Negative strep test. Only things significant besides the fever were swollen lymph nodes so he ordered blood work including mono test. Doc said he hasn't seen the flu yet and the viruses he is seeing are coupled with vomitting and diarhea.


Please pray if you are the praying type or sending good thoughts if you can.


I am worried about mono.


I am worried about school. This is the third major illness. All his absences were 3 or more days and I am wondering about what the school will say.


I am worried about DS if he has mono. He is not one to stay on the couch. I also can't see him willingly giving up hockey for the last weeks of the season without a big ordeal.


I am the praying type and I will definitely say a prayer for your son.


I am really glad that your doctor ordered blood work. Do you know if he ordered a CBC /complete blood count and CMP /comprehensive metabolic panal? I would want both if I were you.


I do not want to scare you but your son is expressing many of the symptoms that my son had when he was diagnosed with Leukemia.


When diagnosed my son was running a fever, was very pale, severely lethargic and had swollen lymph nodes. He was also having pains in his legs around his shin area and he had pin point bruises (petichiae).


Come to fine out he was severly anemic because the Leukemia cells were crowding out his red blood cells. The symptoms of low red blood cells are lethargy and very pale skin. He had the petichiae because his platelets were also being crowded out. Platelets cause the blood to clot so the syptoms of low platelets can be unexplained bruising or petichiae.


Leukemia cells can also crowd out White blood cells which fight infections. The result of this is a weakened immune system therefore enabling viruses/bacteria to take hold. Another common symptom among Leukemia patients is recurrent infections.


There are many other things that can cause your sons' symptoms so please try not to panic (easier said than done I know). I just want you to be aware of the simularity in the symptoms my son had when he was diagnosed with Leukemia and the symptoms your son has now. Knowledge is power and the more you have the better prepared you will be to help your son.


Definitely make sure that your doctor ordered a CBC and a CMP. I'm assuming he did. The CBC will show his RBC, WBC, Platelets, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Segs, Bands, etc. It will also show his ANC (absolute neutrophil count). The ANC measures how strong the immune system is at that time. The ANC won't be listed on the CBC but it can be figured. I'm assuming your doctor knows how to figure the ANC. If not, I can tell you how to figure it but you would need a copy of the CBC. The CMP will check things like liver function, kidney function, etc.


Just breath. Odds are everything is fine. Many less scary things can cause these symptoms. I just wanted to make you aware of this just in case. Prayers are definitely coming your way. Please keep us updated. :grouphug:

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When I had mono my fever was much lower but constant.


There is a virus going around that is pretty much what you described - fever in that range, no other symptoms. Dd got over it last week, Ds has it now. In ds's case, once his fever went away, he got a bad cough. Oh - and he was really dizzy too. In his case, I'm quite sure his ears were the cause.


I'm glad that you went to the Dr. I hope he's better soon.


(Oh - and if you aren't already I would make sure that he is taking 1000 mg of vitamin C every day).

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I am the praying type and I will definitely say a prayer for your son.


I am really glad that your doctor ordered blood work. Do you know if he ordered a CBC /complete blood count and CMP /comprehensive metabolic panal? I would want both if I were you.


I do not want to scare you but your son is expressing many of the symptoms that my son had when he was diagnosed with Leukemia.


When diagnosed my son was running a fever, was very pale, severely lethargic and had swollen lymph nodes. He was also having pains in his legs around his shin area and he had pin point bruises (petichiae).


Come to fine out he was severly anemic because the Leukemia cells were crowding out his red blood cells. The symptoms of low red blood cells are lethargy and very pale skin. He had the petichiae because his platelets were also being crowded out. Platelets cause the blood to clot so the syptoms of low platelets can be unexplained bruising or petichiae.


Leukemia cells can also crowd out White blood cells which fight infections. The result of this is a weakened immune system therefore enabling viruses/bacteria to take hold. Another common symptom among Leukemia patients is recurrent infections.


There are many other things that can cause your sons' symptoms so please try not to panic (easier said than done I know). I just want you to be aware of the simularity in the symptoms my son had when he was diagnosed with Leukemia and the symptoms your son has now. Knowledge is power and the more you have the better prepared you will be to help your son.


Definitely make sure that your doctor ordered a CBC and a CMP. I'm assuming he did. The CBC will show his RBC, WBC, Platelets, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Segs, Bands, etc. It will also show his ANC (absolute neutrophil count). The ANC measures how strong the immune system is at that time. The ANC won't be listed on the CBC but it can be figured. I'm assuming your doctor knows how to figure the ANC. If not, I can tell you how to figure it but you would need a copy of the CBC. The CMP will check things like liver function, kidney function, etc.


Just breath. Odds are everything is fine. Many less scary things can cause these symptoms. I just wanted to make you aware of this just in case. Prayers are definitely coming your way. Please keep us updated. :grouphug:


That is where my mind went to, because I too have a son with leukemia. It is hard not to jump there these days.


Hopefully it is just a run of bad luck because he is in school now. If it is mono do keep him out of hockey, because his spleen may be swollen. Prayers for your son and your family as you wait.

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I am worried about DS if he has mono. He is not one to stay on the couch. I also can't see him willingly giving up hockey for the last weeks of the season without a big ordeal.


I wonder if you might need to have a talk about how he deals with sickness.


First, by not taking it easy and letting his body recover when he's sick he's putting himself in a position where he can get sicker and let his team down by being out of hockey for even longer periods of time.


Second, that if he's not telling you he's sick so that he can play hockey then you might have to stop the hockey for health's sake.

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mommy rooch & dwkilburn1,


I am so sorry about your sons having leukemia. I hope they are doing well now. :grouphug: Prayers and good thoughts!


Thank you for your thoughts. I know I have a tendency to see epilepsy b/c of my DD's experience.


I am pretty sure the doc ordered a CBC, a mono test, thyroid & a 4th test I can't remember. It was a longer word, not initials. He said that it would give us information. As, I type that, seems so funny to say.


DS is still sleeping so I'll update how he is later. I am praying he has no fever when he wakes up.

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Thank you to everyone who responded. It is so nice to have this board to come to!




Thanks. We have talked with him along those lines. Unfortunately, we are fighting 2 issues.


One is the hockey culture of "play through it." It is ingrained, I swear.


Two is that both sides of his family are "high tolerance for pain & discomfort types." I could tell you stories! Mostly involving my DH and my dad but my point is that, like his big head :D, DS seems to have inherited the ability to block out the pain/discomfort/illness until he hits the wall.


I don't want you to think I disagree with you. I do.

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The doc called with good news/bad news with blood test results:


White count & hemoglobin: fine

mono test: negative

sed rate: 39 (??) this must be the 4th test I couldn't remember.



T4: normal

TSH: 14.7 and normal is between .5 and 5


So he is sending him to an pediatric endocrinologist.


I woke DS up after 15 hours of sleep. I was afraid he was in a coma. His temp was 100, which is better. He says he is feeling better but he barely ate lunch.


So the peds office is supposed to be contacting the endocrinologist's office and then I'll get a call.


Thanks for all the prayers! I am so happy so much of his bloodwork is good!

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With the fever and the way he is feeling it makes sense--a TSH of 14.5 would make ANYONE feel horrid!


Good news is that this is usually caused by an infection that can be treated and DOES NOT mean that your son will have to take thyroid meds the rest of his life. Sometimes this type of infection can be tricky to treat--so a good doc is a must.

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The doc called with good news/bad news with blood test results:


White count & hemoglobin: fine

mono test: negative

sed rate: 39 (??) this must be the 4th test I couldn't remember.



T4: normal

TSH: 14.7 and normal is between .5 and 5


So he is sending him to an pediatric endocrinologist.


I woke DS up after 15 hours of sleep. I was afraid he was in a coma. His temp was 100, which is better. He says he is feeling better but he barely ate lunch.


So the peds office is supposed to be contacting the endocrinologist's office and then I'll get a call.


Thanks for all the prayers! I am so happy so much of his bloodwork is good!


Oh, I am SO glad to hear this! I"ve been praying.


I lost my dear brother to Leukemia, so when I read about that in a few posts, I was so upset!

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With the fever and the way he is feeling it makes sense--a TSH of 14.5 would make ANYONE feel horrid!


Good news is that this is usually caused by an infection that can be treated and DOES NOT mean that your son will have to take thyroid meds the rest of his life. Sometimes this type of infection can be tricky to treat--so a good doc is a must.


I guess there is only one ped. endocrinologist practice in Bflo.


I wish they'd call back!!!

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Oh, I am SO glad to hear this! I"ve been praying.


I lost my dear brother to Leukemia, so when I read about that in a few posts, I was so upset!


Thank you for your prayers, Lisa & everyone else.


I am so sorry about your brother. :grouphug:


Lisa, did you find your girls got sick often after they started back into a brick&mortar school?



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The doc called with good news/bad news with blood test results:


White count & hemoglobin: fine

mono test: negative

sed rate: 39 (??) this must be the 4th test I couldn't remember.



T4: normal

TSH: 14.7 and normal is between .5 and 5


So he is sending him to an pediatric endocrinologist.


I woke DS up after 15 hours of sleep. I was afraid he was in a coma. His temp was 100, which is better. He says he is feeling better but he barely ate lunch.


So the peds office is supposed to be contacting the endocrinologist's office and then I'll get a call.


Thanks for all the prayers! I am so happy so much of his bloodwork is good!


I am so glad that his CBC came back normal! Yeah!!!


I will continue to pray that you can find out what is causing his TSH to be elevated.


BTW: The Sed rate measures the level of inflamation in the body. An increased Sed rate is an indicator of infection.


Thanks for keeping us posted. I hope your ds feels better soon.

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