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I must be dreaming. The SAINTS are actually going to the SUPER BOWL!!!!

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My neighborhood is pulsating right now..fireworks, fog horns, police sirens, people yelling and just going WILD. This is incredible!!!!!!!!


No gun shots? My friends on FB are telling me about gun shots. Oh, btw, Who dat? Ain't the Viqueens!

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Dh and I were born and raised in New Orleans. I definitely remember the days of the "Aints" and the brown paper bags. I'm very happy for the city of NO and the state of LA. I've been living in North Texas for the past 17 years since graduating from college and leaving NO in 1993. I wish I could be "home" celebrating with my peeps now. I guess we are making a special trip to NO for a good 'ol cajun style superbowl party. GEAUX SAINTS!! WHO DAT said they gonna beat them Saints!!

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I am not too good at trash talking about football, but I do like the Colts. I really don't know anything about the Saints, though. I did see a lot of blue and white at church today. And I did watch most of the game here. I love the attitude of the Colts' players and owners and coaches. I will be watching the Superbowl, but will stay in a nice quiet location to do it.


May the best team win. The Colts!!! LOL

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...but what about the poor, old quarterback on the other team who wanted to "go" one more time? :)


He's not only been, but WON. No pity!


Sneaking in to say, "Go, Colts!!" :)


//corners Irene in a dark alley off Bourbon Street//


My neighborhood is pulsating right now..fireworks, fog horns, police sirens, people yelling and just going WILD. This is incredible!!!!!!!!


mine, too! finally starting to calm down; the young folks are going out, and the old folks are going to bed.

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That the "Saints" did everything they could (even illegally) to try to keep him from even finishing this one game. I'm sorry, but I cannot go for a team that plays like that. If they don't have enough confidence in their defense to stop him legally, they don't deserve to win.


*ducking for the certain tomatoes that will be thrown my way for saying that*




ETA: As of this year, it is no longer legal to hit a quarterback below the knees.

Poor old man can't stand to get hit, huh?:confused::boxing_smiley::crying:


I don't know what game you were watching, but those Vikes had PLENTY of penalties themselves. It was a great FOOTBALL game. Big boys, running and hitting eachother. That's what they do. Yes, I was for the Saints, but I can appreciate that Favre was a rock star tonight. But to say the Saints played "illegally"...no way.

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Poor old man can't stand to get hit, huh?:confused::boxing_smiley::crying:


I don't know what game you were watching, but those Vikes had PLENTY of penalties themselves. It was a great FOOTBALL game. Big boys, running and hitting eachother. That's what they do. Yes, I was for the Saints, but I can appreciate that Favre was a rock star tonight. But to say the Saints played "illegally"...no way.


Brett Favre is a machine! I have the utmost respect for him. I have always loved him. He did his best and played despite getting hurt. And that last pass he threw was a beauty;):lol:! Seriously, the Saints had some HORRID calls against them. Both teams played a fabulous game. I have never seen such an equally-matched game. There was nothing "illegal" about it. Again, Geaux Saints! Who Dat?

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Edited to change ... I'll just stick to talking football with people who actually know the rules.



  1. No defensive player who has an unrestricted path to the quarterback may hit him flagrantly in the area of the knee(s) or below when approaching in any direction.

I cut and pasted this directly from the NFL website. You can think what you want.

I'm sure many of us here are aware of the rules ~ even those who don't agree with your assessment of the playing.:) As with every game, there were questionable calls both ways.
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I've been an Eagles fan my whole life, so I can sympathize with a team that has had such a long losing streak. :tongue_smilie: I was rooting for the Saints all night, and was thrilled to see them win.


I'm kind of split on the Super Bowl. I've rooted for the Colts, because of Peyton Manning, but I think I would still like to see the underdogs win. Go Saints!

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So sick of hearing about how we went after Favre and put him on the ground and he was hurt... boohoo... it's football, if he doesn't like getting hit, he shouldn't play the game.


I'm also sick of the we lost because of bad calls, umm no you didn't. You lost because your team couldn't hold on to the ball, you had 12 men on the field during a 3rd down, and your OB threw an INT in the last seconds of the game. If those three things hadn't of happened, you would of won. In fact you probably would of stomped us.


That said, that was a great game. Both teams played their hearts out. Just glad my boys won. I read that Hartley couldn't sleep Saturday night and told his dad that he was going to kick the game winning field goal from 42 yards out. It was fate and destiny.



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What a great game!


We were all playing a game of Risk, but kept losing track of what was going on. We were too wrapped up in the football game.


I don't know about illegal hits yesterday, but in general, Favre does. ;)

He was fined $10,000 by the NFL for that very thing in September.

Edited by Crissy
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We are still in shock over here!!!!! I cried. Hubby couldn't stop laughing. I've been a Saints fan all my 36.5 years. I remember the bags and yet, we still loved them. Nowhere else do 1000s of fans show up at the airport to welcome a losing team home! Nowhere else do 1000s of fans show up to tailgate at the airport to welcome a winning team home!! :lol: At about 4:30am, the party moved from the streets of Bourbon to the sidewalks and bars. I've no doubt there are still people there from the night before!!!!

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I'm kind of split on the Super Bowl. I've rooted for the Colts, because of Peyton Manning, but I think I would still like to see the underdogs win.


Me, too. I am such a fan of Peyton Manning, but my husband's friend and former business partner is the Saints GM.

There are a couple of other front office folks who used to be with the Seahawks, and I am so happy for them!

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I thought of you as well. I wondered how far you had to go to catch the game because I KNEW you wouldn't miss it. :D

I had our satellite turned on, thinking I'd need it in order to watch the game ~ then realized it was broadcast on CTV (Canadian), our one channel. For that matter, the Olympics will be on CTV this year, too. First time ever I'm in a better position than the rest of the viewing public.:D


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I can't get past it, either. I was shrieking at the TV last night and my husband thought either A) I had completely lost my mind or B) I was going to wake the kids, or C) both.


I'm running the virtual Super Bowl Squares competition for another forum, and the tension is running high there, too. Maybe we should have one here?

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For that matter, the Olympics will be on CTV this year, too. First time ever I'm in a better position than the rest of the viewing public.:D


Lucky! ;)


We will probably watch online this year since we won't have CBC's coverage and our cable provider doesn't offer CTV.

I cannot stand NBC's Olympics coverage.

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Lucky! ;) We will probably watch online this year since we won't have CBC's coverage and our cable provider doesn't offer CTV. I cannot stand NBC's Olympics coverage.

Yes, it's convenient for us, but I'll miss CBC's coverage. CTV just isn't the same ~ but anything's better than NBC's coverage, no question!


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I'm also sick of the we lost because of bad calls, umm no you didn't. You lost because your team couldn't hold on to the ball, you had 12 men on the field during a 3rd down, and your OB threw an INT in the last seconds of the game. If those three things hadn't of happened, you would of won. In fact you probably would of stomped us.




You're absolutely right, and that's why it hurts so bad. Hopefully, given two weeks to nurse my wounds, I will be, sort of, cheering for the Saints.


It was one good game to watch, though.

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So sick of hearing about how we went after Favre and put him on the ground and he was hurt... boohoo... it's football, if he doesn't like getting hit, he shouldn't play the game.




Didn't see him boohooing at all everytime he got hit. He got up and still played, even after that hit where he obviously hurt his ankle. I don't think he minds getting hit...I think he minds when he's left open time after time to be hit or to have to rush to throw. He was even smiling at one point. Our offensive line was not doing what they are paid to do...cover the quarterback and give him time to make a good play.


That said, it was truly a great game.

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Mmmm, yeah, but aren't those Mannings southern folk? :D


Actually I'm a big Drew Brees fan too, so this game will really be a test of loyalties.

OH yes, they are southern folk. And there's a bunch of LSU boys on the Colts. It's an all Louisiana Super Bowl!! :lol:

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