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Opinions about the Sale and Swap Board?

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Guest Cindie2dds

I have bought and sold a lot also. In fact, I just bought a lot of books yesterday. It enables me to own books I couldn't afford otherwise. I haven't had any bad experiences, yet.


I think Paypal (fee included) has helped tremendously; and if you are okay paying the fee on your credit card purchases, you have protection before it comes out of your bank.

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I've had good success selling the few things I've posted here....and compared to most of the swap boards on other forums it gets a lot of traffic. So...price your items wisely and you'll likely get most of it sold. The biggest problem I see when looking to buy is people pricing too high....as an example (and I'm not pointing fingers just this is probably the most common example I saw when I spent several months last year looking for this for use next year)....Apologia science.....many people were selling it for around $25postage paid.....well, considering that you can buy them brand new from several places for around $26 (plus shipping if you don't have a larger order) I can't see buying it used and taking the risk of a bad seller to save only the shipping cost and a buck. It took some patience on my part but I finally found a seller pricing it for $19ppd and snapped it up fast...while the same book for $26+ was reposted several times.


If you have a lot to sell consider posting separate posts for subjects or publishers, not just "lots to sell". Folks tend to skim the subject line looking for something a little more descriptive...if you can't get us to open your post you won't sell much.


I know a lot of people prefer to do one post because it's easier for them to keep track of.......so if you decide to post it all in one thread, categorize it there rather than just listing row after row of items in their post.....if I'm only looking for science, I'd like to find that section in your hundreds of items and look only there....if it's a popular brand like Apologia then sub-sorting may make sense. THe easier you make it for me to find what I'm specifically looking for, the better chance I'll stick around to read your post....if it's all hodge podge I typically move on.


Some people post pictures....not really necessary unless it's an unusal item...we all know what Singapore math books look like, lol. But if it's unusal a well sized photo might be helpful in making me understand what you're selling.



And the last thing I really appreciate....people who edit their post to REMOVE the items that sold (or at least to mark them sold) IN THE ORIGINAL post....I don't want to read 10 responses you post to see what all has sold or not.


So I guess for me....the quicker I can peruse for what I want, the more likely I'll look.


Let me know when you post....ya never know what I might need.:tongue_smilie:

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I've never had a bad experience. I have had annoying discussions from potential buyers on why I should negotiate a lower price or provide free shipping/handling.


Editing to add: because of the post right above mine about pricing too high, I'd like to say that I usually offer materials at 60% of the retail price. If the materials are in great condition, I think that is a fair price. Some things sell for almost full retail but people are looking for free shipping. I always sell my Math-U-See at near retail prices. I sell that curriculum on ebay to get that price. I'm not sure that anyone on our FS board would be willing to pay such a high price, even for a popular curriculum.

Edited by Night Elf
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And the last thing I really appreciate....people who edit their post to REMOVE the items that sold (or at least to mark them sold) IN THE ORIGINAL post....I don't want to read 10 responses you post to see what all has sold or not.


So I guess for me....the quicker I can peruse for what I want, the more likely I'll look.


Let me know when you post....ya never know what I might need.:tongue_smilie:


This is a great suggestion, but not always possible. Although this forum allows you to edit, that's only for a certain amount of time. I've had some for sale posts that get pulled up from the depths and then I don't have the option to edit anymore because it's been too long.

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I think it's great, but it seems slower to me sometimes than Homeschool Classifieds. Depends mostly on the season you are selling--May/June is pretty hot around here (as is the case with every homeschool curriculum board).


:iagree: Some items are snatched up the same day - some just hang on forever! But I've never had a bad experience selling here.

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I've had good success selling the few things I've posted here....and compared to most of the swap boards on other forums it gets a lot of traffic. So...price your items wisely and you'll likely get most of it sold. The biggest problem I see when looking to buy is people pricing too high....as an example (and I'm not pointing fingers just this is probably the most common example I saw when I spent several months last year looking for this for use next year)....Apologia science.....many people were selling it for around $25postage paid.....well, considering that you can buy them brand new from several places for around $26 (plus shipping if you don't have a larger order) I can't see buying it used and taking the risk of a bad seller to save only the shipping cost and a buck. It took some patience on my part but I finally found a seller pricing it for $19ppd and snapped it up fast...while the same book for $26+ was reposted several times.




I just wanted to say (and I'm not trying to pick on Connie, I think she gave some great tips) that I don't think $26 ppd is too much for an Apologia science book if it's in like new-new condition. Rainbow Resource has raised their prices on these and they are now $29.95 new. If I could get one that's in great shape for even a few $$ less, I'll do it. Especially if I don't need anything else, so I won't be anywhere near the $150 you need to get free shipping. I have some of those books and have not used them; so if I decided to sell them I would probably ask at least $25 for them. And I would totally understand if they didn't sell, but right now I'd rather have them sit on my shelf for a few more years than take less. :)


I think checking the seller's feedback is the best thing to do, especially if you're going to be spending a lot of money. If they don't have feedback here yet, ask them if they have some on ebay or homeschool classifieds, and you can check them out there. :)

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I have just made several purchases and received my first from a board member yesterday. All communication has been great and the first item was excellent and received quickly -- THANKS Nukeswife! I have bought from another board, Ebay, and directly from vendors. In my opinion TWTM board is EXCELLENT!

By the way . . . this is my 50th post! Now I can sell – HAPPYDANCE!



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I'm confused about the 50 posts thing - not that I'm short of posts :D


But I was looking at the sale & swap forum on this page


and there were FS listings from people for whom it was their first post. :confused: So is it only on the subforum that the 50 post rule applies?


I'm still figuring out how to navigate that section.

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I've always had good experiences here, both buying and selling.


I've never had anything come to me in condition other than described, although I do like to ask a lot of questions before I buy because I'm just a silly goose that way.


Don't be offended if someone asks about dog-earred pages, stains, bent back spines, etc . . . it's important that all parties know EXACTLY what they are getting so that there are no hard feelings later.


I think of these ladies (and gents) as my friends and I treat them as such and expect the same in return. I think that feeling of community is what really keeps bad experiences to a minimum.


I also like to post my things at Homeschool Classifieds too. Just remember when your item sells, to remove it from BOTH boards. It just frustrates people when you don't edit or at least add a response to update their items.


I try to edit the original post, but sometimes that's not possible, in which case adding a reply is the next best thing.


Happy selling! :001_smile:

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This is wonderful and I am getting excited. :) I will be very specific in my posts, and only sell goodies that I personally would buy from someone. Now, what would you consider a good and fair price for a book in very good to excellent condition...60% of retail? Suggestions? Setting a price is very hard for me to do, because I want people to feel as though they are getting a bargain and not just buying used. Thanks again~

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This is wonderful and I am getting excited. :) I will be very specific in my posts, and only sell goodies that I personally would buy from someone. Now, what would you consider a good and fair price for a book in very good to excellent condition...60% of retail? Suggestions? Setting a price is very hard for me to do, because I want people to feel as though they are getting a bargain and not just buying used. Thanks again~


I start at half price and go up or down according to the condition of the book and availability. For a book that is in excellent condition, 60% is very reasonable. What I mean by availability is if the book is out of print or hard to find. If so, that may increase the value. I usually check amazon and ebay to see what the going price is for those books and price mine at a little less.

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I have bought and sold here, on Amazon, ebay and homeschool classifieds. The great thing about here is generally I know most of the people selling. Things can move kind of slowly though. Homeschool classifieds move quicker and frequently I will recognize people from here. I have never had any problems with either of these places. Amazon is also great, very fast and never an unresolved problem. The only thing is that sometimes you can't find relatively obscure homeschool items there. I won't buy or sell on ebay anymore. Too many problems. Not worth the time, effort and headache.

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I just wanted to say (and I'm not trying to pick on Connie, I think she gave some great tips) that I don't think $26 ppd is too much for an Apologia science book if it's in like new-new condition. Rainbow Resource has raised their prices on these and they are now $29.95 new. If I could get one that's in great shape for even a few $$ less, I'll do it. Especially if I don't need anything else, so I won't be anywhere near the $150 you need to get free shipping. I have some of those books and have not used them; so if I decided to sell them I would probably ask at least $25 for them. And I would totally understand if they didn't sell, but right now I'd rather have them sit on my shelf for a few more years than take less. :)


I think checking the seller's feedback is the best thing to do, especially if you're going to be spending a lot of money. If they don't have feedback here yet, ask them if they have some on ebay or homeschool classifieds, and you can check them out there. :)


RR used to sell them for $25.99, so saving 99 cents for the risk of buying from a stranger wasn't worth it to ME....saving $5 would probably be at the hairy edge of worth the risk for me. It's the folks that list them for $30 because the publisher price is $40 that I don't get. I guess it makes sense if they overpaid they may not realize that it's available at a discount.


Just for the record, I have never written to a seller telling them their prices were too high....I just move on. The closest I've come to that would be writing and saying if I buy "all this" would you be willing to discount or ship free. I figure that I'm saving them time and money by buying several items...dealing with only one buyer and then cheaper to ship a larger package than 3 or 4 or more small ones, so I'd like to share that savings. I've never had a seller seem upset, some have accepted some don't.


Of course, I am seldom hard pressed to come up with the $150 minimum for free shipping because we have a group that meets regularly and whenever someone is placing an order we do a group buy to save the shipping. But that's me....for some saving a dollar is worth it. I guess I'm a nervous nellie when it comes to buying used....I've only been burned twice in the probably 10 years that I've been buying used online, but whereas "back then" it was extremely rare to hear about a bad experience....seems like there are a lot more of them happening "now a days". I'd rather explain to my DH that I overpaid $5 than explain that I lost $25 to a dishonest seller. :eek:


The other one I've been reading lately is people asking you to do Paypal as a "personal" transaction instead of a purchase, thereby the seller doesn't have to pay the fees to Paypal. Recently I've read about buyers being burned by doing this to save the seller a couple dollars....because apparently on "personal" transactions you don't have the buyer protection if the item doesn't arrive or isn't as described. I've read conflicting reports about this, some saying that's not true and of course others saying their disputes were rejected by Paypal. So just a heads up that if you're going to mark it "personal" to save the seller the fees, research whether you're giving up your protection. I'd rather share the fees with the seller than give up that layer of protection.

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