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Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

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Well, we made it through the first week with a newborn! I have had baby euphoria all week. I walk around grinning ear-to-ear like some sort of whacko!


I LOVE baby girl clothes. People are showering me with their hand me downs and even though I am only keeping the ones in really good condition, that still leaves me with tons of clothes for Natalie.


Today a woman at school gave me a box of the most beautiful dresses!


Quick vent...why do so many girl clothing items have to market some disney character?


I am a little tired from interrupted sleep but other than that, things couldn't be more perfect! She is healthy and beautiful. We are so blessed.


Thank you so much for all of your PM's and emails and prayers and kind words and EVERYTHING!

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We need more pictures!


I was thinking the same thing. There is NOTHING like a brand new baby. I am begging my hubby to foster one right now but he is afraid I won't be able to let it go like I didn't with my (2) now three year olds. I will keep praying.


I am so happy for you and your family. And yes, little girls are a blast!





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Heather, I've been following your story, and I'm just so thrilled for you. I kinda feel like I 'know' you, in a way, since I live in the Metro area that you left when you went to Malaysia.


If you don't mind my being so nosey, I'm curious how you and your dh plan to juggle the baby and working. I know you said before you moved that your dh would possilby be working at the school in someting related to computers, but I don't remember reading if he is actually doing that now or not. Just curious how you all have managed to juggle it all. Of course, if that's to nosey or personal, feel free to ignore me. :D


I'm just so happy for you! And may I admit, I'm fighting feeling a little jealousy. I love my boys, and my stepdaughter. But dh and I cannot have any more children, and it's a dream of my heart to one day adopt my own little girl. Until that happens, thanks for allowing me to share in your journey. :)

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If you don't mind my being so nosey, I'm curious how you and your dh plan to juggle the baby and working. I know you said before you moved that your dh would possilby be working at the school in someting related to computers, but I don't remember reading if he is actually doing that now or not. Just curious how you all have managed to juggle it all. Of course, if that's to nosey or personal, feel free to ignore me. :D


. :)



Not at all! Well, everything happened so quickly but God has truly provided. Our ahma has agreed to work full time for us and our school is paying for her! She is an Indian woman herself (but Christian). Also, my boss has agreed to let my dh and I have flexible hours and we live across the street from the school, that means that dh goes home to be with the baby in between classes and I go home in between meetings and such. So far it is working out really well.


And hoping that our ahma stays on with us for a long while, we are excited about her being able to teach Natalie firsthand information about her culture and her language!

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That's wonderful! (I agree about the Disney thing, but I do fall prey to the cute old fashioned Pooh sleepers)


I totally agree about old-fashioned pooh...absolutely my favorite! But a large portion of the stuff they sell here has minnie mouse or cinderella or dora or or someother cartoon figure plastered all over the front of what would otherwise be a pretty dress. Ugh...why do they do that? My child is not a bilboard!



CONFESSION: I spend A LOT of time sniffing her. She smells so good! :D


CONFESSION #2: When I rock her I sing "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story and I change the words to "I Am Pretty" ;)

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Not at all! Well, everything happened so quickly but God has truly provided. Our ahma has agreed to work full time for us and our school is paying for her! She is an Indian woman herself (but Christian). Also, my boss has agreed to let my dh and I have flexible hours and we live across the street from the school, that means that dh goes home to be with the baby in between classes and I go home in between meetings and such. So far it is working out really well.


And hoping that our ahma stays on with us for a long while, we are excited about her being able to teach Natalie firsthand information about her culture and her language!


Heather, that's so neat! So I'm guessing an ahma is like a maid/housekeeper/nanny?


Didn't you have a blog? I swear I remember clicking on a blog link in your siggy and reading a post and looking at pictures of your boys at a restaurant in Malaysia. If you just took the blog link out of your siggy, and you don't mind me having it, would you pm me? I'd love to follow your adventure.


Enjoy your sweet little lady. :001_smile:

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Heather, that's so neat! So I'm guessing an ahma is like a maid/housekeeper/nanny?


Didn't you have a blog? I swear I remember clicking on a blog link in your siggy and reading a post and looking at pictures of your boys at a restaurant in Malaysia. If you just took the blog link out of your siggy, and you don't mind me having it, would you pm me? I'd love to follow your adventure.


Enjoy your sweet little lady. :001_smile:


Yes, an ahma is a housekeeper/nanny. My blog is http://www.fischerfamilyadventures.blogspot.com


I have more pics on it.

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