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Anyone else having a hard time getting back into the swing of school??


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It's me. Not the kids.:001_huh: Well, maybe them a bit too. However, I'm really having a hard time getting motivated to do school. I feel so discombobulated and disorganized, though I'm not really.


Hive, give me a kick in the pants or some other helpful words of wisdom!



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How about: the sooner you get going back into the swing of things, the sooner your kids will finish all their work for the year, and the sooner you can start summer

holidays? :thumbup1: Atleast, that's what's getting me through this time of year anyways. :blush:


You can do this! Go get them books cracked open! :gnorsi:


Of course, if you school year round, that won't really work for you.:tongue_smilie:

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It's me. Not the kids.:001_huh: Well, maybe them a bit too. However, I'm really having a hard time getting motivated to do school. I feel so discombobulated and disorganized, though I'm not really.


Hive, give me a kick in the pants or some other helpful words of wisdom!






I was mentally ready to go last week but then ended up losing my momentum when I had to get a root canal. I didn't think we'd have a co-op this semester, but on Friday I got a ton of responses so now I'm organizing a small (10 family) co-op. And I had the crazy idea I should do Ladies Bible Study this semester. I'm really feeling like I need to take the time for this, but I've got no idea how it's going to play out. On top of those things, we decided to do Wednesday nights at church this semester.


All this happened within the last week, so now I am discombobulated and disorganized.


I've made a list and am crossing things off. I just got our lesson plans done for the next week, sent out some co-op emails, and did the books for our Judo club. Tomorrow I'll work out a schedule for the semester, get our weekly folders ready, and grade Friday's work. And watch the Packer game (priorities :D).


Sorry. I'm not much help.

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Yes. :glare: Part of my problem is that I'll be 37 weeks along on Monday, and I keep thinking the baby could come anytime, and then we'll be taking a break anyway. If, however, I go all the way to my due date (or past), I will have wasted several perfectly good weeks. *sigh* I just hope the baby decides to come soon... :tongue_smilie:

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Yah, our week did not go as planned mainly because our bodies were going through shock at a routine that involved a reasonable bedtime and an early wake-up!:001_smile: Thursday morning I fell asleep at 7:45 on the couch. I woke up at 10:30. Can't say that did much for accomplishing school work. I've told myself next week will go better. We have been working on going to bed at a reasonable time. Which means I should be heading to bed right about now!;)

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Things are actually going well since the holidays. Before I was ready to :auto: Seems like the break (2 weeks) did the family some good. I also had time to change some stuff around like working on a 6 on 1 off schedule and making Friday a project/experiment/child led learning day.

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We barely did any school last week. We were supposed to start up on Tuesday, but we had snow. It happens so rarely here, that I called a snow day so the kids could play in the snow. My oldest was supposed to start back to ps on Wednesday. Our snow melted at our house, so the kids had no snow to play in, but the rest of the area was still icy, and the ps cancelled school for the week. I didn't have the heart to make the youngers do school while the oldest was off, so we've played some math card games and done some read alouds, but that's about it. The ps's web site says school will continue to be closed tomorrow, but I've told the others that they're going to have to do their hs anyway. I'm not sure how that's going to go. I can't say I'm looking forward to it.

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We had a horrible year last year (job loss, car breakdowns, deaths, illness) so school was not going great. So I spent all of December making up new lesson plans to at least get us to our evaluation dates in May and September. Then at the end of December I found out after 9 years of trying we were actually going to have a baby! Needless to say the whole plan I had for the first week of school and now what looks like the second week of school and possibly even the third will be filled with Drs. visits.

It's the first time I have thought of actually using LifePacs in our school. I won't but the temptation is great! LOL

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I was absolutely gung ho in the fall, had a rough December with 2 bouts of flu, a Thanksgiving trip and a planned 2 week Christmas trip that was turned into a 4 day trip. We kept up with math, music and reading but missed about 3-4 weeks for our other subjects.


I started out not feeling the mojo to get going full speed in January but I reviewed/revised my long term plan, made a big shopping list of all the curricula I want to use or at least look at and consider using, and also re-organized/cleaned out my hs shelves.... that all helped me get back into the flow of things. I think it's the long term plan that really helps me. I need to stay focused on the big picture, not the daily distractions!

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I was excited and prepared, but all three days of school last week were derailed last week by combinations of my not feeling up to speed, a snow day for my other two who attend ps, appts, and my van needing to go in for repairs on two different days. By Friday I just reconciled myself to the fact we weren't going to get anything more than half days.


Sort of took the wind out of my sails.

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You know, I was thinking that many of you have reasonably good excuses here: pregnancy, sickness, other unexpected happenings and I thought, not like me, I'm just not motivated. However, I must have a very short term memory, because I was not feeling well last week either. I have been sick off and on for the last two- three months and was still feeling it last week. Then mid week when I started to feel better, I was zealously cleaning and purging stuff. I couldn't focus on school because of all the clutter and mess around me. It's better, but not done. However, having remembered all of that, I feel a bit better and I am a bit more ready to go for tomorrow. Actually, I better get up now and finish that up. It will make such a difference for us tomorrow.


Thanks all. Glad I'm not alone.:)

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We've muddled along for the past two weeks, doing about half of what we normally do -- although I will say that we have thankfully stayed focused on the three R's.


I do think schedules are important, but in the big picture I really don't think that we'll look back and think about what day exactly we completed our courses for the year. We'll remember that we studied, learned and forged ahead. And the good news is that the sun will come up tomorrow and it will be a new day!




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