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I have a ton of curricululm to sell but can't face it

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I have 2 huge bins of stuff, and actually toted one upstairs to list it the other day and... I just couldn't do it.:001_unsure:


The thought of figuring all of the prices (lots of individual books), how to group things together, making everything look more "attractive" and the whole shipping thing just defeated me.:blink:


What are some other options for me to get rid of this & at least get something for it?


Also, am I the only one that feels this way?


(I guess it's a good cure for me to really evaluate my purchases from now on!)

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I had two bins of things a few months ago and I donated it all to another homeschool mom that could not afford curriculum this year. I told her to use what she could and sell the rest. I did not get any $ from it, but I got a huge dose of "I blessed someone" good feelings from it.


It is getting harder and harder to sell curriculum anyway. Unless it is the latest ,newest, most sought after thing. And, the best time for selling is mid spring or late summer, not winter.

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Our local homeschool group always has a curriculum sale twice a year (set up like a yard sale at a local park). It makes it so easy to get rid of stuff. You might mention it to some friends? I never get as much as I would if I posted online but usually I don't care. I just want to get rid of it to someone who will use it.

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I posted the titles on a local eclectic Christian homeschooling list that I'm on. I said that I wanted to bless others with what we no longer needed.


People emailed me if they wanted specific items, and we worked out a time for them to come by and pick them up. I know that this was materially helpful to these families, especially one where the breadwinner had recently lost his job. I think that this did me more good than being paid for these items would have done. And others have posted similar ads to that list subsequently. It's easy and it's nice. And no post office visits!

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Youngest dd is a 2nd yr CC student struggling with learning disabilities, type 1 diabetes and Bipolar Disorder. The other is a college junior. Now that we're through homeschooling at least for the most part, I have a huge amount of books to unload. Once I get time to sort and set aside all the books we don't want to keep I'll probably ask local homeschool friends to take what they want and whatever's left, I'll donate to the Homeschool Building here in our city.


I could use the money but I don't have the time or the desire to try and sell all this stuff. At least this way I'll know that it's all going to others who can use it.

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Ebay all the way! I just made nearly $500 on my homeschool books this week. I did a major declutter and put them on a 5 day auction. It was one late night but I got them all up the same day (so that they would end the same day). Using the isbn number to pull up info and pictures instead of individually describing every item is a huge time saver. I print shipping labels via Paypal and only accept Paypal. That makes things very fast and easy. This auction I just did was put up last Sat-ended Thurs nite-spent about 5 hrs Fri night packing and printing shipping and this morning the kids and I each took armloads of packages and dh drove up to the Post office door. Our PO has a bin to just drop off packages. No standing in line. In less than 5 min we had them off. I only have about 5% I'm waiting payment on. I didn't sell all my listed items and generally don't relist unless I can justify the interest with the time and effort and there is added cost to relist. Instead, I donate to the local library for them to sell.


I really didn't want to do this auction but I don't like to sell on Craigslist because I'm leery of strangers coming to the house. Selling to our co-ops tends to be a big hassle. I think the key to doing big auctions is to get them up fast so that they end close together and then plan a solid block of time to devote to packing. Enlisting the kids helps too. I think Ebay can be a very efficient way to declutter those books.

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Do you have a local book store that will sell them on consignment? I think there may even be a few online stores that sell your books on consignment. I have done that before for a few people. I also have a friend that used to own a bookstore and she has given me a lot of books in the past so that I can use them or sell them, so there's another good way to get them off your hands and bless someone else.


I have sold a lot of books and other things on ebay, and it's a great way to get your stuff out there, but the fees are sooo high. :(


Donating them is a good way to go, unless you really need the money. My husband gets laid off for a while every few months, so I seem to always be looking for things to sell to make ends meet. Every month I gather up the things that I've tried to sell for a while and didn't have any luck with; and I donate them to my local homeschool group. I just set up a table with a sign that says "FREE" and most of it is taken. Anything that's not taken that way goes to Goodwill.


Selling books is not so bad. Like someone else said, it may take up one whole night (to get them listed, pictures taken, etc.), but then the hard part is done. Shipping is a breeze if you use paypal shipping. I'm sure if you need help or have questions, there are many people here that would be willing to help. :001_smile:

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I have 2 huge bins of stuff, and actually toted one upstairs to list it the other day and... I just couldn't do it.:001_unsure:


The thought of figuring all of the prices (lots of individual books), how to group things together, making everything look more "attractive" and the whole shipping thing just defeated me.:blink:


What are some other options for me to get rid of this & at least get something for it?


Also, am I the only one that feels this way?


(I guess it's a good cure for me to really evaluate my purchases from now on!)



Another option you may not have considered:




That's what I did. I now have years before I'll have to face the task of getting rid of all this stuff! :)

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Our local Christian homeschooling group has an Acts 4 table at every monthly meeting. People bring curricula, toys, manips, and even clothes sometimes, and everyone can take whatever they want.


I don't bring stuff to that very often, because anything that is not taken you have to pack up and bring home, but I usually bring just one little bag or box (easy to pack and carry either way) and find that people are grateful for 'good finds'.

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I'm looking to buy some things....see my signature! :lol:


Oooh! That's a great idea, putting your WTB's in your signature!


Are you familiar with paperbackswap.com? It is very quick and easy to list. You don't make money but you earn credits that you can then use to request other books.


Yes, Paperback Swap is a great, too!

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You could donate it to Book Samaritan. They blessed our family by sending us some very nice materials to use this year. :)

Oh, and yes, paperbackswap! I love finding good homeschool material on there! I found a book this week to go with our history studies.

If you have a homeschool group with a library, you might consider donating it to their library.

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I know that normally when I get a lot of curriculum and books together to get rid of that I am needing money for other things or just needing money. I have found Ebay to be the easiest as well and accepting only paypal is the way to go. Most always on Ebay I make more money than I paid for the curriculum.

I have sold only a few times on forums (curriculum and cloth diapers) and it has a different feel to it than an auction. You can put a specific lowest price you will take on a forum listing and you will still get people bartering with you. I did feel that people expected brand new, never used curriculum to be sold at 80% off sometimes and that was the kind of offers that I was made. I personally prefer Ebay if needing money is the reason I have decluttered and am trying to sell curriculum.

If you are needing money from the curriculum, I would post it on ebay. If you aren't needing money from it, then donating is a worthy cause and will probably make you feel good.

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Another option you may not have considered:




That's what I did. I now have years before I'll have to face the task of getting rid of all this stuff! :)



I would looooove that option-if only I could. Adoption would be the only thing we could do here, and I don't think dh would go for it.:(

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I had two bins of things a few months ago and I donated it all to another homeschool mom that could not afford curriculum this year. I told her to use what she could and sell the rest. I did not get any $ from it, but I got a huge dose of "I blessed someone" good feelings from it.


It is getting harder and harder to sell curriculum anyway. Unless it is the latest ,newest, most sought after thing. And, the best time for selling is mid spring or late summer, not winter.




I have a friend that is coming up behind me and I love giving her my tried and true stuff. It really is a blessing to her and to me. I find the only time I sell anymore, is if I see a need online for it, I spent a lot of money on it, and it's in fairly new condition (I sold Spelling Power earlier this year and made half what I spent on it). Otherwise, it's not worth my time. I just gave my friend Like new copies of Phonics Pathways and Reading Pathways. They retail for about $20 each, no one wants them for more than $10 and by the time I ship and package I'll make about $5. Not worth it.


If you don't have a friend you can bless, ask a local homeschool group if they have a family you can bless. Or maybe they have a curriculum library you can donate to?




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I would looooove that option-if only I could. Adoption would be the only thing we could do here, and I don't think dh would go for it.:(



I'm sorry. I hope I didn't step on a hurt. I didn't mean to.


I guess on a more practical level, I'd advise to take baby steps. Don't try to get rid of it all at once. Just list a few books at a time, and see what happens. Now is a good time of year to sell, as people are thinking about next years' needs. Don't get overwhelmed, though. It would be too easy to get confused and make mistakes. Just do a little at a time.

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Wow, that does sound doable!! Especially for someone like me, who does better tackling one big project (i.e. all the auctions at once when they're ending), rather than lots of little things scattered throughout the week. Thanks for explaining how you do it; I am going to try that this week. I have a bunch of books sitting around, and I could use that money toward moving expenses. Thanks again! You've given me hope that I can really do this! :001_smile:

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This is totally embarrassing but i wish there was a local area to get the books i want to use with the kids....


its hard homeschooling and haveing to use what you can afford and not what you htink would fit your family best. im tryig to get some computer games for DD and the measly 10.00 is a struggle, but i know she would really truely enjoy it


that being said


donate it. i mean yeah easy for me to say but i also think i have 2 that are starting homeschooling and so far, its been a struggle and i dont know what the future holds. at least youll have that feeling that you have paid it foward and one day it will be returned in another form :)

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