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those of you with school rooms or school areas

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I'm a chronic re-arranger of rooms. Presently we live where I am quite happy with most areas. However I still find myself moving things around in the classroom at least every six months. Maybe it's because I don't rearrange every other room like I used to. I'm happy with the classroom as it is now, but once summer hits I know I'll clean and clear all the shelves to get ready for next year.


There is a distinct possibility that we will move by summer and I was just imagining how nice it would be to have a built in wall of bookcases in our next house. :lol::lol::lol:


I find my organizational needs change periodically as well and I've finally found a nice system that works for both ds and me.

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Yes. Not only do I rearrange the room, I trade rooms. So our current room used to be the living room, before that it was a "play room" and before that it was a deck.


Our old school room is now the living room, and before it was the school room it was the dining room and before that a laundry / mud room.


The current dining room used to be the living room.




I'm pretty happy with the current arrangement. Over the break I painted and removed hundreds of books from the house. (My youngest is 13. I don't think we need board books anymore. A-hem.)


I almost posted here, asking the parents of older students how their space and use of space has changed as their children have gotten older. Part of the issue for me is we don't have the same needs, and use the space differently from when I had, for instance, a 6th- and a 1st-grader.


My only problem is that as *I* get older, I can't see! Part the reason we've migrated to the south side of the house is for light. Even now, though, last night, I thought, dang, I need a better lamp in here! Now this problem is not one I've seen address here on these forums! ("People, I think I have to throw in the towel because the font is too small in these teacher's manuals. What do I do!?")

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LOL, my dh calls it a sickness. I have a constant urge to rearrange stuff, school room, bedroom, kitchen you name it. If he can't find it he asks if I have rearranged stuff again and then where is ...... Someday I think I will be happy with the set up but probably not.:lol:


This constant rearranging, it should be mentioned, can be dangerous. We have friends who dropped their toddler on the floor, in the place where the crib used to be. :eek:

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("People, I think I have to throw in the towel because the font is too small in these teacher's manuals. What do I do!?")



Hit CTRL on your keyboard and scroll up with the mousewheel. That will make the font bigger. I can see fine and I do it because I hate having to sit too close to the screen.


Now I will say when you do this the whole webpage scales with the print but it does provide less eyestrain :001_smile:


As for arranging my home. Well I have just about 1100 sq ft. That leaves no room for rearrangement. We usually eat in the living room because the "dining" room table is piled with school stuff from the day and I don't want to search for it the next day.


We basically put things where they will fit. For instance in my sons closet is an old drawer set that we use for our supply "closet". I have a small shelf set sitting on top of the entertainment center for books and what not. My kids have book shelves in their rooms for overflow and books they love.


So for us it is not unlike a puzzle. "Hmmm will this fit here? HONEY! GET ME THE MEASURING TAPE!" :D



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Hit CTRL on your keyboard and scroll up with the mousewheel. That will make the font bigger. I can see fine and I do it because I hate having to sit too close to the screen.


Now I will say when you do this the whole webpage scales with the print but it does provide less eyestrain :001_smile:


As for arranging my home. Well I have just about 1100 sq ft. That leaves no room for rearrangement. We usually eat in the living room because the "dining" room table is piled with school stuff from the day and I don't want to search for it the next day.


We basically put things where they will fit. For instance in my sons closet is an old drawer set that we use for our supply "closet". I have a small shelf set sitting on top of the entertainment center for books and what not. My kids have book shelves in their rooms for overflow and books they love.


So for us it is not unlike a puzzle. "Hmmm will this fit here? HONEY! GET ME THE MEASURING TAPE!" :D




Too bad I can't do that with printed books, too!


We have 1100 square feet, too. My children run for the hills when they see mommy with the measuring tape. "Oh, no! Dad! She's got the measuring tape out again!"

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Too bad I can't do that with printed books, too!


We have 1100 square feet, too. My children run for the hills when they see mommy with the measuring tape. "Oh, no! Dad! She's got the measuring tape out again!"


I have my own measuring tape, stored in the classroom for easy access. :D

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LOL, my dh calls it a sickness. I have a constant urge to rearrange stuff, school room, bedroom, kitchen you name it. If he can't find it he asks if I have rearranged stuff again and then where is ...... Someday I think I will be happy with the set up but probably not.:lol:


your dh and my dh would probably have fun talking about us! reminds me of a joke my dad used to tell "What did Ray Charles' wife do when he made her mad? Rearrange the furniture!"


My dh never knows what's going to be different when he comes home from work!

Yes. Not only do I rearrange the room, I trade rooms. So our current room used to be the living room, before that it was a "play room" and before that it was a deck.


Our old school room is now the living room, and before it was the school room it was the dining room and before that a laundry / mud room.


The current dining room used to be the living room.




I'm pretty happy with the current arrangement. Over the break I painted and removed hundreds of books from the house. (My youngest is 13. I don't think we need board books anymore. A-hem.)


I almost posted here, asking the parents of older students how their space and use of space has changed as their children have gotten older. Part of the issue for me is we don't have the same needs, and use the space differently from when I had, for instance, a 6th- and a 1st-grader.


My only problem is that as *I* get older, I can't see! Part the reason we've migrated to the south side of the house is for light. Even now, though, last night, I thought, dang, I need a better lamp in here! Now this problem is not one I've seen address here on these forums! ("People, I think I have to throw in the towel because the font is too small in these teacher's manuals. What do I do!?")


That's funny! I do the same thing - I had all our school stuff in the kitchen, then moved it to half of the playroom, and I just moved all the toys out of there to the girls room so I don't have to look at all the mess so much! I'm thinking if we have many more kids We might turn the dining room into the playroom (since the dining room already has my sewing stuff in it,and it's open to the den :))


This constant rearranging, it should be mentioned, can be dangerous. We have friends who dropped their toddler on the floor, in the place where the crib used to be. :eek:


that made me giggle :) hopefully none of my kids go to bed in the wrong spot!

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Ok Ladies this conversation has got to stop!


You are going to motivate me to clean house and I dun wanna...you have me looking around and thinking "uh boy".


Bah think I'll just go to WalMart and get a book on organizing :D


Really though I want that book The House That Cleans Itself, I wonder if WalMart carries it?





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I woke up this morning with the lets move it and clean it mind set. I do this about 1 to 2 times a month. My house is never the same, but on the plus side no one can say I don't clean under, behind or around anything. LOL


I guess if the bathtub, sink and toilet could move I would probably move those around too.:lol:

Edited by hsmom
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Yes. Not only do I rearrange the room, I trade rooms. So our current room used to be the living room, before that it was a "play room" and before that it was a deck.


Our old school room is now the living room, and before it was the school room it was the dining room and before that a laundry / mud room.


The current dining room used to be the living room.



Ha! I thought I was the only one who did that. Yes I rearrange the homeschool room and trade it to a family room and back and trade dd's room for the school room (which I don't do anymore 'cause she likes the dark one and I hate it. That's good.)


I can't rearrange any other rooms much because everything else is too big to move. I have to say though our Master Bedroom would be a fantastic school room. But I'll leave that one alone. :tongue_smilie:

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Hit CTRL on your keyboard and scroll up with the mousewheel. That will make the font bigger. I can see fine and I do it because I hate having to sit too close to the screen.





Wow! Thanks! I had no idea I could do that.

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I'm embarrassed to say this now. :o


I have never reorganized my schoolroom since I set it up. :001_huh: I put a great deal of thought into where I wanted everything, and since it all works thus far, I've never even had the urge to reorganize and move things around. Maybe it's because we move so often and it's nice to simply have everything stay put for a while.:confused:

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I am in the process of setting up our first school room. We weren't planning to have one, but changed our minds. We have two tall cabinets that went with our bedroom set, but don't fit in our bedroom in this house (our previous master bedroom was 18'x20' so there was lots of room--this one is more like 13'x12'). So we put those two cabinets in our dining room, and they fit right in; you wouldn't have known they were part of a bedroom set.


Anyway...we got dc bunkbeds and moved them in together just after Christmas, so we have a spare bedroom to use as our "school room"--I'm trying to come up with a different name for it. Maybe I'll start a new thread. Today we moved those two cabinets into the school room. They were already in use for hsing stuff. Dh anchored the cabinets to the wall so they won't tip over, as they leaned out slightly. I won't be able to rearrange those. I think I picked the best spot for them anyway. The other furniture, such as it is, might be rearranged sometime in the future. So far I have a small kids' table that my dad built when I was a kid, a card table which isn't in the room yet, and a bookshelf about yea high (oh, wait, you can't see that--it's about 3 feet high and maybe 4 feet wide).


All the hsing stuff is stacked all over the floor, on the kids' table & the bookshelf. Needs arranging! It is nice to see all the stuff I forgot I had.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The rooms in our house are like musical chairs. I just put the sofa in ds's room, moved him back in w/ the little 3, & am turning the living room into an office/preschool area, his room into a playroom (instead of hs/bedroom)--all because we've been doing school in the dining room since Thanksgiving. Why?


Come to think of it, I bet it's the winter light. Huh.

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