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Hey LOSTies: New promo photos of LOST cast as Last Supper

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I haven't read Doc Jensen (but I will, thanks for posting that :001_smile:) Hopefully it means John will truly be resurrected and destroys Flock (aka fake Locke). The dark haired woman is Ilana who arrived on the Aijira Air flight, she was a bounty hunter who was hired to take Sayid to Guam.

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Juliet died, setting off the explosion, remember?

Of course, that doesn't mean anything--lol




Besides, we have to have her back. I absolutely refuse to believe that Sawyer could get that close to "healed" and lose it all forever. And as much as I love Kate, she would NOT be as good for him as Juliet. No way.

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Battlestar Galactica had a similar promo photo and all the speculation made my head spin. IIRC, though, in the end, none of it was spoilerish. It was just a cool photo. :lol:




Besides, we have to have her back. I absolutely refuse to believe that Sawyer could get that close to "healed" and lose it all forever. And as much as I love Kate, she would NOT be as good for him as Juliet. No way.


But the Juliet actress is now on V, right? I'd say she's not coming back... lol

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Battlestar Galactica had a similar promo photo and all the speculation made my head spin. IIRC, though, in the end, none of it was spoilerish. It was just a cool photo. :lol:




But the Juliet actress is now on V, right? I'd say she's not coming back... lol


Yes, that's what I'm saying. BSG did it first.

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I didn't realize that...but Matt the cop from Heroes was that pilot that got eaten on LOST, so who knows? She could come back right at the end.


Last I heard is that she will be appearing at some point, though she won't be a regular cast member.

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I haven't read Doc Jensen (but I will, thanks for posting that :001_smile:) Hopefully it means John will truly be resurrected and destroys Flock (aka fake Locke). The dark haired woman is Ilana who arrived on the Aijira Air flight, she was a bounty hunter who was hired to take Sayid to Guam.


Please enlighten me Re: Flock - I had no idea!

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Please enlighten me Re: Flock - I had no idea!


Flocke = Fake Locke (I don't want to say more and spoil anyone!)



Just showed this to dh... the first thing he asked was, "Where is Daniel?"


Thought that was an interesting question. Anyone else notice he is missing from the scene?


Yeah! I didn't even think of him. I noticed Juliette is missing, but Ilana is:confused:


Claire is there but not Charlie?? And Richard is there, but not Jacob or other guy?


Locke is in the Christ position, not Jacob (or other guy)?


And it could just be a cool pic/BSG homage, but when on Lost has a cigar just been a cigar?


I can't wait until Feb. 2! (Off to read Doc J now - thanks for posting!)

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Lost makes my head hurt LOL!


Of course they post a photo like this to make people's heads start spinning. It's so hard to delve in and find all of the clues, but I love to try to do it!


I can't wait till the seasons begins, but then again I cannot wait until it is over too.....then my head can stop hurting. :001_huh:

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Flocke = Fake Locke (I don't want to say more and spoil anyone!)





Yeah! I didn't even think of him. I noticed Juliette is missing, but Ilana is:confused:


Claire is there but not Charlie?? And Richard is there, but not Jacob or other guy?


Locke is in the Christ position, not Jacob (or other guy)?

It's been a while, so I'll admit my memory is a bit foggy, but I'm almost certain Daniel is indeed dead. Sadly. I loved him so. Also, isn't Jacob dead as well, stabbed by Locke? Finally, they have been playing so much with Claire, and since Charlie is dead while Claire simply disappeared, it does make sense that she would be pictured.


Fascinating stuff, though. Can't WAIT for the premiere! :lurk5:

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Please enlighten me Re: Flock - I had no idea!


Flocke = Fake Locke (I don't want to say more and spoil anyone!)

They (the fans) have done that with one or two other characters too. Ben was one, wasn't he? The name he first gave was Henry Gale, and once the show revealed that wasn't his real name, the fans gave him a nickname...Fenry?? (Fake Henry)...Can't remember for sure what they used.

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After looking at the original LDV Last Supper, the Judas position seems a bit indiscernible to me in the Lost version. If you look at the LDV version, Judas and Peter are kind of "stacked" on top of each other. Judas is clearly third from the left head-position-wise, but in the Lost version, there's no "jockeying" for position by Peter...I wouldn't be so quick to say that Sayid is Judas. What about Kate??? In the second photo, Kate is recoiled just like Judas is recoiled in the LDV version.


I'm over-analyzing, I know. But isn't it fun?!

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After looking at the original LDV Last Supper, the Judas position seems a bit indiscernible to me in the Lost version. If you look at the LDV version, Judas and Peter are kind of "stacked" on top of each other. Judas is clearly third from the left head-position-wise, but in the Lost version, there's no "jockeying" for position by Peter...I wouldn't be so quick to say that Sayid is Judas. What about Kate??? In the second photo, Kate is recoiled just like Judas is recoiled in the LDV version.


I'm over-analyzing, I know. But isn't it fun?!


I could see Kate as Judas.

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After looking at the original LDV Last Supper, the Judas position seems a bit indiscernible to me in the Lost version. If you look at the LDV version, Judas and Peter are kind of "stacked" on top of each other. Judas is clearly third from the left head-position-wise, but in the Lost version, there's no "jockeying" for position by Peter...I wouldn't be so quick to say that Sayid is Judas. What about Kate??? In the second photo, Kate is recoiled just like Judas is recoiled in the LDV version.


I'm over-analyzing, I know. But isn't it fun?!


Oooooh!!!! Interesting point!!!! I didn't even think of that! I could see her being Judas too even though I like her. Hmmm... I'm off to think more on this.

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Is that a skull at Sayid's feet or another one of those pod-looking things that is on the right-hand side on the ground between Claire and Ben?


Everyone is drinking Dharma beer...but there's one bottle of wine between by Claire. There's Dharma cola by Sayid. Check out the two peanut butter jars too...


Oh, and I just noticed that Claire changed places with what's-his-name's son (the so-called Seer) in each picture...also Sun and Jin have been separated by Ben in the second picture.


I had better stop. This is going to drive me batty.

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