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Any fitness gurus willing to give me some recommendations?

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SUBTITLE: Can a 47 year old woman really get in shape again?


I'm 47. Had a surprise (but much loved) baby at 42. I weighed 130 at the time and was very happy with my size. (I had finally lost the baby weight from last baby 5 years earlier!) I am now back at 30 pounds overweight. I'm 5'6". Walking outside is difficult this time of year due to weather. Running is not an option due to a knee issue (used to run 10k's oh so many years ago.) I have an elliptical and a wii fit. For Christmas I also got Wii Fit Plus, EA Active and an Ipod in anticipation of this being "the year." I am willing to make food changes. However, the last time I lost the weight I used Southbeach diet. That was the first time I had ever had to diet in my life as I grew up very thin - til pregnancies. It worked great and I kept it off but Phase 1 was so hard I can't stand the thought of going that extreme. But...I need to get started. My motto is "Getting thin in 2010!" and I am committed to it. I start tomorrow. Any suggestions, directions, recommendations to get me going? Even one liner tips would be much appreciated. It is sometimes hard for me to imaginie getting back in good shape at 47 but I would oh so love to do it. I have become very soft and flabby! Thank you for any help/inspiration you can give!

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I have gone soft and flabby this past year and I hate it. I went from running consistently and lift weights periodically to doing absolutely nothing in the last 18 months. Our move, dh's schedule, and female problems got me way off track.


My diet, in general, is not bad. However, I have been into the sweets far more the last few months than usual.


So here is my plan:

I have committed to getting some for of exercise everyday this year - be it sit-ups and push-ups, walking/running, riding my exercise bike (coming soon), or just doing some simple exercises with hand weights. I have to do something no matter what and not matter how great or small everyday.


For diet, I simply have to find the willpower again to resist fatty, sweet foods. Part of that, I think, is healthier, more satisfying meals.


Muscle tone is key to weight loss, which is why I want to make sure that the hand weights are an integral part of my workouts.


Just to get started right, I am going to head out shortly for a walk (perhaps with a bit of running thrown in). I look forward to that great feeling I get from exercise.

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Not a guru, but I have some thoughts/questions for you.


How will you get some exercise if it is terrible outside? Maybe you have an indoor swimming pool near you, maybe mall walking, maybe the gym sounds fine to you. I think that you will need to get your heart rate up more than a Wii will provide, but I also don't own the Fit.


How can you easily modify your diet?

What are your current unhealthy eating habits?

Is your family willing to get on board with healthier eating?


Preparation is key. Really think about how you will overcome your obstacles to a healthier you. Then, make small goals for the month of January. I would focus on frequency and intensity, not weight.


Example: I will exercise 2 times every week for 30 minutes each time. I will also use my Wii (with another family member?) once a week for 45 minutes.


Food example: I will try one new vegetable/fruit every other week. I will try whole wheat pasta this week.


I hope this gives you something to think about. Everyone's stumbling blocks are different.



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This is what I have been doing:


I cut out eating in front of the tv, computer, or while reading. I've been keeping food to the dining room table. I've been cutting sugar where I can, and staying away from chips and things like that. I haven't been going crazy with it, and if there is cake for a special occasion I will have some. I've been doing Walk Away the Pounds, Wii Fit, some strength training a few times a week, etc. I park far away, take stairs instead of elevators, etc. I've only been doing this for a few weeks, but I have lost a few pounds. I'm not interested in losing the weight rapidly - I will gain it back just as rapidly! My main problem is my MIL, who we live with. She has been steadily gaining for the last few years and is determined to take us all down with her! She's often buying me things I love to eat!:tongue_smilie:

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Can I challenge you on the walking outside part? I have no idea where you live, but I live in Canada and will run outside in -10C (without windchill) weather, even when it's slippery outside (no traction on shoes). Honestly, I'm dressed right and don't even feel the cold. You should have seen our running group on those really cold days...we'd come back and our eyelashes were completely white! Can your weather be even worse than that? Walking will give you a great cardio workout, so if you can do it outside, I'd encourage that.


Weight training is essential in building muscle...cardio won't cut it, so if you can include some strength training 3x/week, that would be really beneficial.


As for eating, diet is 80% of any weight loss (hard to believe when I work so hard at the exercise part!!!), so cutting sugar and white flour would be good, too.


I love Tosca Reno's books or Oxygen magazine for encouragement.




(BTW, I went from a couch potato to running a 1/2 marathon in 10 months....later on I hurt my foot and have completely stopped everything, so I'm back at it on Tuesday with running and recently bought P90X which I'll also start Tuesday along with my anti-candida diet...so I'll be walking right alongside you!) :)

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Not to hijack but what do you wear to stay that warm when running or walking, as I would be doing? I'm cold in the house!


I am also 47 and flabby with 30 extra pounds. I also have decided this is the year, I feel very now or never about it for some reason.


I would love to walk, maybe work up to running, but I am cold! I would love to know what the proper gear would be that would enable me to stand walking outside.

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Yes, you can get in better shape!


Two years ago just before I turned 50 I got fed up with being heavy and out of shape. I started with walking. At first I only walked 15 minutes, but I did it every day. Before long I was walking 30 minutes. Then 45. From time to time that year, dh and I went hiking at a local nature center for a couple of hours at a time. It was wonderful to be able to MOVE again. In November, dh and I climbed a small mountain while traveling. That was fun...and I couldn't have done it two years ago.


Weight Watchers is my diet guide. Water, eating healthier choices, and exercise help me lose pounds. Trading whole grains for refined is an excellent choice. Add plenty of fruits and veggies, then it's easier to drop refined sugars. Shop well and stock your kitchen with stuff that's good for you.


I'm a wimp about cold weather. Hate the stuff. But I agree that dressing well makes all the difference. I also tell myself if I'm miserable after five minutes I can turn around and come home. Sometimes I do, but I've gotten at least ten minutes of walking in. Most of the time, I'm getting warmed up and can complete my walk. Wear layers, head gear that covers your ears, and gloves. It makes a world of difference. I also find that peppy music on my iPod helps on a cold days. On warm days I listen to the birds and the wind and my own thoughts.


I've added a minimal amount of ab work, yoga, and weight lifting, too. (Adding more in the coming year.) Having a strong flexible core is a good thing. I'm stronger, more flexible, and more balanced now than I was a few years ago. You CAN make a major difference in your health and life.


Go for it!

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Definitely not a guru but here are a few things I have learned on my journey to get more fit. First, most fitness experts will tell you that weight loss/fat loss is 90% diet and 10% exercise. It takes a LOT of exercise to burn the amount of calories you can consume quickly in a few bites of un-healthy food. So, make small changes to your diet.... try not to eat processed foods, eat smaller, more frequent meals instead of 3 big meals a day, whole grains, more fruits and veggies.


There also seems to be evidence to support interval workouts as being a more efficient way to burn fat. Some even say that interval training will continue to burn calories long after you actually finish the workout whereas steady state cardio only burns calories while you are actually performing the exercises. Doing intervals on your elliptical would be great. There are many ways to do this but essentially take the intensity of the exercise up for a short period of time then take the intensity down to more of a recovery level for a period of time and repeat this pattern several times. So maybe 1 minute at high intensity and 1 minutes at a lower intensity. Or any combo of splits (30sec/30 sec, 30 sec/1 min, etc).


Finally, make sure you add in some weight training. Not only is this good for bone density, increasing the amount of muscle in your body increases your metabolism. So you will burn more calories just to maintain your body functions if you have more muscle.


Just remember that the scale isn't your only measure of progress. I have gained muscle, lost inches, and looked better, but not lost weight. So if you embark on this journey, remember that pounds aren't everything. Rather, stay focused on getting healthier and I think you will be happier.

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I'm in Canada too. I'm 49, carrying 20 extra pounds and recently diagnosed hypertension (and am on meds for depression). It's REALLY important that I get outside for a brisk walk EVERY day. Having a dog who needs to burn off energy (and excrete) forces me to get out. Once I'm on the go, I feel great.


I walk my dog every day, rain, snow, wind, sun, whatever, for 30 minutes. When it's really cold, I wear some long underwear under my trousers...thin, silky ones used by cross-country skiers and the like. But I haven't had to use them this year. Remember, that running or walking briskly will very quickly warm you up. Wear a hat and gloves or mitts, and a scarf with a reasonably warm jacket and you'll be fine! Take an iPod with a good 70s music mix and you won't even notice the time passing! (At least, it works for me....)

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I love Tosca Reno's books or Oxygen magazine for encouragement.


Tosca Reno was over 200 lbs on her 40th birthday and is now a competitive bodybuilder at 50. I don't know if she has ever had any liposuction or other "help" but a significant amount came from simply cleaning up her diet and exercising.

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Can I challenge you on the walking outside part? I have no idea where you live, but I live in Canada and will run outside in -10C (without windchill) weather, even when it's slippery outside (no traction on shoes). Honestly, I'm dressed right and don't even feel the cold. You should have seen our running group on those really cold days...we'd come back and our eyelashes were completely white! Can your weather be even worse than that? Walking will give you a great cardio workout, so if you can do it outside, I'd encourage that.


That is very true. I remember reading and article in Runner's World that said you burn 11% more calories when it is cold versus warm. That fact always gives me a boost of motivation to get out when the weather is less than encouraging.

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I'm in Canada too. I'm 49, carrying 20 extra pounds and recently diagnosed hypertension (and am on meds for depression). It's REALLY important that I get outside for a brisk walk EVERY day. Having a dog who needs to burn off energy (and excrete) forces me to get out. Once I'm on the go, I feel great.


I walk my dog every day, rain, snow, wind, sun, whatever, for 30 minutes. When it's really cold, I wear some long underwear under my trousers...thin, silky ones used by cross-country skiers and the like. But I haven't had to use them this year. Remember, that running or walking briskly will very quickly warm you up. Wear a hat and gloves or mitts, and a scarf with a reasonably warm jacket and you'll be fine! Take an iPod with a good 70s music mix and you won't even notice the time passing! (At least, it works for me....)


:iagree: And I put yak traks on my runners when it's icy or snowy. I'm not terribly sure footed but they have worked for me for several years now . . . even for running.

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Going outside is difficult here too, -20' wind chill today, with a high temp of 4'. This is such a difficult thing for me, but I'm using the treadmill. It hurts my knees if I go too long, but it is what it is.


Make sure you are eating as well as possible. I drink tea now, warm or cold throughout the day.


Any exercise is better than none. I'm going to put my 1 & 2lb weights next to my reading basket and see how that works.


It isn't easy:grouphug:.

SUBTITLE: Can a 47 year old woman really get in shape again?


I'm 47. Had a surprise (but much loved) baby at 42. I weighed 130 at the time and was very happy with my size. (I had finally lost the baby weight from last baby 5 years earlier!) I am now back at 30 pounds overweight. I'm 5'6". Walking outside is difficult this time of year due to weather. Running is not an option due to a knee issue (used to run 10k's oh so many years ago.) I have an elliptical and a wii fit. For Christmas I also got Wii Fit Plus, EA Active and an Ipod in anticipation of this being "the year." I am willing to make food changes. However, the last time I lost the weight I used Southbeach diet. That was the first time I had ever had to diet in my life as I grew up very thin - til pregnancies. It worked great and I kept it off but Phase 1 was so hard I can't stand the thought of going that extreme. But...I need to get started. My motto is "Getting thin in 2010!" and I am committed to it. I start tomorrow. Any suggestions, directions, recommendations to get me going? Even one liner tips would be much appreciated. It is sometimes hard for me to imaginie getting back in good shape at 47 but I would oh so love to do it. I have become very soft and flabby! Thank you for any help/inspiration you can give!

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Yes, you can get in better shape!


Two years ago just before I turned 50 I got fed up with being heavy and out of shape. I started with walking. At first I only walked 15 minutes, but I did it every day. Before long I was walking 30 minutes. Then 45. From time to time that year, dh and I went hiking at a local nature center for a couple of hours at a time. It was wonderful to be able to MOVE again. In November, dh and I climbed a small mountain while traveling. That was fun...and I couldn't have done it two years ago.


Weight Watchers is my diet guide. Water, eating healthier choices, and exercise help me lose pounds. Trading whole grains for refined is an excellent choice. Add plenty of fruits and veggies, then it's easier to drop refined sugars. Shop well and stock your kitchen with stuff that's good for you.


I'm a wimp about cold weather. Hate the stuff. But I agree that dressing well makes all the difference. I also tell myself if I'm miserable after five minutes I can turn around and come home. Sometimes I do, but I've gotten at least ten minutes of walking in. Most of the time, I'm getting warmed up and can complete my walk. Wear layers, head gear that covers your ears, and gloves. It makes a world of difference. I also find that peppy music on my iPod helps on a cold days. On warm days I listen to the birds and the wind and my own thoughts.


I've added a minimal amount of ab work, yoga, and weight lifting, too. (Adding more in the coming year.) Having a strong flexible core is a good thing. I'm stronger, more flexible, and more balanced now than I was a few years ago. You CAN make a major difference in your health and life.


Go for it!


How inspirational!!! :)

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Toward the end of September I turned 40! I was ready for a big change and thinking I want to be thin in my older age. The night before my birthday I made out about 4 months of calendars for a food diary. I have never been so motivated in my life. Now, just over 3 months later I have been about 90% sugar free, low carb and very little white stuff!!! It has been great! I have lost several inches all around and feel so much better. My size 8's are fitting loosely instead of not at all! I've lived enough of my life enjoying all foods and being a carbahoic, sugaraholic and emotional eater. No more. I manage to go to the gym 3x a week. I would love to work out more but there just isn't enough time. I could use some more motivation to do some videos at home. Take control of what you put in your mouth and do exercise that you enjoy at least 3x a week! Good luck!

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I am 30 pounds overweight as well. I tried the No S Diet before Thanksgiving, but found it really hard to follow during so many holiday gatherings. I'm going back to it today. It is no snacking between meals, no second helpings, and no sweets , all except on days that start with S (Saturdays, Sundays, and special days). I will be drinking lots of water and eating 3 healthy meals a day. I will be getting some kind of exercise 5-6 days a week.


Before Christmas we had some bad days, so I walked inside my house before I got the kids up. I would walk a path around my kitchen island, into my living room, out to the hall where we have stairs to a bonus room. When I got there I had hand weights and would use the bottom step as a place to step up like in a step aerobics class while using the weights. I would do that for a couple of minutes then walk into my bedroom and bathroom and back to the kitchen. I did this for 30 minutes and worked up a sweat.


Do you think we could have a "weigh-in" thread on a certain day once a week if we've lost or gained? We could just do the amount like -1 lb or +1 lb.

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I understand about the walking outdoors part. I prefer that, but it is not safe in our area due to lack of sidewalks, heavy traffic, no streetlights and crazy drivers. So, I use a Walk Away The Pounds dvd. There are several so you could chose from a variety to prevent boredom.


I also think part of the problem at our age (I'm 47 too) is hormone balance. We retain fluid differently and store fat differently than we did 10 years ago. Our metabolisms are very different. It is harder to "build" due to our hormones too.


We need to take a balanced approach that includes good eating, reasonable exercise, good sleep, water, strength and flexibility. I avoid programs with names like "Shred" and "Ripper" in them. The old "no pain no gain" thing needs to be reconsidered. I was in pain daily from a too strenuous routine. I wasn't losing weight either and I was retaining fluid due to swelling. Things are different as we age - we are not 20 anymore. We must take care of our selves better and smarter.

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Not to hijack but what do you wear to stay that warm when running or walking, as I would be doing? I'm cold in the house!


I am also 47 and flabby with 30 extra pounds. I also have decided this is the year, I feel very now or never about it for some reason.


I would love to walk, maybe work up to running, but I am cold! I would love to know what the proper gear would be that would enable me to stand walking outside.


Running outside when it's that cold is easier than running in the heat of the summer! :) I wear tights (long underwear), then my running pants over top. I bought men's pants, just 'cause they're not so tight (I'm a pear shape!)...and they have a tight fit at the bottom (important so the wind doesn't go up your leg). On top I wear my bra, a close-fitting tank top, a tight-ish light long-sleeved top, a thicker long-sleeved top, and my running jacket, which is very light. I then wear a hat and light gloves/mitts. That's on the extremely cold days. If it's warmer (say, -5C with no wind chill), I might wear less on top and if it 0C I might not wear the long underwear. It takes a bit to get dressed up, but when I run with my running group it makes it worthwhile b/c it's nice to see them. HTH!

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Actually, I was just watching an interview with Tosca on youtube (

) and her heaviest she was over 200lbs, but that was in her university days, not even when she was pregnant (meaning she was lighter when she was pregnant). She said her weight went up and down -- at times she was too skinny at 125lbs. When she decided to change her life around at age 40 she was "around 165-170lbs."
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I just picked up another Leslie Sansone DVD (Walmart had the 5 Day Fit Walk for $9 - 5 different workouts ranging from 18-32 min) last week. When I don't feel like getting outside, I can slip on my shoes and do at least a short one everyday . . .

I have knee problems but haven't had any trouble with Leslie's walking workouts.

I also enjoy http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/10-minute-solution-target-toning-7375 for strength. Short spurts of exercise are effective and I make sure I have no excuses!

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I avoid programs with names like "Shred" and "Ripper" in them. The old "no pain no gain" thing needs to be reconsidered. I was in pain daily from a too strenuous routine. I wasn't losing weight either and I was retaining fluid due to swelling. Things are different as we age - we are not 20 anymore. We must take care of our selves better and smarter.


I am no longer a guru...but I USED to be one. :D


45 yo here and just started Jillian Micheals 30 day Shred after years of only periodic exercise, a 20 pound blubber gain and zero muscle tone. I LOVE IT!! OMGosh does it make me sweat! I am only doing Level 1, and I cannot see going on to Level 2 anytime soon, but Level 1 does sooooo much in 20 minutes! It brings back memories of younger days when I was actually in shape and spent every. single. night at the gym. That was, of course, my pre-children days. :D


With 30 Day Shred, I huff and puff, take quick breaks when I am not supposed too, and think I am going to DIE, but so far none of the exercises on the DVD are difficult or tricky...unless 30 seconds of jumping jacks are too difficult...and I am even doing it with the remnants of a sprained ankle. My muscles are sore in all the right places. I loooove that feeling. Good stuff. I highly recommend it. I am so motivated right now to get back into shape. This DVD was a godsend and I can't wait until I have mastered it and can move on to her other ones which look amazing.


I do agree that getting out and walking is a great exercise too, but that alone may not be enough to get you where you want to be at this age. You need some weight training. 14-15 years ago, when I could no longer afford the gym, I used to walk....a lot. I walked every Saturday and Sunday 8 miles each day, and then during the week I would put in about 2-4 miles a night. I walked FAST too. Very, very fast. Heart pumpingly fast. It was not what most view as "walking." I did this routine for about a year and I lost only 10 pounds. I felt very good though and my legs were quite toned. ;) I loved walking and miss that so much, but we live in a very rural area now and I no longer feel safe walking on my own. Anyhow, almost anyone can walk, so defintely begin there if nothing else appeals. But you can't just stroll along, you'll need to walk fast enough to get your heart pumping a bit. I used to pretend someone was chasing me and I had to get away from them as fast as I could, but by walking. It took me time to build up to fast walking, but after a few months I could walk a mile in 12-15 minutes. I think when I began I was at approx 20-25 min miles.


There are many roads to getting in shape, and not every road will be the right one for every person. Find something that YOU enjoy and something that is simple to do at any given time, without a lot of planning involved. That will be a recipe for success. Too much planning gives you too much time to talk yourself out of doing anything. For me, having to bundle myself up in freezing weather, grab the dogs and kids, just to go outside to walk....would be a recipe for disaster. But, that's just me. ;)

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