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s/o reading challenge-WHEN do you read?

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Always before bed, unless I am completely exhausted. Then, for about 30-45 minutes every afternoon when we all take "required" quiet time. It's how I recharge. It just stinks when the book is really good, and I have to FORCE myself to put it down so I can do my other responsibilities.

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I plan for 45 minutes before the kiddos wake up in the morning. Sometimes the baby gets up and joins me, but that's okay as we have a nice snuggle at that time. :001_wub: Nothing like a snuggly baby, a hot cup of coffee, and a good book to start the day. :)


I also schedule a 1-1/2 hour timeframe each afternoon that is designated nap time. Most of the kids actually sleep and the ones who don't must spend that time reading. 1hour is assigned reading (their choice of the history, science or literature books I have set out) and the other 1/2 hour is free reading where the comic books come out. :tongue_smilie: I spend about 45 min. during this time reading my book and the other 45 on the computer or doing dishes. Okay, mostly the computer. ;)


After the kids are in bed, I spend another 45 min reading while dh is finishing up his night chores.


On a good day, I get 3 hours in. I never get less than 2, but then, I always have 3-4 books on the go at one time so I need all the reading time I can get.

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-up late at night

-when I get up in the morning I usually get my cup of coffee and read for at least 30 min. before dc's get up

-in the "throne room" IYKWIM

-in the bathtub

-while I am cooking and waiting for something to boil, melt, etc.

-anytime I am waiting, like for basketball practice, softball practice, etc.

-lots of time when I should be doing something usefull like cooking or laundry

-and starting in 2010, we are all taking a two hour reading break from 1 to 3 each afternoon!!

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I stay up waaaay too late reading. A page turner can keep me up all night. I still remember the first book that I stayed up late to finish as a kid. I don't remember how old I was but the book was called The Key to the Treasure.


Mine was A Wrinkle in Time. :001_smile:

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-up late at night

-when I get up in the morning I usually get my cup of coffee and read for at least 30 min. before dc's get up

-in the "throne room" IYKWIM

-in the bathtub

-while I am cooking and waiting for something to boil, melt, etc.

-anytime I am waiting, like for basketball practice, softball practice, etc.

-lots of time when I should be doing something usefull like cooking or laundry

-and starting in 2010, we are all taking a two hour reading break from 1 to 3 each afternoon!!


Oh yes, I forgot. I also keep a book or two in a ziplock in the van to read when I'm waiting at appointments or parked in front of a store when only dh runs in. Sometimes I read while dh is driving, but now I prefer to listen to an audio book then instead.

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You know this is a good question. I realized not so long ago that I read at night before bed and while I dry my hair. I get a ton of reading done but I realized my family doesn't really witness it. I figure I must read fast, too, to get through all the books I do. The funny thing is I didn't really realize this until someone ask me this very question. Sometimes I read during the day for maybe an hour, but not usually.

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I've never been much of a reader, but this fall the perfect reading time presented itself. I started driving my 14yodd to an early morning (6:30 am) class in town. While I'm waiting for her I get to read for 50 minutes.


I would have a LOT more time to read if I didn't spend so much time online. ;)

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I read before bed, and before an afternoon nap. Its rare I read at other times, except that I read a lot on the computer while my kids are doing school...but not books, just websites. Probably woudl be time better spent if I sat and read a book while they worked instead.

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I very rarely read during the day. I usually carve out time between 9 & 11 at night before I go to bed to do my reading. I have been able to (on an average) read one book a week with this reading schedule. I should probably add, if I am reading a really good book that I can't put down then I will read a bit in the afternoon.

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I'm a right before bed reading gal. During the day I'm at work so I don't get much time in then and after dinner we have family time (game or building blocks or a bit of TV). The only time I really have is in bed. If DH wakes up early then he'll read in the morning too but I can't do that. Either I force myself to go back to sleep :001_smile: or I get up and get the day going.

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