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Advanced planning 9th grade


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What subjects does your 9th grader do? I'm looking at:

language arts






That just doesn't seem like enough. What am I missing? I am waiting on health until both dc are in high school and can do it together. We are doing home ec this year. Language Arts includes writing, lit analysis, vocabulary. I'm undecided on a foreign language at this point. Dd wants to do sign language and I am hoping a co-op starts up soon. So, what else should I be considering as a subject for 9th?

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I have a 9th grader and she's doing the following:


Omnibus III (she gets history and English/literature credit for this although we enhance the history)




Classical Writing (no additional credit here - goes with English)



I could give her a 1/2 credit for Bible with Omnibus but I haven't decided if I'll do that yet. So right now she has 6 credits. My goal is to have 6 credits each year of core courses (like what you see above) and then sprinkle electives throughout the 4 years. That's the way our public school works it's advanced diplomas. You need a certain number of credits with a specific number of them being the core. 24 core credits exceeds that number.



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My 9th grader is doing





Bible (1/2 credit)


Health and Wellness

Computer Graphic Design (1/2 credit)

Speech (1/2 credit)

Entrepreneurship (1/2 credit)

Meteorology (1/2 credit)


I have the feeling there is another 1/2 credit - but as we are still on vacation I can't think of it :001_smile:



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I guess I should be a bit more specific.

math: geometry


science: apologia biology


history: BF US and World (also 1 lit credit)


geography: finish up Around the the World since we started it just before break this year (8th)


language arts: this one still bothers me. BF has the lit aspect fairly well covered. I am continuing a heavy emphasis on writing. I will either use EG's new (to be anyway) 9th grade book or Queen's LL High School just to reinforce grammar. Vocab will continue through English from the Roots Up as well as through history/lit.


We are not continuing latin into high school. I've given it my best for the past 5 years. Time to move on.

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Here's what my 9th grader will be doing:


English: MCT Magic Lens 1, Word Within a Word 1, Advanced Academic Writing 1, possibly an IEW course


Literature: The Bedford Anthology of World Literature: The Ancient World semi-WTM style


Math: Finish Algebra II (Foerster's) --> Chalk Dust Precalculus (will probably get about a third of the way through this)


History: TRISMS-style ancient history with Ways of the World and A History of World Societies as spines. Also, art history and music history/appreciation with Oak Meadow (spread over 4 years)


Science: Geology and/or environmental science (still evaluating resources)


Foreign Language: Spanish I (possibly Oak Meadow)


Philosophy: Philosophy for Teens (both volumes) spread over 2 years


Art: CAD course (if he gets in) at the high school


Health: I plan to spread this over 4 years, so we'll do a quarter of it in 9th


I'm anticipating that this will take 6-8 hours daily.

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Our plans for 9th next year:


History/literature/religion/writing (TOG/Omnibus)

English (R&S 9)

Those will be 2 1/2 to 3 credit hours all combined.


Then 1 each:

Science (BJU Biology)

Math (Jacob's Geometry)

Latin I (Wheelock's)


And 1/2 credit each:

Logic III (homemade)

Computer Applications (CC)


Not sure about credits yet:

Art (outside class)

Music (orchestra and lessons)

Ballet/swimming (Phys Ed?)

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Below is a list of other coursework you might want to consider choosing from to add in. Also below is what 9th grade looked like for each of our 2 DSs. For electives, one year we created a great filmmaking class for one son. This year we attempted learning a computer 3-D animation software for one DS for an elective, but it didn't work out very well. Last year, while it wasn't enough to make a partial credit course, we did a Public Speaking course (about 20 hours total of at-home prep and in-class time).


For both our DSs, extracurricular activities and community service hours have been an important parts of high school as well:

- Youth & Government

- Worldview Academy summer leadership camp

- weekly church Youth group

- assistant teach church Sunday School classes

- homeschool group Student Council representative

- homeschool group social activities

- 20 hours per year of community service


We also have always had Bible time in the mornings (about 45 min/day, 5 days/week), but I have chosen not to count that on our transcripts. Hope something here helps! Welcome to high school! Warmest regards, Lori D.




Other 9th Grade Class Ideas:

- Logic

- PE

- Art or Music instruction/practice

- Elective (of the student's interest)

- Latin

- Foreign Language

- Computer course (programming, graphic design, webpage design, spreadsheet, or other)



9th grade for older DS:

1.0 credit = English

- literature = Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings (plus other books)

- writing = Put That in Writing (heavily adapted and added to)

- grammar = skim review, various resources

- spelling/vocabulary = individualized


1.0 credit = Geometry (Jacobs Geometry)

1.0 credit = Logic (Practical Logic)

1.0 credit = Social Studies (Ancient World History - various resources)

1.0 credit = Elective (The Great Books - ancient classics)

0.5 credit = Biology (Apologia; first half)

0.25 credit = Elective = Worldview (various resources)

0.25 credit = PE


6 credits = total



9th Grade for younger DS

1.0 credit = English

- literature = Lightning Literature & Comp 8 (plus other books)

- writing = various resources

- grammar = skim review, various resources

- spelling/vocabulary = individualized


1.0 credit = Algebra 1 (Jacobs Algebra)

1.0 credit = Logic (Practical Logic)

1.0 credit = Social Studies (20th Century World History - various resources)

0.5 credit = Elective (The Great Books - 20th Century classics)

0.5 credit = Biology (Apologia; second half)

0.5 credit = Anatomy (Prentice Hall Biology, anatomy units of textbook)

0.5 credit = PE (local high school tennis team)


6 credits = total

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I'm planning for 9th grade, too. So far this is what I have:



  • Math: Saxon Advanced Math
  • Latin: Henle Latin 2
  • Greek: Athenaze 1
  • Logic: Material Logic (Memoria Press)
  • English: Great Books Study and Rod & Staff English 9
  • History: Great Books Study and ???
  • Science: Geology/Astronomy (Teaching Company lectures + my college texts)
  • Fine Arts: Piano, Drama, Dance, Art History
  • P.E.: ???



Like Mama Lynx, I haven't decided whether I'll go with "English/History" or "Great Books" on the transcripts. I suppose I could make two transcripts, and then he can use whichever one matches the college he wants.

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What subjects does your 9th grader do? I'm looking at:

language arts






That just doesn't seem like enough. What am I missing? I am waiting on health until both dc are in high school and can do it together. We are doing home ec this year. Language Arts includes writing, lit analysis, vocabulary. I'm undecided on a foreign language at this point. Dd wants to do sign language and I am hoping a co-op starts up soon. So, what else should I be considering as a subject for 9th?


Usually you have 6 classes in high school, or possibly 7 if you have Bible or you have a public schooled student who is in band & choir, so they need a "7th hour."


1. Math

2. Language Arts

3. Social Studies (history, geography, government, etc.)

4. Science

5. elective (typically foreign language)

6. elective


The electives in 9th typically include driver's ed, phy ed/fitness, band/choir, or some of the more optional electives such as pottery, woodworking, or food science. Many of the more serious electives are for later years, when students are closer to careers and are sometimes past their math/science/foreign language requirements. High school health is usually done in 6th-8th grades and then once later in high school.


I'm not saying this is the way I "recommend," but in Minnesota it's the typical pattern.

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What my oldest did for 9th grade:


1.0 = English (US History Based Writing Lessons and SL Core 100 literature)

1.0 = US History (SL Core 100)

1.0 = Jacobs Geometry, 2nd edition

1.0 = Prentice Hall Biology

1.0 = P.E.

0.5 = Health (self-designed program that I wasn't happy with)

5.5 total credits


What my middle dd is doing for 9th grade:

1.0 = English (US History Based Writing Lessons and Windows to the World and asstd. literature)

1.0 = Oak Meadow US History

1.0 = Jacobs Geometry, 3rd edition

1.0 = Oak Meadow Biology

1.0 = P.E.

0.5 = Oak Meadow Health

5.5 total credits


We had planned for her to do Oak Meadow Photography in the spring, but she may choose to do a course based on Philosophy of the Mind from The Teaching Company. I was able to get it at a great price during the sale that was posted on these boards.


You may notice that I changed nearly every program that my oldest used. I wasn't happy with very many of the programs that I used with my oldest.


I was happy with the 2nd edition of Jacobs Geometry, but I plan to teach geometry classes for high schoolers and figured that the 2nd edition would become too difficult to find. I switched my middle dd to the 3rd edition so I could teach it to one of my own kids before teaching it to a class. I like the 3rd edition better. The 2nd edition was extremely proof-heavy. The 3rd edition still has proofs, but it's as heavily loaded with them. It also steps you through a lot more of them by asking leading questions before asking you to prove it.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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My ninth grade DGD is taking the following:


Algebra II (Saxon)

American History (BJU with original sources included-we also did an in depth study of the Constitution which will count toward our Civics 1/2 credit which we will complete next year with our study of God and Government)

Latin (Latin's Not So Tough-we will finish Level 6 by the end of 2nd Semester and do a third year next year focusing on Latin translation)

Apologia Biology

American Literature (reading classic American literature books and analyzing according to Teaching the Classics and composition. Wordsmart Vocabulary is added daily.)

Bible (Book of Joshua for this year.)

SAT Prep - Stobaugh with SAT online practice (1/2 credit)


We will pick up fine arts next year, logic, Dave Ramsey Economics, health, etc. We are following the state requirements for our state for college prep.

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Very roughly, a 1 credit course for high school is counted as anywhere from 120-180 hours -- so 150 hours a safe average. So a 1 credit course roughly works out to about 4-5 hours of work per week.


A 0.5 credit course is about 60-90 hours of schoolwork; if you go with the average of 75 hours, that roughly works out to either 4-5 hours of work per week *for one SEMESTER* -- or, 2 to 2-1/2 hours per week for the year.


And similarly, a 0.25 credit course, at 30-45 hours, works out to about 4-5 hours of work per week *for 9 WEEKS* -- OR, about 2 to 2-1/2 hours per week *for 1 SEMESTER* -- or, about 60-75 minutes per week all year.



Here are a few things that I found helpful to keep in mind in planning high school coursework:


- Take into consideration your textbook -- if it is a standard high school level textbook (for science, math, etc.) and your student successfully finishes the textbook in less time than mentioned above -- they have earned 1 full credit.


- If your English credit includes a full grammar program, a full writing program, some sort of vocabulary, AND a literature program, it is usually counted as 1 credit, BUT the reality is that it is going to take you much more time than a typical 1 credit course for all that reading, thinking, discussing, writing -- much closer to 90 minutes to 2 hours per day.


- Plan on each 1 credit equaling about 1 hour of school work a day. I really don't recommend going over 6 credits (6 hours) of work per day for a 9th grader. I don't even go over that with my 10th and 11th grade boys. Honestly, students really need *some* down time to just think, relax, enjoy themselves, fiddle around and develop hobbies, etc. I know many classical, rigorous homeschoolers disagree with me here, but I'm just speaking our of *our* experience. (And we do not have math/science majors here.)


- Keep in mind that you now have *very limited* time with your student, and in their last 2 years of high school, it gets even less -- they are learning to drive and/or are driving, they may be working part time, they may be taking community college or online coursework -- all of which takes away from you getting to homeschool with them, and especially takes away time from you getting to pour into their hearts and minds. So really figure out NOW what your priorities are (the life skills, the values, the academics) that you want to make SURE your student gets in high school, because that clock is racing when you hit high school!



Do check out some past threads on planning for 9th grade, or post a new thread on the high school board -- that also gives you the opportunity to post about specific subjects or specific curriculum. BEST of luck in your high school planning, and welcome to the Big League! :tongue_smilie: Warmest regards, Lori D.


Please double check my 9th grade plan



9th grade plan so far



Am I missing something for 9th grade



How is Abeka and need help with 9th grade line up



9th grade schedule



9th grade -- will you evaluate my plan



9th grade plan


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On the foreign language issue, way back when I graduated high school, I was required to have 4 years. They could be broken up 2 and 2 or 4 in the same language. My college required 4 years in the same language (high school) to opt out of college foreign language. If someone went that route (I did), then a computer "language" was required.

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One other thing that I found useful when talking to BTDT moms and some of the colleges I've contacted.... Be careful of having too much on your transcript. You want a full transcript for sure but having too much can also be a detraction. If every year you have big list electives where you are giving something like 10 credits or more, they start to assume you don't really do much work for each of these credits because there really is only so much time on each day and admittance people will figure you as the mom just gave the student credit for anything and everything and it will detract from serious work you have done.



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My oldest dc will start high school next year. I think he'll be doing this:


*Math--1 credit--(LoF Advanced Algebra)

*Language Arts--1 credit--(possibly MCT plus Lightning Lit)

*Ancient History--1 credit

*Science--1 credit--(conceptual physics?)

*French--1 credit--(French in Action)

*Latin--.5 credit--(finish LP2; begin LP3) OR some sort of computer programming course for .5 credit

*Logic--.5 credit--(Discovery of Deduction)

*Music co-op--not sure how to credit this just yet


Planning for high school is fun, but daunting at times.:D

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Heather, can I hijack? How are you liking CW Herodotus? What's it like?




Herodotus is great. I am really starting to see the fruits of our labor with CW. It focuses on developing good arguments, choosing supporting information, considering audience, being clear and logical, types of arguments - that kind of thing. It schedules Traditional logic along with it which we are doing. I started seeing the real benefits of CW last year but it's really shining now. I couldn't be more pleased. Of course some of that could be that I'm letting Kathy Weitz teach her :-). We are doing the online class and that is going very well too. She did Chreia last semester online - joining the Diogenes in a year class 1/2 way through - and it's been the right thing for us.



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Herodotus is great. I am really starting to see the fruits of our labor with CW. It focuses on developing good arguments, choosing supporting information, considering audience, being clear and logical, types of arguments - that kind of thing. It schedules Traditional logic along with it which we are doing. I started seeing the real benefits of CW last year but it's really shining now. I couldn't be more pleased. Of course some of that could be that I'm letting Kathy Weitz teach her :-). We are doing the online class and that is going very well too. She did Chreia last semester online - joining the Diogenes in a year class 1/2 way through - and it's been the right thing for us.




Are you using the Beta version?


Thank you. We are enjoying Chreia, and it's good to know that the program continues to be excellent afterwards.

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Yes it's the beta version, although I'm not completely sure why because the official version was available when we ordered. But when you take the online class you order the books through them because you get a discount so they gave us the beta books at the beta price and then discounted that price for being in the class. So I guess I can't complain :-)



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What subjects does your 9th grader do?


As you can tell, everyone (each state) has different requirements. I suggest checking the colleges of interest and also your state's (Institute of Higher Learning) website if they have one such as our state. Our IHL's site has the college prep core criteria listed as far as required subjects taken each year of high school and gives suggestions for substitutes also. Our local homeschool group has info also. Just some more options

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I'm working on my third 9th grader. Whew! How'd that happen???? Anyway:


Saxon Algebra II

Latin class (uses New First Steps and Lingua Latina - this is his second year)

Earth Science - How the Earth Works from Teach. Co. He'll also do an intensive Intro to Chem class this coming spring)

History - put together by myself, a combo of Trisms and reading SWB's History of the Ancient World

Ancient Lit - based on the Greek and Roman study guides by Fran Rutherford and also folding in some stuff from Trisms

Writing - didn't do much last semester - going to start Writeshop Jan 4th!!!

Bible - once a week church study group for teen boys

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I haven't read all of the 4 pages of replies, so bear with me if this is repetition. In our state, we're required to teach the 5 core subjects which are Reading, Language Arts, History, Science, and Math. So obviously we'll do those. In addition, my dd will be doing Art (both history and skills), Piano, and for P.E. she'll do fitness classes at the community center and T-Tapp here at home.


She'll also take advantage of occasional short opportunities for needlework, computer graphics, and whatever else interests her as they come up in our homeschool group or at the library. Just today she took a one-day computer graphics beginner's class, so that's 4 hours toward her required non-Core total hours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a nice thread. Thanks Holly.

Ds 9th grade plans are,


Hist/Lit/Geo: TRISMS "Discovering the Ancient World"

We already have Sonlight's Core 200, so will tweak it w/ time period in, to cover some Church History.


Math: continue Dolciani Geometry possibly attempt Algebra 2.

Science: Apologia through class enrollment in private Christian school

(looking into Kinetic Books)

LA/English: enrolled as homeschooler in same school as well

Foreign Language: Chinese or Spanish (depending on how Chinese goes)

etc: plenty of physical activity and "unschooling" moments with brothers (ack! how do you translate that into transfer credits)

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