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Help! I want to buy a fitness dvd for beginners. One that focuses on my core and...

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....and is safe. I have back issues and need to lose 20-25 lbs. I have zero abdominal muscles(flabby from button to pubes), saggy and flat behind, chest size nearly the same as when I was bfing, and mid-section tire. My legs aren't too bad!:lol:


I have an area rug where I will do dvd workouts, and have minimal space. I already have 5 and 10 lb weights, and would rather not have to purchase anymore extras.


I also love to read reviews online if possible..


I would love to be walking outside, but it is snowy, icy and very cold.;)


Any help you can send my way?


Thank you!!

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I have found bargain priced fitness DVD's at Wal-Mart many times. I think my best buy, however, was a book - The Core Program by Peggy Brill. She is a Physical Therapist and demonstrates in pictures how to correctly do the exercises. She concentrates heavily on the core body muscles as she has seen so many injuries from weaknesses in this area. I applaud your fitness goals in the new year! :)



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I have found bargain priced fitness DVD's at Wal-Mart many times. I think my best buy, however, was a book - The Core Program by Peggy Brill. She is a Physical Therapist and demonstrates in pictures how to correctly do the exercises. She concentrates heavily on the core body muscles as she has seen so many injuries from weaknesses in this area. I applaud your fitness goals in the new year! :)




Thanks, Julie!

I'll look up that book on amazon. I *usually* shy away books, but this is the second one that has been brought to my attention to improve my core strength. It sounds good! That's funny, we are about to begin a new year, but I recently hurt my back-again-and decided I have had enough! I need to do something to prevent this from happening again. :glare: Guess I will be prepared for "resolutions!"

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I don't know the titles, but a few suggestions.


Pilates is excellent for you core. I've seen, at Target, Pilates mix DVDs using bands or small weights. Pilates is safe, and you can just get a basic Pilates video by Gaiam, but it also get boring after a while. I started with the basic video but then got a book and learned more, which I enjoy doing. This page has lots of Pilates DVDs. I own the basic mat and the Core Challange. The Pilates sculpt and tone one looks good.




We own one called Cardio burn and Sculpt




it is a tough workout. It comes with a 30 minute and 60 minute program. The 30 minutes will work out everything.


What you can do in a workout will depend on what problem you have with your back. I would suggest starting with Pilates mat and then moving on to the sculpt and tone. If you can handle more then you can try something harder.

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I don't know the titles, but a few suggestions.


Pilates is excellent for you core. I've seen, at Target, Pilates mix DVDs using bands or small weights. Pilates is safe, and you can just get a basic Pilates video by Gaiam, but it also get boring after a while. I started with the basic video but then got a book and learned more, which I enjoy doing. This page has lots of Pilates DVDs. I own the basic mat and the Core Challange. The Pilates sculpt and tone one looks good.




We own one called Cardio burn and Sculpt




it is a tough workout. It comes with a 30 minute and 60 minute program. The 30 minutes will work out everything.


What you can do in a workout will depend on what problem you have with your back. I would suggest starting with Pilates mat and then moving on to the sculpt and tone. If you can handle more then you can try something harder.


Thanks!! :auto:

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I really enjoy the Leslie Sansone DVDs. They are called Walk Away the Pounds. They are super easy to follow and best of all, they really work. I enjoy doing them so I do them every day. You can do 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 mile "walks" depending on which DVDs you purchase. The 1 miles are too easy IMO, but the 3, 4, 5 are great.

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'Callanetics' is the name of the program/dvd. The teacher's name is Callan. Here is a link http://www.amazon.com/Callanetics-Years-Younger-Hours-Amazon-com/dp/B00064K0RI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1261872066&sr=8-1. :001_smile:


Ah, gotcha! Thanks!


I really enjoy the Leslie Sansone DVDs. They are called Walk Away the Pounds. They are super easy to follow and best of all, they really work. I enjoy doing them so I do them every day. You can do 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 mile "walks" depending on which DVDs you purchase. The 1 miles are too easy IMO, but the 3, 4, 5 are great.


So you really like them, huh? I've heard she has many followers. I suppose I've shied away from these as I am in a small space and would thik I'd get bored.:confused:


Thanks-I'll add these to my google list.:)

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'Callanetics' is the name of the program/dvd. The teacher's name is Callan. Here is a link http://www.amazon.com/Callanetics-Years-Younger-Hours-Amazon-com/dp/B00064K0RI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1261872066&sr=8-1. :001_smile:


Callanetics is effective BUT I personally find it dull. The Bar Method DVD's have similar exercises and are more interesting.

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Callanetics is effective BUT I personally find it dull. The Bar Method DVD's have similar exercises and are more interesting.


I looked at this, and thought it was too pricey. Yikes! I know, I know, compared to a gym membership it is very doable, but, still-ouch. But, out of curiosity, is it gentle on beginners?? lol.


I love Adrienne Reed's Power Yoga. It doesn't get boring because it is 30 different 20-minute workouts.


If you don't want to buy the DVD set, you can look for her show on your local PBS listing.


Also, if you have any aversion to yoga for religious reasons, she is not mystical about it at all.


I used to do a lot of Yoga-both the relaxing and powerhouse kind. That was BC.;) I will check this out, as I would not like the spiritual component now. Thanks!


With the Walk Away the Pounds DVD, after a few times, once you pretty much know the routine, you can mute the sound and play your own music. That helps.


That's good to know. I am still concerned about whether walking in place will be too boring for me.:confused:


The only video I can do and enjoy is Masala Bhangra. It is based on a dance from India.


Thanks. Is that a sort of belly dancing? A concern I have with any dancing, is that I will be on an area rug-so not so good for grooving, yk?;)


Not a specific DVD suggestion but Zumba works your core and is fun is you like to dance. I'm sure there are DVD's on amazon.


I love to dance! As I said above, I am concerned I won't be able to get my groove on due to the rug factor.:D


Thanks for the many replies!

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I looked at this, and thought it was too pricey. Yikes! I know, I know, compared to a gym membership it is very doable, but, still-ouch. But, out of curiosity, is it gentle on beginners?? lol.


The set I have is the original one, which appears to be OOP. However, there is a newer set available that's 2 for $30. I've never used this one so I have no idea if it's any good.

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That's good to know. I am still concerned about whether walking in place will be too boring for me.:confused:



I don't think you will find it boring. It's not just walking in place...there are different moves you do but they are easy and she varies them enough to keep it interesting. It's the only dvd I keep doing, over and over!

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