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Christmas Letter Poll

How do you feel about Christmas letters?  

  1. 1. How do you feel about Christmas letters?

    • Love 'em
    • Hate 'em
    • Don't care one way or the other

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I've followed the Christmas letter threads with interest. Although I don't write them, I love receiving them and would be sad if people stopped sending them out just because some people don't care for them. So I'm wondering exactly what the ratio is between the groups of love 'em, hate 'em, don't care one way or the other.

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I'm a take it or leave it kinda of gal. Some I read, some I don't. Some are funny, some are not. Some I like, some I don't.


I can't think of any that I would miss if they stopped sending them. That sounds kinda mean, but if I'm only communicating with them once a year, we probably aren't that interested in maintaining a friendship. If we communicate more often than once a year, the Christmas letter is rather unnecessary.

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I'm a take it or leave it kinda of gal. Some I read, some I don't. Some are funny, some are not. Some I like, some I don't.


I can't think of any that I would miss if they stopped sending them. That sounds kinda mean, but if I'm only communicating with them once a year, we probably aren't that interested in maintaining a friendship. If we communicate more often than once a year, the Christmas letter is rather unnecessary.


Since I started the other thread, I wanted to quickly pop in here. I am not going to be redundant since I agree with Daisy. Some letters are better than others and it really depends on who the sender is and what their goal is in writing the letter.

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Answered 'hate em' but only because they are mostly so boring and poorly written and come off sounding liking bragging. I like the concept in general and we do get some that are fun to read and have just the right amount of information. We don't send one because I am pretty sure it would be one of the boring, braggy ones. :glare:

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Since I started the other thread, I wanted to quickly pop in here. I am not going to be redundant since I agree with Daisy. Some letters are better than others and it really depends on who the sender is and what their goal is in writing the letter.



This is in response to *all* of the Christmas letter threads. I just want to see if people in the threads are representative of the board, or if only those with strong feelings about it are posting. Usually more people will vote in a poll than will respond in a thread.

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I love them and hope nobody quits sending them out simply due to the opinions of others...


We also send them out (our 4th year this year) and I definitely don't plan to quit. I started sending them because I realized how much I liked reading those we receive and because it was too much time to hand write the same thing over and over and over... personal notes were being shorted due to the time.

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I voted "hate", but I wouldn't say that I hate reading them (I'm as curious as the next person), just that I hate the whole idea of them.


I once wrote a fan letter to one of my favorite authors (Beverly Cleary). She sent me a copy of one of her promo sheets. At first, I was a little disappointed. It's not like I'd expected a personal response, or anything, but before I'd opened the I envelope I got a little excited. Then I flipped the page over. She'd written a short paragraph on the back, to me, talking about some of the things I'd written in my letter. I was thrilled.


A couple of sentences is all it takes. Maybe if people wrote a little something at the bottom of their newsletters, it wouldn't feel so generic.

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but I do not enjoy the ones that talk alot about the extended family (uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, etc) of friends as I typically don't know them. I like updates about friends and their kids. I like pictures, to hear about interests and accomplishments. I don't think it is bragging to tell if a child is doing well in school, or whose soccer team did great, etc.


Ours is long as there are nine people to talk about. I am sure it could come off to some as bragging; however, the heart is really to share our lives in a page or two with people whom at one time were close friends that the miles now divide us. If that is bad, well, then so be it.

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If there are pictures I'm happy, if it's just a list...Let's just say, I don't always read it. (My mind is remembering a list of games a friend's ds/20 year old plays on his beloved Playstation.:tongue_smilie:)


Done well in a nice readable font with pictures, I'm there for you...Super tiny print is a letter written by your dog...Not so much.:001_huh:


Imo...6 pages front and back is too much!

Edited by Tammyla
6 pages is too much
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There was no "other" choice, so I'll explain. I have received a couple of Christmas letters that were side-splittingly funny because of their self-depreciating remarks and the obvious humor and fun that IS the family that sent them. They were so fun to read and dh and I loved them...one of the highlights of our season. If I was a Christmas letter sender, or if I had the ability to put together a really hysterical one, I would so do it.


On the other hand, I have received a few Christmas letters that were so obviously meant to send the "bless you little people and aren't you thankful that our perfect family is sending you an update on our successful lives" type message. I'm not so much about those. Those are, at the most very annoying and at the least just boring. That's my take.


I think the Christmas letter is one of those things that is difficult to do well, but when done well, they are a treasure!! :001_smile:

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I *like* them (can't say I *love* them). I esp. like receiving them pics or not. I post them on the wall with poster-putty for my visitors to read as well.


I only wrote them for about 2 yrs. I stopped after I discovered most folks weren't reading them and didn't care for them (what a relief, b/c what an arduous task it was to write them!).

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My mother's step mother continually misspells the names of children, gets their ages wrong and then attributes cute little stories that have nothing to do with them. Hers are the only Christmas letters that really irritate me.


I mostly don't read them, the ones I get are from people I know :confused: I mean, I know them, I knew about all this stuff when it happened. For the most part they're pretty useless to me, insofaras, learning something new about the family that sent it out.


I do see the effort that goes into them, though, and so they get taped into the card and hung along with it, so anyone curious can read them.


Miss Manners believes they're terribly rude as they aren't in the least personal and instead make the reciever into something of a newsletter recipient. She notes also that most who get them already know what they say, and for the ones that are family and don't a handwritten letter is appropriate, or at least personalize the note by adding in recipient specific paragraphs and removing things you know they already know. All the same, she has a strong dislike of greeting cards in general, so take it with a grain of salt.

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