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WOW, I just finished watching the first lecture of How to Become a Superstar Student!

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We watched the first half of these lectures before my oldest went off to college. I keep thinking I'll get around to watching the whole thing. She took all the notetaking/how to prepare for class very seriously. I think it really helped her figure out how she was going to approach college.

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by TTC and its GREAT! This is just what my 10th grader NEEDS! I think he's at a point that he can appreciate it. I laughed at the bike riding metaphor (brings back memories)!


Do you think this would be good for a student already in college? I had thought about getting this for ds before he started his dual enrollment classes, but never did. Now that he's in a bigger more rigorous U he is struggling more with organization and time management. He has always made pretty decent grades, but he knows that many times they could have been better. He says he's thought of things he'll need to do differently next semester, but if the TTC video would help I'll get him to watch it with me over the semester break. Thanks.



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Well, my 11yo is watching along with the almost 15yo.

I don't think I would have bothered showing it to him if I didn't have the 15yo watching it - but I think he is getting something out of it, even if it's just attitude stuff about how yes, learning sometimes is hard work & you just need to do it, even if it's hard.

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Do you think this would be good for a student already in college? I had thought about getting this for ds before he started his dual enrollment classes, but never did. Now that he's in a bigger more rigorous U he is struggling more with organization and time management. He has always made pretty decent grades, but he knows that many times they could have been better. He says he's thought of things he'll need to do differently next semester, but if the TTC video would help I'll get him to watch it with me over the semester break. Thanks.




That one lecture I think is VERY helpful for ALL students who are ready to listen to his advice and apply it. I bought it to watch over Christmas break or summer - it will definitely get watched over Christmas break.


I bought it because our library system only has one copy and it's hard to get.

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I just ordered this because of the great price, but my kids are only in middle school (6th grade) - how soon would this be useful to them? Now that I'll own it I could have them watch it more than once... :)


My 6th grader loved it, and I think it's very helpful for hs kids to get that outsider perspective on taking notes and so forth. I definitely think it's worth the time to have them watch it now, and again in a year or two. Taking notes, making study guides, planning your work - - all of those apply to middle school students. I just wouldn't expect them to immediately implement everything discussed.


The only bit I remember disliking in the series was one of the journaling/writing assignments, which was something like 'write about the first time you fell in love.' I realize it's a high school course, but I thought this was very weird. Your first crush, okay; although I still wouldn't assume that every 15 or 16 yr old has had even a crush, that's more reasonable than thinking every student has imagined himself in love. It was just a weird moment of "really?"

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The kids JUST finisned watching this today. I really liked it. The 8th grade boy (my friend's child) acted/said he was motivated by it. Woo-hoo! Unfortunately my kids acted somewhat apathetic - boo-hoo. Oh well, I know my daughter will take much of his advice to heart because she's quite organized. My 6th gr ds will watch it again in 2 - 3 years.

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forgot a word
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What a great library! I sure wish mine had it. They've got a few TC sets, but they are always out and reserved forever...


I was able to get three from our library (that's all they have :glare:) and we just watched lesson 2 (no lesson 1)on the Learning Journal and Effective Study Habits. The information was useful even to my ds12. The note taking info was helpful to me and gave me some direction to start with his developing study habits.


The part about coming to class prepared and to focus only echoed what I'm been telling him for what seems like a hundred times a day. :tongue_smilie:

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Cool. I'm sure my 15yo is ready, but was wondering whether or not to bother having ds 12yo sit in.


I was able to get three from our library (that's all they have :glare:) and we just watched lesson 2 (no lesson 1)on the Learning Journal and Effective Study Habits. The information was useful even to my ds12. The note taking info was helpful to me and gave me some direction to start with his developing study habits.


The part about coming to class prepared and to focus only echoed what I'm been telling him for what seems like a hundred times a day. :tongue_smilie:

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