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"Pearls" Thread Spin-off: What if it's MOM?

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What if the MOM is the sexual abuser? What if the dad doesn't know? What if the mom stops after awhile? Can a woman be "rehabilitated"?


What if it the situation wasn't as much sexual gratification for the abuser, but showing "power" over the child. . .? What if it didn't involve actual sex, but more things that were completely inappropriate (unnecessary enemas, etc)? What if the mom even denies ever doing it?


I see a lot of threads about dads being sexual abusers, but do people's opinions on this subject change if it's the MOM involved? Just a random thought that came to mind.

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I don't think sexual abusers can be rehabilitated as a general rule. I don't know if that matters if they are male or female.


As far as other types of abuse, it does come down to the underlying reason for the abuse. Some people can be rehabilitated, others cannot.


Men are almost always the sexual abusers, but women obviously can be as well. I think that children are at most risk of being abused by a stepfather/mom's boyfriend.

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I think it absolutely does not make a difference. Anyone who is susceptible to a deviancy as grotesque as that is punishable - regardless of thier sex.


I am not one of those who believes these sort of people are capable of rehabilitation. I am very secure in my belief of this. It takes a certain sort of personality to ever even "come up with" this scenario, much less carrying it out. I think that each time a person who is ill enough to commit such an action carries it out actually only empowers them in thier deviancy, regardless of punishment.


There. I said it.

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My dad was molested by his grandmother. She also molested her son (my dad's uncle). I do not believe she ever was rehabilitated and I don't believe she ever thought she'd done something wrong. Her kids pandered to her until her death, including her son and my dad's mother (who practically fed the woman her own son).


Dh was molested/raped by a female friend of his mother. We see her occassionaly, he never told his mom and they remain friends to this day. I don't really talk to her and she never pushes too hard to say hi to dh.


They're scum.

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What if the MOM is the sexual abuser? What if the dad doesn't know? What if the mom stops after awhile? Can a woman be "rehabilitated"?


What if it the situation wasn't as much sexual gratification for the abuser, but showing "power" over the child. . .? What if it didn't involve actual sex, but more things that were completely inappropriate (unnecessary enemas, etc)? What if the mom even denies ever doing it?


I see a lot of threads about dads being sexual abusers, but do people's opinions on this subject change if it's the MOM involved? Just a random thought that came to mind.


No, my opinion would not change. I would want Sybil's mom kept away from her.

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I think that with many of these sort of perpetuating cycles within families, that are passed down from one generation to the next, power/control really is generally the issue, rather than any sort of actual sexual gratification.


While I'm not certain that a behavior such as this can be rehabilitated if it's gone on for a long time (and if it's the result of the perpetrator having had similar things done to them when they were children), I do think that the cycle can be broken with intensive therapy, removal of the children and controlled visitation, etc.


I read some psychiatric profiles years ago of women pedophiles. Pedophilia is different than what you're describing. There are more women pedophiles than are generally known because it's so much easier for them to hide their involvement than it is for men; many of them don't involve themselves in the same way men do, etc. That being said, there are still way more male than female pedophiles.


While a parent abuser may be a pedophile; abuse within a family situation which involves a child does not necessarily mean that the adult involved is a pedophile. Pedophilia is different than the sort of profile you touch on regarding abusiveness within families.

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My dad was molested by his grandmother. She also molested her son (my dad's uncle). I do not believe she ever was rehabilitated and I don't believe she ever thought she'd done something wrong. Her kids pandered to her until her death, including her son and my dad's mother (who practically fed the woman her own son).


Dh was molested/raped by a female friend of his mother. We see her occassionaly, he never told his mom and they remain friends to this day. I don't really talk to her and she never pushes too hard to say hi to dh.


They're scum.


How can they not know they did something wrong? That is terrible. I'm sorry for your dad and dh. I've often wondered if it is harder for men who have been sexually abused by women than for women who were abused by men. I was abused as a child but have to think it is harder for men.


I'm not sure if I believe men or women abusers cannot be rehabilitated but I don't think they usually are. I wouldn't trust anyone who sexually abused anyone to not do it again.

Edited by kwiech
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What if the MOM is the sexual abuser? What if the dad doesn't know? What if the mom stops after awhile? Can a woman be "rehabilitated"?


What if it the situation wasn't as much sexual gratification for the abuser, but showing "power" over the child. . .? What if it didn't involve actual sex, but more things that were completely inappropriate (unnecessary enemas, etc)? What if the mom even denies ever doing it?


I see a lot of threads about dads being sexual abusers, but do people's opinions on this subject change if it's the MOM involved? Just a random thought that came to mind.


No, it does not matter who is abusing. A Mom doing this is, like someone said, even 1 step down on the creepy scale.

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My dad was molested by his grandmother. She also molested her son (my dad's uncle). I do not believe she ever was rehabilitated and I don't believe she ever thought she'd done something wrong. Her kids pandered to her until her death, including her son and my dad's mother (who practically fed the woman her own son).


Dh was molested/raped by a female friend of his mother. We see her occassionaly, he never told his mom and they remain friends to this day. I don't really talk to her and she never pushes too hard to say hi to dh.


They're scum.


Eww...why doesn't he tell his mother? I have learned that keeping secrets like this is one of the things that allows more abuse to continue. It is not your husband's shame. It is the woman's shame and he shouldn't be embarrased at all. He should at least tell his mother. Eww..she would probably be sick to her stomach to think that she is still friends with this lady. I would want to know so I could severe my relationship to her. How hideous. He should tell her.

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I think that with many of these sort of perpetuating cycles within families, that are passed down from one generation to the next, power/control really is generally the issue, rather than any sort of actual sexual gratification.


While I'm not certain that a behavior such as this can be rehabilitated if it's gone on for a long time (and if it's the result of the perpetrator having had similar things done to them when they were children), I do think that the cycle can be broken with intensive therapy, removal of the children and controlled visitation, etc.


I read some psychiatric profiles years ago of women pedophiles. Pedophilia is different than what you're describing. There are more women pedophiles than are generally known because it's so much easier for them to hide their involvement than it is for men; many of them don't involve themselves in the same way men do, etc. That being said, there are still way more male than female pedophiles.


While a parent abuser may be a pedophile; abuse within a family situation which involves a child does not necessarily mean that the adult involved is a pedophile. Pedophilia is different than the sort of profile you touch on regarding abusiveness within families.

Just fyi, it's possible to break the cycle, without therapy, or even removal. Dad did, dh did. Both know how profoundly wrong what happened to them was, BUT they both have VERY different takes on the victims of such abuse than most other people I know. My dad's thought is along the lines of, "you're only a victim if you allow yourself to be. It didn't ruin my life, because I refused to allow it too." IOW, victims are just weak. Dh's view is "it happens to nearly everyone. I'll protect my sons as best I can, but if something does happen (after murdering the perpetrator in the slowest most painful way possible), they will be able to have a normal life, and I won't allow anyone to tell them any differently." IOW, victims only stay victims, because people tell them they're victims. If you realize how often these things happen, and they do, then you realize that plenty of normal, successful people had it happen and they moved on. Again, they both think that victims or people who are emotionally scarred in the long-term, to their own detriment, are only doing so because a. they're weak or b. someone told them that's the way it should be. Not to say I completely agree, but I do think their perspectives are very interesting.

How can they not know they did something wrong? That is terrible. I'm sorry for your dad and dh. I've often wondered if it is harder for men who have been sexually abused by women than for women who were abused by men. I was abused as a child but have to think it is harder for men.


I'm not sure if I believe men or women abusers cannot be rehabilitated but I don't think they usually are. I wouldn't trust anyone who sexually abused anyone to not do it again.

I've known an abuser that is completely reformed (as remembered in another thread somewhat related to this one). I do trust that person, and I was their victim. I KNOW they repent.


However, the two that abused Dad and dh, they either completely deny any wrong doing (pretending that nothing ever happened, like dh's abuser) or (in the case of Dad's family) they're twisted enough to think it's normal. I'm very glad that woman was dead before I came along. I have no doubt that we'd have never met her, but I'm glad I never even had the chance. It was hard enough trying to be nice to Dad's mother after finding out her own part in his abuse. I'm not too upset that she's left the earthly realm either. Interestingly, in her case, the majority of the people at her funeral were from the area she'd moved to (out West). None of her children went. Three of her grandchildren (myself and my sibs) and one dil (my mom) were there. Those neighbors flew all the way to VA to cry over her and I have to say... she must've changed, because her family (her own CHILDREN) did not bother to call the hospital while she was on her death bed, but her neighbors and friends were truly distraught over losing her.

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Eww...why doesn't he tell his mother? I have learned that keeping secrets like this is one of the things that allows more abuse to continue. It is not your husband's shame. It is the woman's shame and he shouldn't be embarrased at all. He should at least tell his mother. Eww..she would probably be sick to her stomach to think that she is still friends with this lady. I would want to know so I could severe my relationship to her. How hideous. He should tell her.

Knowing my mil as I do, I don't blame him. If he told her and she either ignored it or claimed he was lying, it would break his heart. It would not surprise me if that was her reaction. She's not the most stable of people, but she's all he has left, beside his uncle whom she's dating :glare:

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Sorry, I'm not very good at being clear. I'll try to clarify. What I mean is, the clinical definition of how a pedophile is defined (or what it used to be), is/was different than the profile for incest.


That seems to be changing somewhat now. And the terms may be used more and more interchangeably in future. I think the last thing I read on this indicated that about 44% of men who commit incest of some type also interact with non-related individuals and are thought to be true pedophiles. That still means that 56% who are involved with incest do not participate in any other form (or are not known to, anyway) of misbehavior with unrelated children.


I believe that pedophilia is still thought to be related to some sort of imbalance of testosterone, primarily, hence the preponderance among men as opposed to women of this. Now, there is certainly a power element involved in it. How can an older, stronger, wiser person dominate a younger, weaker person without that being the case? But I believe that for most, the power is not the primary driver, it's the sexual stimulator that's the prime mover that causes them to act. Or at least I don't recall reading anything to the contrary (but then I haven't had any reason to read about all this stuff for a number of years now)....


For incest, on the other hand, whether performed by men or by women, it seems that power is more of a prime force than sexual gratification. And the sorts of things that are done seem to be passed down in a vicious cycle from one generation to the next. Why? Well, again, I'm really, really rusty on all this, but it has to do with abuse taking place through different stages of development and how that affects the brain. The abused grows up to be the abuser.


So that's what I was trying to say. And, I guess I should clarify also that I'm talking about incest between actual blood relatives, such as parent/child. Not step-parents. I believe that it's thought now that with the huge divorce rate in this country, lots of smart pedophiles are looking to marry women with children in order to be able to have easy prey. I think I read somewhere that girls are about 8 times more likely to be abused sexually by a step-father than a blood relative.


So, some element of power is always involved with sex. Even "normal" sex between two mutually consenting partners. And the element of power does certainly come into play with pedophiles as well as with those who commit incest. But I think traditionally those two were considered to have different profiles, at least from a diagnosis standpoint, and that sexual stimulation was considered to be more the driving force of the pedophile than those committing incest (except in the cases of those pedophiles who severely hurt/killed children, of course, and even then, the sexual stimulation and power were all bound up together).


And likewise, I think that traditionally, incest was often seen as being more about power and control than about actual sexual stimulation or gratification. As the OP mentioned in her profile of an abusive mom, women are known to abuse in different ways than men, often using objects to carry out the abuse. There's a book about a person who suffered a fractured personality disorder - Sybil? - You are probably familiar with it. As I recall, she was abused in this way by her mother while she was growing up and details some of it in that book. It was very obviously all about power and not about sexual gratification for the mother at all. Pedophiles are seeking sexual gratification (usually) foremost. So that's the distinction I was trying to make. Does that make sense?

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What if the MOM is the sexual abuser? What if the dad doesn't know? What if the mom stops after awhile? Can a woman be "rehabilitated"?


What if it the situation wasn't as much sexual gratification for the abuser, but showing "power" over the child. . .? What if it didn't involve actual sex, but more things that were completely inappropriate (unnecessary enemas, etc)? What if the mom even denies ever doing it?


I see a lot of threads about dads being sexual abusers, but do people's opinions on this subject change if it's the MOM involved? Just a random thought that came to mind.



Ever read Sybil? A woman can be just a sick a pig as any man. Neither deserves to see the light of free day again. Neither deserves forgiveness IMO.

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Thanks for clarifying. It makes sense. Oddly, I had never heard of the "Sybil" book, but googled it after reading these posts. It sounds as if it is an interesting, though not very uplifting, read.


Unless you're incredibly interested in psychology, I wouldn't recommend it to the average reader.


It is a nightmare inducer.




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So that's what I was trying to say. And, I guess I should clarify also that I'm talking about incest between actual blood relatives, such as parent/child. Not step-parents. I believe that it's thought now that with the huge divorce rate in this country, lots of smart pedophiles are looking to marry women with children in order to be able to have easy prey. I think I read somewhere that girls are about 8 times more likely to be abused sexually by a step-father than a blood relative.


This is why I have said that if something happened to my dh I would not remarry until my dc were grown. My oldest ds has been blessed beyond belief with the stepfather he got in my dh, but I can't "play with the odds" with the others.

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Knowing my mil as I do, I don't blame him. If he told her and she either ignored it or claimed he was lying, it would break his heart. It would not surprise me if that was her reaction. She's not the most stable of people, but she's all he has left, beside his uncle whom she's dating :glare:


Oh, that's too bad, but I understand. I just know I would want to know so I could kick that woman's butt, but I guess you have to take into account his mother's psyche. I'm sorry. Terrible situation.

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Sorry, I'm not very good at being clear. I'll try to clarify. What I mean is, the clinical definition of how a pedophile is defined (or what it used to be), is/was different than the profile for incest.


That seems to be changing somewhat now. And the terms may be used more and more interchangeably in future. I think the last thing I read on this indicated that about 44% of men who commit incest of some type also interact with non-related individuals and are thought to be true pedophiles. That still means that 56% who are involved with incest do not participate in any other form (or are not known to, anyway) of misbehavior with unrelated children.


I believe that pedophilia is still thought to be related to some sort of imbalance of testosterone, primarily, hence the preponderance among men as opposed to women of this. Now, there is certainly a power element involved in it. How can an older, stronger, wiser person dominate a younger, weaker person without that being the case? But I believe that for most, the power is not the primary driver, it's the sexual stimulator that's the prime mover that causes them to act. Or at least I don't recall reading anything to the contrary (but then I haven't had any reason to read about all this stuff for a number of years now)....


For incest, on the other hand, whether performed by men or by women, it seems that power is more of a prime force than sexual gratification. And the sorts of things that are done seem to be passed down in a vicious cycle from one generation to the next. Why? Well, again, I'm really, really rusty on all this, but it has to do with abuse taking place through different stages of development and how that affects the brain. The abused grows up to be the abuser.


So that's what I was trying to say. And, I guess I should clarify also that I'm talking about incest between actual blood relatives, such as parent/child. Not step-parents. I believe that it's thought now that with the huge divorce rate in this country, lots of smart pedophiles are looking to marry women with children in order to be able to have easy prey. I think I read somewhere that girls are about 8 times more likely to be abused sexually by a step-father than a blood relative.


So, some element of power is always involved with sex. Even "normal" sex between two mutually consenting partners. And the element of power does certainly come into play with pedophiles as well as with those who commit incest. But I think traditionally those two were considered to have different profiles, at least from a diagnosis standpoint, and that sexual stimulation was considered to be more the driving force of the pedophile than those committing incest (except in the cases of those pedophiles who severely hurt/killed children, of course, and even then, the sexual stimulation and power were all bound up together).


And likewise, I think that traditionally, incest was often seen as being more about power and control than about actual sexual stimulation or gratification. As the OP mentioned in her profile of an abusive mom, women are known to abuse in different ways than men, often using objects to carry out the abuse. There's a book about a person who suffered a fractured personality disorder - Sybil? - You are probably familiar with it. As I recall, she was abused in this way by her mother while she was growing up and details some of it in that book. It was very obviously all about power and not about sexual gratification for the mother at all. Pedophiles are seeking sexual gratification (usually) foremost. So that's the distinction I was trying to make. Does that make sense?


This is pretty much correct. Pedaphiles are sexually stimulated by chidren and may acutally love the child involved. They also believe that because the child is generally compliant that the child loves them as well, which the child sometimes does. They may both believe that they are in a normal although somewhat unconventional relationship. This is about a sexual relationship.


Almost all other forms of sexual abuse are about the perpetrator establishing control and exercising power over the victim. It has practically nothing to do with sex what-so-ever. This is just the method by which they exercise this power.


As a pp mentioned, not all abused people feel like victims. I personally know three people who were abused in their lives. They know it happened. They know it was not their fault and they know that it does not have anything to do with who they are now. For one person, talking about it is as normal as talking about any other previous relationship. FOr the other two, talking is not necessary. It was worked out at the time in the way they say fit and then they moved, on.


I also believe that it is possible to break the cycle. My mother was severely abused by bother father and brothers over extended periods of time. I wouldn't say she ever turned out quiet normal but she did not abuse us children and we do not abuse ourselves.


My FIL used to drink, gamble and beat his wife and children. He quit all of the above and seems truely regretful and is doing his best to make it right. I would say that he is rehabilitated and is safe.

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My FIL used to drink, gamble and beat his wife and children. He quit all of the above and seems truely regretful and is doing his best to make it right. I would say that he is rehabilitated and is safe.


Was it physical or sexual abuse? I'm curious because I truely believe that a person can be rehabilitated from physically abusing people but I'm not sure about sexual abuse. I think someone can repent of sexual abuse but I'm not sure they can change in most cases. I'm sure that it has happened but I wonder if age comes into play with that. The younger the person the more likely they can change.

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Ever read Sybil? A woman can be just a sick a pig as any man. Neither deserves to see the light of free day again. Neither deserves forgiveness IMO.


I agree. But culturally, we do treat women differently, respond differently. Mary Kay Letourneau was treated differently (released -- and, I would add, immediately abused again during her release) than a man would have been.

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I agree. But culturally, we do treat women differently, respond differently. Mary Kay Letourneau was treated differently (released -- and, I would add, immediately abused again during her release) than a man would have been.


That's what I was trying to say . . .And one of the reasons why I posted the original question.

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Since the question was about the Pearl's, I'd say that the expectations from them emerging from this situation would be flavored with the cultish, twisted and icky theology. It would also include the reality that they believe in wife *only* submission to the husband. The husband, as the scripturally sanctioned leader, would be given different information on which to operate.


Interestingly, there is a great deal of controversy over Sybil.

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I guess I wasn't really comparing this to the "Pearls" directly. The other thread about the Pearls got me to thinking about the whole subject, and whether or not a female child abuser could be rehabilitated or even if they could change their ways.


Also, I was kind of debating (mentally) whether society as a whole would look at a female abuser differently than a male. So, sorry, I wasn't exactly trying to bring the Pearls into this.

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I agree. But culturally, we do treat women differently, respond differently. Mary Kay Letourneau was treated differently (released -- and, I would add, immediately abused again during her release) than a man would have been.


That's what I was trying to say . . .And one of the reasons why I posted the original question.


It's happened in other cases as well - male teachers who have relationships with female students are crucified in public opinion, while female teachers with male victims are usually blown off. Female-on-male (teen or preteen) sexual abuse is often treated as a joke, too.


I don't think that it *should* be different. I would be just as angry with a woman who molested of my sons (even if they were young teens) as if it were a man.

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Since the question was about the Pearl's, I'd say that the expectations from them emerging from this situation would be flavored with the cultish, twisted and icky theology. It would also include the reality that they believe in wife *only* submission to the husband. The husband, as the scripturally sanctioned leader, would be given different information on which to operate.


Interestingly, there is a great deal of controversy over Sybil.


As another aside - if anyone is curious as to what MPD (now called DID) is like from the standpoint of someone who *really* has it, go over to Madison Clell's Cuckoo Comics. It is quite fascinating.


I actually know someone with DID. Wow. I have no idea how she/they have stayed married for 17+ years. Very understanding guy.




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Was it physical or sexual abuse? I'm curious because I truely believe that a person can be rehabilitated from physically abusing people but I'm not sure about sexual abuse. I think someone can repent of sexual abuse but I'm not sure they can change in most cases. I'm sure that it has happened but I wonder if age comes into play with that. The younger the person the more likely they can change.


Physical only. I agree with your accessment regarding sexual offenders.

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