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I'm so tired of figuring out what to cook for dinner

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YES! I know I have to cook all of Thanksgiving dinner. I don't want left-overs in the fridge. We fended last night but I have to cook tonight.


I'm thinking a nice green salad, and pasta tossed with tuna and capers.. Easy, fast, and I rarely have left-overs

Edited by Daisy
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We are having chicken pasta,salad and french bread(if I have enough bread flour left).


Chicken Pasta


seasoned and cooked chicken cut into chunks

yellow squash and zucchini squash

onion chopped

fresh mushrooms

red sauce(1/2 jar)

cooked pasta

I take frozen skinless chicken breast and season them with what ever strikes my fancy at the time and cook them in a tablespoon of olive oil until done. I thin take them out of the pan and set aside. Next I take my squash,onion and mushrooms and sautee them in the pan. I then add my chicken(which I have cut into chunks) back into the pan. I then add a red sauce(which I purchase ) in with the meat and veggies and heat until warm. I toss all this in with some pasta(tonight it will be farfelle because that is what I have in the pantry). My family absolutely loves this. I make a tossed salad to go with it and usually make french bread too.

I make a huge batch so we have some left over for lunch the next day.



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I'm off the hook tonight. :D Dh's work has a family dinner thingy they're hosting. I think it's a welcome for new families, of which ours is one. I think they're serving pizza. I have some Trader Joe's individual cheese pizzas to cook & bring for D; she's sensitive to corn products, which makes it almost impossible to feed her outside of our own home.


Tomorrow night we're having potato & leek soup w/ a side salad. I subscribe to the 6 o'clock Scramble so that dinner planning is pretty much taken care of. :)

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Make pizza. That's what we're having. There is always the stuff in the cupboard to whip up some kind of pizza.


My Thanksgiving week dinners are scary easy; spaghetti, baked nachos, pizza, all served with fresh veggies and fruit. After that its Turkey Something Or Another for the next 4 days for everyone else but me.

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Soup & quiche is what on tonight's menu. They usually like homemade chicken soup & quiche but not for supper - lunch. I'm tired of them turning their noses up at the same ol' same ol' (dc not dh) so I'm making something I know they will eat.


They always want pasta and I CAN'T have pasta on my diet. I cook it sometimes but NOT every night.

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Anyone with me? What am I making tonight? I have no bloomin' clue. But it'll have chicken or ground beef in it.


I need an idea.


Are you channeling me? I've been married 25 years! You'd think I would have this down by now. But it is so complicated! I'm trying to cook healthier and that eliminates most things my DH loves. Can we say "no more mashed potatoes and gravy!" My DD8 is rediculously picky. Some things are just too expensive. Some dishes are just not worth the time and effort. I HATE IT!

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Between my children's limited list of acceptable foods...

My husband's work schedule...

and my lack of energy due to being pregnant...


yes, I'm sick and tired of planning meals.


I used to be on top of it, I knew what we were eating all week. Now we often don't know until just before I start cooking it.


A few times dinner ended up being mini pizzas made from English muffins or cream of mushroom soup over toast.


I like to cook and I like to eat, but lately, I'm having a really hard time planning the meals.

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How about chicken and dumplings?


Mmmmm! I love those. Haven't made them in a while, either.


I used to be on top of it, I knew what we were eating all week. Now we often don't know until just before I start cooking it.



Sometimes, I even start chopping and cooking and I'm not sure what it's going to end up being! I got through phases. I'll be all on top of it for a while, trying new recipes and really enjoying it, but then I eventually get stuck in a rut again.

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You all are great! That chicken pasta sounds good. And you're so right, Danestress! What's with these people wanting to eat every night!


yeah, what's up with that??? :001_huh:




Honestly, this is a HUGE struggle of mine! I used to come up with ideas SO easily but I'm just all dried up. Have been for years now! I hate this struggle!!!

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Make a master list of meals your family likes by category: beef, pork, chicken, soups, foreign (like Chinese or Mexican favorites), pasta, etc. I included some new recipes I'd been wanting to try on my list so I'd finally try them. This should help for the 1st year! If nothing else, write down what you've made for a month or two to see what you eat. :)


I need to add some new recipes to my compilation again. I'm getting bored with the current list. :lol:

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I did this weird thing last night that was good. Pasta (spaghetti is what I used) Can of Mex Stewed Tomatoes... cut up.. Can of Mex Beans stirred with some Mex Cheese.... I couldn't believe how much I liked it. I served it with sour cream and salsa. I also gave my husband meatballs, you could use hamburger in it:-) (It's my "standby" meat for him) I called it Mexican Spaghetti:-)


PS... I baked it at 375 for about 30-45 minutes

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