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Who? Whom?

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My daughter's doctrine curriculum asks this question:



"Who do I worship?"

Is "who" correct, or should this be "whom?" Why who? Why whom? (I know, I know, I need to study grammar! I'm crawling through Latin, so in a way, I'm working on grammar). :D Thanks!


It should be whom.


Is it the direct object of "do worship," therefore you need the objective case.


Here's a trick. Substitute he for who and him for whom. It works pretty well.


For a question you'd flip it back to a sentence:


I do worship whom.


Now, would you say:


I do worship he.




I do worship him.



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It should be whom.


Is it the direct object of "do worship," therefore you need the objective case.


Here's a trick. Substitute he for who and him for whom. It works pretty well.


For a question you'd flip it back to a sentence:


I do worship whom.


Now, would you say:


I do worship he.




I do worship him.




Nice explanation! :001_smile:



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It should be whom.


Is it the direct object of "do worship," therefore you need the objective case.


Here's a trick. Substitute he for who and him for whom. It works pretty well.


For a question you'd flip it back to a sentence:


I do worship whom.


Now, would you say:


I do worship he.




I do worship him.





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I'd rather a "who" instead of "whom" than the reverse, e.g. "Whom is coming down those stairs?"


I feel the same way about me/I: "It's me!" is not particularly irritating. "My brother gave my husband and I a new car" grates on my nerves.


My peeve is "myself." What a cop out!


"Please give it to Rob or myself." ARRGGHGGGGHG!!!!

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Not if I can help it! :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:


More power to you!!! The other grammar concept on the endangered list is the good/well problem. Not sure that will even make it through another generation.


What is your grammar program? Do you have a website I could look at? If you don't mind!

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My peeve is "myself." What a cop out!


"Please give it to Rob or myself." ARRGGHGGGGHG!!!!

I hate that too. But then there's always the "triple threat" : "Well, me myself, I love the pie." ;) It's so out of control, where so many people make mistakes, that it's easy for some people to lose one's bearings because you hear the wrong thing ALL THE TIME.

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More power to you!!! The other grammar concept on the endangered list is the good/well problem. Not sure that will even make it through another generation.


What is your grammar program? Do you have a website I could look at? If you don't mind!


No kidding. One is an adjective, one is an adverb! How hard can that be?? (Hard for those who don't understand how those parts of speech function ... but I digress.)


Analytical Grammar was written by my mom. I run the company. The Web site is http://www.analyticalgrammar.com. I'm the goofball in the video on the homepage.

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No kidding. One is an adjective, one is an adverb! How hard can that be?? (Hard for those who don't understand how those parts of speech function ... but I digress.)


Analytical Grammar was written by my mom. I run the company. The Web site is www.analyticalgrammar.com. I'm the goofball in the video on the homepage.


Oh, wow. Oh, wow. I am honored. Erin, when I read your response, I had no idea you are THAT Erin.


Wow. This is like being answered directly by the Daughter of the Grammar God. Thank you. I bow.

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Whom is still in use in the US, but very few people understand it or use it correctly. One more generation or two and it will be gone.



It will be an elitist usage that distinguishes those who were homeschooled. ;) As well as the "less and fewer" issue.

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Oh, wow. Oh, wow. I am honored. Erin, when I read your response, I had no idea you are THAT Erin.


Wow. This is like being answered directly by the Daughter of the Grammar God. Thank you. I bow.




As you were ... I'll be on the message boards all day! LOL


I think YOU'RE the goofball!

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It will be an elitist usage that distinguishes those who were homeschooled. ;)

Er? Not to insult anyone here, but I see plenty of typos and grammar problems. As for me myself, whom loves grammer, I don't have all the answers -- at least not yet! Maybe I need to look into some new curriculums. ;)


My kids learned a lot about "whom" from Peter Rabbit.

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Er? Not to insult anyone here, but I see plenty of typos and grammar problems. As for me myself, whom loves grammer, I don't have all the answers -- at least not yet! Maybe I need to look into some new curriculums. ;)


My kids learned a lot about "whom" from Peter Rabbit.




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No kidding. One is an adjective, one is an adverb! How hard can that be?? (Hard for those who don't understand how those parts of speech function ... but I digress.)


Analytical Grammar was written by my mom. I run the company. The Web site is www.analyticalgrammar.com. I'm the goofball in the video on the homepage.


Thank you! Good to know! :001_smile:

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Er? Not to insult anyone here, but I see plenty of typos and grammar problems. As for me myself, whom loves grammer, I don't have all the answers -- at least not yet! Maybe I need to look into some new curriculums. ;)


My kids learned a lot about "whom" from Peter Rabbit.


We learned it from one of the Wooster and Jeeves books. ;)

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Er? Not to insult anyone here, but I see plenty of typos and grammar problems. As for me myself, whom loves grammer, I don't have all the answers -- at least not yet! Maybe I need to look into some new curriculums. ;)


My kids learned a lot about "whom" from Peter Rabbit.



SNORT! That's hilarious. There was a MAJOR who/whom thing in a thread title on here not too long ago. We're all guilty of it.


Look at it this way ... can you imagine the pressure when you sell a grammar program to have blemish free e-mails/posts/notes etc? I mis-type things ALL THE TIME and I always have to go back and fix things. I'm just waiting for someone to tell me someday that they didn't purchase our material because of a typo in a message board posting from me. Sigh ...

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It wouldn't grate on my nerves if my brother gave me a new car! :D

Alas, I am always the one listening to someone say that, never the recipient. (Maybe because I don't have a brother? ;) )


But my point was that I don't think we should say that homeschooled kids are the only ones who know grammar OR that all homeschooled kids know it. My point was that I constantly see grammatical errors on here, so we're clearly not perfect even if we'd like to be. And not all of us are tenth generation homeschoolers who've had the holy grammar grail personally transmitted...., and anyway, I'm with SWB on this one.

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SNORT! That's hilarious. There was a MAJOR who/whom thing in a thread title on here not too long ago. We're all guilty of it.


Look at it this way ... can you imagine the pressure when you sell a grammar program to have blemish free e-mails/posts/notes etc? I mis-type things ALL THE TIME and I always have to go back and fix things. I'm just waiting for someone to tell me someday that they didn't purchase our material because of a typo in a message board posting from me. Sigh ...


Too much pressure can chill free speech. I would hate to see that! :tongue_smilie:

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