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Best Frugal Living websites and/or forums?

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DH and I are working harder than ever to become more frugal and to take our money further than before. I'd love to hear your thoughts on your favorite frugal websites or forums that you can't live without.


Thanks so much!


Check out econobusters.com and be sure to subscribe to their weekly newsletter. Lots of good stuff there.

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http://www.growrichslowly.org is a great general site about how to use your money well. He includes articles on everything from gardening to a 401-k. I find it way more consumer friendly than the Money magazine or other magazines I've received.


Also, google your favorite grocery store with "frugal" and you should find lots of sites that match coupons with your grocery store sales.




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Thank you ladies! I'm pretty good with the coupon/grocery savings sites using these two the most often:


www.afullcup.com and www.southernsavers.com


I appreciate the other sites that talk about general frugal living in all aspects. We're really trying to simplify everything. We've just started reading The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, so the suggestion for one of his sites is especially relevant to us right now.


Thanks again!

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I was just checking out some of these blogs - fascinating, thanks for sharing! But then I started following links to links to links, and ended up here:

Food Stamps

and got mad.

If I were on food stamps, I could spend $668 per month on food. I spend 1/3rd less than that.

Goodness! That's a lot more than we spend too! We're up to $236 for this month (our "month" follows our cc billing cycle, so it's Oct. 22-Nov. 22). Hopefully all we'll need to buy to get us through the rest of the month is milk.

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I am dragging this thread back out because I think it's a wonderful idea, and I missed it the first time around.


Does anyone else have more websites, specifically like Hillbilly Housewife? Our budget is what it is, no more trimming/scrimping/saving to be done there. I am looking more for frugal day-to-day living/shopping/cleaning etc. Sites with menus, recipes and especially coupons. Our Sunday paper never has many [or good] coupons, and most sites I have found, you have to *pay* for coupons......doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of coupons? :confused:


I love all the threads posted lately of everyone's frugal and thrifty ideas....I am just searching for websites. TIA!

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