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Question about God and babies

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O.k. this may seem like an ingnorant question to some of you but I really have been thinking about this for some time.

Would God tell you not to have a baby if you are considering it? We have thought about it for some time and each time we are at that *point* I start freaking out-I mean really freaking out like super scared. I wondering if it was Satan trying to convince me this wrong to do and in doing so bring me farther away from the will of God, but I wonder? Is it God trying to tell me something? I've prayed about it and even this morning I prayed and felt like God placed on my heart that he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle...but is that the same thing as his blessing to do this? Is there anywhere in the Bible that God has told people not to have children? And where is it in the Bible where it says he doesn't give us more than we can handle? Is that really in scripture or just what people say?

What do you think?

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The times that God has very clearly told me not to do something I ended up in a place of perfect peace about the issue. If you are freaking out, I don't think that is from God and that you need to keep praying.


On the flip side I wouldn't intentionally get pregnant if you are unsettled on the issue. Maybe God does have other work for you to do besides raising another one of his children. Keep praying.


ETA - Biblegateway.com is a great place to search scriptures. You can type in a few words or a phrase and the website will reference everything in the Bible on that topic. They even have an option for different translations.

Edited by Ferdie
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The times that God has very clearly told me not to do something I ended up in a place of perfect peace about the issue. If you are freaking out, I don't think that is from God and that you need to keep praying.


On the flip side I wouldn't intentionally get pregnant if you are unsettled on the issue. Maybe God does have other work for you to do besides raising another one of his children. Keep praying.


I agree. Panic and fear are not from the Lord. Pray for peace over the situation. :grouphug:

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1 Corinthians 10-13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.


It does not actually state "what you can bear". It is that he will provide a way, Jesus, for you to stand the temptation.


In my eyes, children are always a blessing from God. I have also figured out that there is no good time for having a baby. Yet, when they come, they always seem to find a way to fit into what we have.

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It sounds like you are feeling very anxious and unsettled. I'm sorry- panic is such a yucky feeling! I would try to figure out what is going on to make you feel so afraid. Maybe this is a red flag to let you know that there is something in your life that needs to be addressed, aside from just the baby issue. I hope that you and your husband can come to a place of peace in this decision and that God will use this whole process as a blessing to your whole family. Wishing you the best,



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I know where you're coming from. I am undecided about whether to try for a third child or not, but mine is due to health issues I had with the girls. Although I have received the "green light" to have more kids from more than one doctor, it's still scary.


I agree with other posters that panic and fear are not from God. I read a little book recently - it actually has a funny title. It's "Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will...or...How to Make a Decision Without Dreams, Visions, Fleeces, Impressions, Open Doors, Random Bible Verses, Casting Lots, Liver Shivers, Writing in the Sky, Etc." It's a very insightful short book by Kevin DeYoung.

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O.k. this may seem like an ingnorant question to some of you but I really have been thinking about this for some time.

Would God tell you not to have a baby if you are considering it? We have thought about it for some time and each time we are at that *point* I start freaking out-I mean really freaking out like super scared. I wondering if it was Satan trying to convince me this wrong to do and in doing so bring me farther away from the will of God, but I wonder? Is it God trying to tell me something? I've prayed about it and even this morning I prayed and felt like God placed on my heart that he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle...but is that the same thing as his blessing to do this? Is there anywhere in the Bible that God has told people not to have children? And where is it in the Bible where it says he doesn't give us more than we can handle? Is that really in scripture or just what people say?

What do you think?


Do you want another baby? God has given you the gift of free will. The decision is yours. You will be the one who will live with the consequences of that decision. I don't say this to disrespect your desire to "do God's will", but rather to remind you that making your own choices is part of His plan/will. Neither decision is necessarily right or wrong (I suppose there are some open womb advocates who would disagree with that, so maybe they'll weigh in).


I have four children. After three, my dh and I were quite happy to be done. When the youngest was two, I started to really want one more. It took a lot to talk dh into having another baby, but he finally said, "If you're happy, I'm happy." I would never trade my youngest, but she has been my most difficult child in many ways. I have less energy to parent her than I had with the others (I was 35 when she was born). My life would have been easier if I'd stopped with three. That said, I have no regrets. I'm living with the consequence of my actions, and if I had ten more children, I'd find a way to care for them the best I could, even though it would be quite overwhelming for me.


Just my 2 cents,


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If you have a feeling of fear, it is not from God.


I agree and disagree with this. I don't think God sends us fear or anxiety but I do believe our sinful nature can cause us fear and anxiety over God's answer to us. If I want something and God says no I can have anxiety over it or if I don't want something but God sends the trial I can certainly have fear and anxiety if I'm not fully trusting Him.


I should add that yes I think God can give us the answer of no more babies.



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O.k. this may seem like an ingnorant question to some of you but I really have been thinking about this for some time.

Would God tell you not to have a baby if you are considering it? We have thought about it for some time and each time we are at that *point* I start freaking out-I mean really freaking out like super scared. I wondering if it was Satan trying to convince me this wrong to do and in doing so bring me farther away from the will of God, but I wonder? Is it God trying to tell me something? I've prayed about it and even this morning I prayed and felt like God placed on my heart that he wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle...but is that the same thing as his blessing to do this? Is there anywhere in the Bible that God has told people not to have children? And where is it in the Bible where it says he doesn't give us more than we can handle? Is that really in scripture or just what people say?

What do you think?

Are you married?


If you're married, then sex is okay.


Sex can result in pregnancy, God willing :)


Are you abstaining from sex, for fear of becoming pregnant? If so, I would say that is a stumbling block put in your marraige, and it's not from God. Alienating your spouse physically is not a good thing.


If you're wondering if you should stop using bc, then, imo, it's a non-question. Imo (in my opinion and I could very well be wrong), we choose to use bc, it's not God induced, iykwIm. Stop using it and God willing, you'll become pregnant. God willing to the alternate and you won't, imo.


Fear is not from God. God always give us 'outs' and he always sustains us. Have a brimming cup of peace and stop worrying about that.

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Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though..

Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children?

My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it?

And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...

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You are overthinking. Pray about it. Stop the panic. Talk with you dh. What do you want.........written confirmation? Not coming.


:iagree::iagree: Satan doesn't control your mind or read your thoughts. He is not omnicient or omnipotent like God is. Just pray about it and if you want to have another baby do...if you don't feel sure about it, don't.

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Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though..

Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children?

My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it?

And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...


If you are fretting and fearing over it, then you aren't ready. Use a type of birthcontrol you are morally confortable with and don't have one yet. It's not a decision you have to rush. Trust me, it's okay to wait. It's okay. You don't need to WORRY about weather you are to have another child or not. Relax. God loves you with or without another baby. I honestly believe God will be fine with it either way. Just pray and trust.

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Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though..

Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children?

My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it?

And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...



I can't think of any instances in the Bible where God told someone not to have children. I'd love to hear references if someone else knows them.


That said, I don't know that I totally agree that no one should practice birth control either. I think this is a confusing issue, at best. Probably why you have way more views than responses. Most people just don't know the answers...

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Fear is not of God. Not this kind of fear, anyway. This is not fear of walking down a dark alley with knife-wielding gangsters leering at you. If you're fearful that you're out of the will of God by having baby, that's not godly fear.


And, you are way over-thinking this. Children are a reward and blessing. If God gives you another, you're blessed in this. If He doesn't, it doesn't mean He doesn't love you; it means that you're not getting this particular blessing at this time.


Examine your motives. Are they selfish? Do you want another child to enlarge the Kingdom of Self, or is it to enlarge the Kingdom of God? Only you can answer that!


IME (which is subjective, I know) when God says no, I have a peace about it IF my motives aren't selfish to start with. Continue to pray, but stop fretting. Anxiety is NOT from God, it's a sign of a lack of trust in Him.

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Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though..

Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children?

My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it?

And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...

I can't think of instances wherein God said not to have a child. A few instances where children were created from their parents' doubts or sins, but none where the demand was not to have children.


Parenthood and pregnancy are big, huge, gigantic responsibilities. I think everyone goes through the ups and downs you're describing. If Aunt Flo's late, I go through moments of 'oh please no' and 'you know maybe this is a good thing,' all the way to, 'I'm so happy.' There's pain and all kinds of things involved with pregnancy and labor... With all three of my children, when it came time to give birth, I changed my mind about having kids :p On the way to the hospital I declared I did not want kids after all, never mind, let's just go home and forget this ever happened ;)


I will say, if the fear is starting to drive a wedge between you and your husband you should address it NOW. Does HE know you're going through this? Does he know this is why you are avoiding him? How has that avoidance impacted him emotionally? How is it impacting your relationship?


If you want to use bc, go ahead, but please don't let your confusion hurt your marraige.

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That said, I don't know that I totally agree that no one should practice birth control either. I think this is a confusing issue, at best. Probably why you have way more views than responses. Most people just don't know the answers...

I didn't mean to imply no one should use bc. What I meant was, I do not believe that bc is God led, I believe that is something we choose to do. If she's unsure of whether or not God wants her to have a child, then, imo, the easiest way to find out would be to stop using bc. Like another poster said, children are blessings and if God's going to bless you then you'll be blessed. If God does not choose to give that blessing to you, then you won't.


All the same, if bc is involved and God wants to bless you, then you'll get to be part of the 2% for whom whatever bc just didn't work.

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I don't think God would give you fear. If He didn't want you to have another child, He would not bless you with one.


I think fear when contemplating having children is normal and natural. As excited as I was when I saw that + sign, I was terrified beyond belief. It is a life changing decision - of course there is going to be some nervousness involved. Pray for peace.

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I didn't mean to imply no one should use bc. What I meant was, I do not believe that bc is God led, I believe that is something we choose to do. If she's unsure of whether or not God wants her to have a child, then, imo, the easiest way to find out would be to stop using bc. Like another poster said, children are blessings and if God's going to bless you then you'll be blessed. If God does not choose to give that blessing to you, then you won't.


All the same, if bc is involved and God wants to bless you, then you'll get to be part of the 2% for whom whatever bc just didn't work.


Oh... I wasn't really singling you out. I guess just thinking out loud. I don't know that I can find ANY biblical precedent for birth control. That said, I don't know that I feel it is wrong in every circumstance. Which leaves me confused...

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Oh... I wasn't really singling you out. I guess just thinking out loud. I don't know that I can find ANY biblical precedent for birth control. That said, I don't know that I feel it is wrong in every circumstance. Which leaves me confused...

We are so completely and utterly on the same level then.


I was going to go on, but that would be thread-jacking :p

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Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though..

Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children?

My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it?

And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...


I can think of nowhere in the Bible in which someone who was married was told not to have children . (Some believe Mary and Joseph, but that would have been a special case that doesn't apply to you. :) ) The default is to be fruitful and multiply and that children are a blessing and a gift. I think it's more of a question of seeking God's will of not having more than to have more, in other words. As someone has already pointed out, God opens and closes the womb. You can lay open your willingness to accept his will and stop using birth control (which I assume that you are using) . Then it's up to God whether or not you conceive.

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1 Corinthians 10-13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.


I really like the NLT for studying...this is how it reads:


"The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure." 1 Corinthians 10:13


I agree with the previous posters that said that fear is NOT from God...if you're fearful and anxious then you need to keep praying and seeking an answer...it may be "yes", it may be "no"...it might even be "not right now".

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Are you married?


If you're married, then sex is okay.


Sex can result in pregnancy, God willing :)


Are you abstaining from sex, for fear of becoming pregnant? If so, I would say that is a stumbling block put in your marraige, and it's not from God. Alienating your spouse physically is not a good thing.


If you're wondering if you should stop using bc, then, imo, it's a non-question. Imo (in my opinion and I could very well be wrong), we choose to use bc, it's not God induced, iykwIm. Stop using it and God willing, you'll become pregnant. God willing to the alternate and you won't, imo.


Fear is not from God. God always give us 'outs' and he always sustains us. Have a brimming cup of peace and stop worrying about that.


I agree. If it's God's will you will get pg if it's not you won't.


Thank you for all the responses so far...One question though..

Has there been any instances that you know of in the Bible where God told someone not to have children?

My confusion is in the not knowing if this is my desire or God's desire...kwim? Why is it one day it seems like it's something I want to do and then that night I'm freating and fearing over it?

And no, we aren't using birth control...and yes..I have been avoiding my husband at times if you know what I mean...


Not that I know of. there are times when women didn't get pg. If you believe God is the giver of life (which I do) then you can't get pg without him. So let him decide for you!

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If you're wondering if you should stop using bc, then, imo, it's a non-question. Imo (in my opinion and I could very well be wrong), we choose to use bc, it's not God induced, iykwIm. Stop using it and God willing, you'll become pregnant. God willing to the alternate and you won't, imo.



This makes no sense to me. I'm going to the Peruvian Amazon in two weeks and just picked up my anti-Malarials. If I used the same logic, I would say, "Don't use anti-Malarials and God willing, I won't get malaria. God willing to the alternate, and I will."


You could just as easily say that God allowed both anti-malarials and contraceptives to be created because God doesn't want most people to get malaria or to have ten children.

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This makes no sense to me. I'm going to the Peruvian Amazon in two weeks and just picked up my anti-Malarials. If I used the same logic, I would say, "Don't use anti-Malarials and God willing, I won't get malaria. God willing to the alternate, and I will."


You could just as easily say that God allowed both anti-malarials and contraceptives to be created because God doesn't want most people to get malaria or to have ten children.

No, because bc is trying to stop a natural response of a healthy body, whereas anti-Malarials are trying to stop an invasive illness from attacking a body. Either way, God willing they'll work, or not.

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No, because bc is trying to stop a natural response of a healthy body, whereas anti-Malarials are trying to stop an invasive illness from attacking a body. Either way, God willing they'll work, or not.


But that's just an arbitrary distinction. A tumor could be God's sign that it's time to die, but we fight it. If your child falls and starts bleeding internally, we could just wait to see if the body's natural processes heal it. But generally, we don't.


Also, there are plenty of people who either time their sexual activity or practice coitus interuptus, but won't use birth control. Isn't the end result of these activities the same? And why do people wait until marriage anyway. People are capable of reproducing from the earliest days of puberty, yet we've determined that having children at this time is wrong. The point is, we've already made a thousand decisions to limit our family size. Why is there something evil and wrong associated with condoms and birth control pills? Why isn't, "not ready to have another baby at this time" sufficient reason?

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But that's just an arbitrary distinction. A tumor could be God's sign that it's time to die, but we fight it. If your child falls and starts bleeding internally, we could just wait to see if the body's natural processes heal it. But generally, we don't.


Also, there are plenty of people who either time their sexual activity or practice coitus interuptus, but won't use birth control. Isn't the end result of these activities the same? And why do people wait until marriage anyway. People are capable of reproducing from the earliest days of puberty, yet we've determined that having children at this time is wrong. The point is, we've already made a thousand decisions to limit our family size. Why is there something evil and wrong associated with condoms and birth control pills? Why isn't, "not ready to have another baby at this time" sufficient reason?

How can you call that an abtrirary distinction? One happens in healthy bodies, naturally, the other is a disease that destroys those bodies.


Where did I say evil or wrong?


At what point did I say 'not ready' was insufficient?


Coming from a Biblical view point, which is where the OP was coming from, sex is for marraige. This isn't a thread to debate that, or bc, though. It was a question of how to know God's will. I answered her Biblical question with a religious response.


I'm sure that if she'd wanted to debate bc, or sex before marraige, or whether or not one should trust God's will, or what another point of view was, she'd have asked. If I wanted to debate them, I'd have posted a thread.


There's an idea, if you want to debate this, post a thread. Derailing someone else's thread to debate religion, bc, sex before marraige, etc, is just rude ;)

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There's an idea, if you want to debate this, post a thread. Derailing someone else's thread to debate religion, bc, sex before marraige, etc, is just rude ;)


I'm not derailing the thread, I'm addressing this question by the original poster: "Would God tell you not to have a baby if you are considering it?"


In part I'm answering by offering my disagreement with the assumption that preventing pregnancy via birth control is going against God's wishes. I would assume that if God didn't want birth control to prevent birth, that the drug would show no usefulness in clinical trials. If God is all powerful than either there would be no such thing as effective birth control or birth control is something that fulfills His purpose in some cases.


Personally, I don't see pharmaceutical birth control in the Bible, but I also don't see the use of the internet authorized as a means to discuss religious topics. Neither of these things existed 2,000 years ago, so this doesn't surprise me.


My direct answer to the question is this. If you believe that God has specific plans for your life, and that you can determine these plans by communicating with Him, then I would think it would be highly likely that an answer to the question, "Should I have a child right now," would sometimes be, "No, you should not."

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One final point.


If I wanted to debate them, I'd have posted a thread.


Or you would have responded in disagreement to someone else's thread. Which you did. If you do not wish to engage my post, simply do not respond. My feelings won't be hurt.


Apart from that, if someone asks a question and someone else responds, I don't think you should be surprised or offended if someone else says, "I don't agree with that."

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I'm not derailing the thread, I'm addressing this question by the original poster: "Would God tell you not to have a baby if you are considering it?"


In part I'm answering by offering my disagreement with the assumption that preventing pregnancy via birth control is going against God's wishes. I would assume that if God didn't want birth control to prevent birth, that the drug would show no usefulness in clinical trials. If God is all powerful than either there would be no such thing as effective birth control or birth control is something that fulfills His purpose in some cases.


Personally, I don't see pharmaceutical birth control in the Bible, but I also don't see the use of the internet authorized as a means to discuss religious topics. Neither of these things existed 2,000 years ago, so this doesn't surprise me.


My direct answer to the question is this. If you believe that God has specific plans for your life, and that you can determine these plans by communicating with Him, then I would think it would be highly likely that an answer to the question, "Should I have a child right now," would sometimes be, "No, you should not."



Ha! You rock. :iagree:



If you are THAT freaked out? That is not from God, and God is not going to use that fear to direct you. I would say that that fear is YOU. And that's OK, you're just not ready, but you also should realize that you may NEVER be ready if you keep feeding that fear. Is this your first? Are you afraid of physically HAVING a child, or of the responsibility it brings?


Also, don't push your husband away over your fears. Use BC! Does HE know why you're keeping yourself from him? Don't do that. Be honest. You can't have a solid relationship holding such things back from eachother. It will ruin his trust in you, and apparently you are not to trusting of him right now if you don't think he wants your input into the situation or will take your feelings into consideration.

Edited by justamouse
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In my opinion these feelings could just mean...wait. My dad, who is quite wise IMO:001_smile:, says when you have anxiety over a decision you are praying about you should wait and keep praying. I believe you should have a peace with your decision before you make a move. I also believe you can be scared and at peace at the same time. But it feels a lot different than "freaking out". Could you just put the decision off to put your mind at ease but continue praying about it?


Best wishes!

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...then thank God you are sensible enough to be cautious about getting pregnant while you are feeling "freaked out" and (possibly?) overwhelmed right now. God has given you the knowledge of how to achieve pregnancy OR avoid pregnancy (read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler if you need more info) -- use it. Of course, take my advice with caution because I would be judged immoral and would be stoned to death if I were to be judged by biblical standards (I chose divorce) like those found in Corinthians or in the Gospels. Add in that I guess I would also be considered heretical and guilty of apostasy (because I question the literal truth of the Bible AND doubt the need to be born "again") -- but I am generally considered to be a caring, competent and compassionate nurse and as one woman to another I would encourage you to slow down.


Take a breath, learn about your body and make a choice to have another baby when you feel peace about that decision -- I am thankful we live in a time where you don't have to wonder if God will "close your womb" or not. Learn enough so you know when your own womb is closed (again, read the TCOYF book). Love the children you have, enjoy the love of your husband and take each day one at a time. I wish you all the best!


Kristin in Hawaii



1 Corinthians 10:13 is the verse you were looking for.


Also, fear is not from God. Like someone else said, obvioulsy walking down a dark alley at night is different. God does warn people of danger in that way.


Other than that, we are to follow the Bible. For, for this situation, the Bible says not to abstain from your husband (1Corinthians 7:1), so you definitely shouldn't do that. Also, children are blessings from God, so if He gives you one, you should feel honored! I'm with the Duggars on this one! Be happy and accept them! If He doesn't want you to have one, He will close your womb. You will only have one at the right time.

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Now I'm really confused as this thread has taken on a life of it's own.

One of the commentors(I don't know how to put quotes) said that the devil can't read your thoughts or make you think things...I didn't realize that. I thought the devil was always trying to pull you away from God with different ideas and such.

That's why I thought it was Satan trying to lure me away from this by placing this huge fear in me...

Please help me sort this out. I know you say to pray..I've been praying 2 years about this and my mind changes every day and now someone is saying that these are only my thoughts or God's and not the devils makes me think I really shouldn't try to have a baby because it's either me or God...make sense?

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We can just tell you our opinions. We can't determine what's right for you and your family. Only you can do that.


As a father of twins myself, who finally talked my wife into having a fourth and final child, I can tell you that having another child after twins is no small decision for most people. I can sympathize with your situation.

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Now I'm really confused as this thread has taken on a life of it's own.

One of the commentors(I don't know how to put quotes) said that the devil can't read your thoughts or make you think things...I didn't realize that. I thought the devil was always trying to pull you away from God with different ideas and such.

That's why I thought it was Satan trying to lure me away from this by placing this huge fear in me...

Please help me sort this out. I know you say to pray..I've been praying 2 years about this and my mind changes every day and now someone is saying that these are only my thoughts or God's and not the devils makes me think I really shouldn't try to have a baby because it's either me or God...make sense?


The devil can not read your thoughts. Only God is omnicient. Satan does not have this power. The devil can not implant thoughts or feelings into your mind. Please trust that you are a child of God and that He is guiding you. You may just not be ready. It doesn't matter how long you have prayed. If you are not at peace, you are not ready. Keep praying and relax.

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1 Corinthians 10:13 is the verse you were looking for.


Also, fear is not from God. Like someone else said, obvioulsy walking down a dark alley at night is different. God does warn people of danger in that way.


Other than that, we are to follow the Bible. For, for this situation, the Bible says not to abstain from your husband (1Corinthians 7:1), so you definitely shouldn't do that. Also, children are blessings from God, so if He gives you one, you should feel honored! I'm with the Duggars on this one! Be happy and accept them! If He doesn't want you to have one, He will close your womb. You will only have one at the right time.

That was the part that concerned me.

Now I'm really confused as this thread has taken on a life of it's own.

One of the commentors(I don't know how to put quotes) said that the devil can't read your thoughts or make you think things...I didn't realize that. I thought the devil was always trying to pull you away from God with different ideas and such.

That's why I thought it was Satan trying to lure me away from this by placing this huge fear in me...

Please help me sort this out. I know you say to pray..I've been praying 2 years about this and my mind changes every day and now someone is saying that these are only my thoughts or God's and not the devils makes me think I really shouldn't try to have a baby because it's either me or God...make sense?

You can be tempted by your own thoughts. Think of it this way... you're on a diet and someone puts a giant dish of your favorite fattening food right in front of you. They are not putting the thought, 'one bite won't hurt,' into your head (that's all you), but they have put the temptation infront of you.


Don't push your dh away. Us bc if you're not sure, but don't allow the fear to hurt your marraige. Satan can screw things up in subtle ways. You're confused, that's okay :) Perhaps the attack is not on your womb, but your marraige?

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And I hope I'm not going to sound offensive because that is TRULY not my decision.


While I certainly DO believe that children are a blessing from God, and wish I had LOTS more of them, I also believe that we are given free will to make choices. I think it is fair to say that if you are anxious and panicked over the possibility of another baby, I would use a morally acceptable form of b/c and NOT DO IT right now.


And here is where the "please don't take this the wrong way" part comes because I am certainly not insinuating anything about you personally, but how many women have babies feeling like it's the "right thing" to do and wind up either being neglectful, or downright abusive?


If you do not feel like this is something you are ready for, you are much better off waiting until you have peace about the issue. There is obviously a reason for your uneasiness.

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