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How Crunchy are You?

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I got ...

120 – 140 Super Nutty, Ultra-Crunchy Granola Earth Mama :D


Mainly for not circumcising, using cloth diapers, natural family planning, breastfeeding exclusively for 6+ months, co-sleeping, wearing my babies in a sling, child-led weaning, tandem nursing, eating organic foods, using homeopathic remedies, homeschooling, and not vaccinating.

Er, so that would be for just about everything :D



Obviously the highest score isn't 140, because I didn't select the highest scoring answer on several, and I still ended up at 140.


You're very hampered on that test if you aren't willing to sew. I don't want to sew my own diapers or anything else. I also have always disagreed with the proposition that vegetarian automatically equals more crunchy. :P

Um, I think it's mean to be more entertainment than a scientific evaluation!:lol:



Sprinkled with granola. I guess a little crunchy is better than none. :D

Not necessarily, I mean some people like jello better than granola!

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I got MMM, Love that Whole Grain Crunch!


If the stupid state of AZ would fund homebirths on AHCCCS (which would save them several thousand dollars for each birth that went that route), I'd have topped out. I still could if I went the unassisted route with my next baby (can't get a licensed midwife in AZ now because I wound up with a C-sec, grumble grumble rant).

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Um, I think it's mean to be more entertainment than a scientific evaluation!:lol:


:tongue_smilie: I know. It's just something that irritates me IRL, and every iteration of that quiz I have seen manages to irk me because of that one question about meat. I will defend my steaks! :lol:

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:tongue_smilie: I know. It's just something that irritates me IRL, and every iteration of that quiz I have seen manages to irk me because of that one question about meat. I will defend my steaks! :lol:

Actually, I'm with you on that one. I eat steak, but I reckon I should score points because it is locally grown, organic pasture reared beef.

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And there was no question about shaving, so I didn't get points for hairiness.Laura


:lol: I was surprised at all the things I consider crunchy that were missing from the list. I came up 90 – 119 Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!

and I don't consider myself at all crunchy. There's so much I don't do out of convenience and laziness.

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