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Do they have frequent flyer miles for the ER? I am there with my DH.......

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:grouphug: Is there an E, none of the above?! None of those sound good, you need more choices. :D Sorry, lame attempt to be funny. I need a laugh when we are sitting in the ER. If there are frequent flyer miles, then someone forgot to tell me and I should be able to take my whole family to Europe for a week with all we have collected.


Prayers for your dh, and hopefully the docs figure this out soon and have a plan to fix it. Prayers for you as you deal with yet another challenge. :grouphug:

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did they do an ultrasound on his leg? that would show clots. we send some instances of cellulitis home but most we keep unless the pt signs out ama (against medical advice). did he get any iv antibiotics at all while there? please, please keep an eye on it and if not showing any improvement take him back. you dont' want him to develop sepsis. is he running a fever? i'm assuming they sent bacterial cultures off? at our er they call at home if the pt needs to come back and send a letter if everything's ok. hope everything works out. my thoughts and prayers are with you, cheryl

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did they do an ultrasound on his leg? that would show clots. we send some instances of cellulitis home but most we keep unless the pt signs out ama (against medical advice). did he get any iv antibiotics at all while there? please, please keep an eye on it and if not showing any improvement take him back. you dont' want him to develop sepsis. is he running a fever?


You know your stuff!


His leg is 2-3x the normal size, shiny, hot to the touch and red.


Yes, they did an ultrasound. No clots.


White blood cultures do not indicate sepsis.


They did an IV antibiotric while we were there.


He had a fever earlier this week but has been fever free for 48+ hours.

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They gave him the option of getting admitted or going home with a heavy antibiotic and "come back if it doesn't get better."


I wanted him admitted. Of course we are home.


Of course. MEN. :(


Since your dh did not go in for heart problems, I will share this story with you...in hopes that maybe your dh will read it and reconsider being admitted.


My husband's dad had a heart attack. A year later, he had all the symptoms of a heart attack again. He stopped by a local ER and they did lots of testing and such, but could not find evidence that he was actively in the middle of an attack. They told him that, based on his history, they really wanted him to stay for observation and more testing. He refused. He went home and about 5 hours later, he died. He was 51.


I didn't post that to scare you - that is why I made sure your dh was not there for any sort of heart issue before posting. My point was just to say that sometimes, making the choice to go home is NOT the best idea. I pray that your dh recovers quickly with the antibiotics and that it was something very simple. God Bless!

Edited by Tree House Academy
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