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Attention Runners...need advice!

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OK, here's the deal. I hate exercise. Truly. I don't like to be out of breath and I don't like to sweat profusely. I have tried all kinds of exercise crazes, gym routines, etc. Blech. I also do not understand the "exercise high" that people talk about. I have never felt any type of euphoria after exercising. I mostly feel like I am going to pass out. :tongue_smilie:




I also turned 39 this year and my body is starting to fall apart rapidly and I now realize that I NEED to exercise whether I want to or not. :glare:


I have been really inspired reading all of your posts about running your first 5K's and what-not (especially my girl, Nakia ;)). So I am thinking, maybe? Maybe I can run too? Maybe? So I need your help to get this exercise-hater into shape.




I have a crazy-busy schedule. I get up at 6:15am and I am usually not home until 6pm. So exercising in the morning is not going to happen. It will have to be evenings. Obviously, I will need to start slowly, like maybe walking first? I live on a mountainous island so there are plenty of places to walk/run that are very challenging. It is crazy hot here so I wouldn't go until probably 7pm or later when it cools down below 90 degrees.


So the first thing I need is a schedule to follow. How do you work up from NO exercise at all to running in a 5k?


Secondly, I will need good shoes. I have pretty severe plantar fascitis (sp?). I have special inserts that were custom made for me that I can put in whatever shoes I buy but I will also need whatever shoes I wear for walking/running to have really good arch support and really cushioned heels. Any suggestions?


Lastly, how do you run if you are ummm....well-endowed up top? :D


Is it possible for someone like me to become a runner? WIll I ever learn to LOVE it like some of you or will I just do it because I need to? I would really like to develop at least a fondness for exercise even if I'm not in love, ya know? ;)

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About the schedule...I have a pretty good one on Word that my running coach made up for a couch to 5k group (you can PM me if you'd like it). Last June I started running and did 5k by September, 10k by October, and 1/2 marathon (my first race) by May, all using the coach's schedule.


As for shoes, honestly the bigger the price, the better the shoe. I was buying $120 shoes (Canadian) and moved up to the $180 shoes b/c it's a better quality and lasts longer (so thus a similar price for the kilometers, but overall a better shoe).


Buy a great running bra. My coach is well endowed and a well-made running bra makes all the difference. She went from layering two bras, to just using one by purchasing a good bra. Expect to pay $50 (again, Canadian).


About the plantar fasciitis...I'd be concerned about you running with it. Running will only tighten the fascia more and make the problem worse. Are you stripping your foot? My chiropractor says it's the only way to heal it (well, maybe not the only, but probably the fastest). The pain is worth it (when one strips the foot it feels like labour, it hurts so much). Get your husband to hold your toes back slighly and run his knuckle along the bottom of your foot from the ball to your heel)...if you're not in pain, he's not doing it right. It needs to be done for about 10 min every day, but the pain is worth it. Maybe someone else on the board can explain it better than me! Also massaging the calf can help. So personally, if I had PF, I would stop running until it was better. The choice is yours. :)


Oh, one last thing...be careful when you're buying your shoes if you plan to use your orthotics in them. The shoe should already help correct problems. For instance, I over-pronate. My orthotic corrects this. If I were to buy a shoe that helped with overpronation, AND use the orthotic, I'm not overcorrecting the problem. I absolutely prefer to NOT run with orthotics.

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Start by walking. Work a walk into your lunch break and take a walk after supper every night. You can walk in the early mornings...it just takes deciding to do it. There are people walking/running in my neighborhood before 5am. Just saying....:D


Actually a good place to start is by wearing a pedometer to count your steps. Work at getting at least 10,000 steps a day. If you can attach the pedometer to your shoe, you'll get more accurate results.


As far as shoes...you have to try on a lot of shoes to find a good fit. I must have arch support and heel cushioning, too. Most of the time I end up with some sort of NIKE product.


I'm well endowed, too. Great running bras make a world of difference. Get something that has individual cups--nothing that would give you a uni-booby. I have some sport bras with underwire. For running and being very active, get a T-back bra...the straps stay put.


If you have some small hand weights, use them during commercial times while watching TV or for five minutes every two hours at your desk.


As far as that exercise high goes...I think you get it more after you've conditioned yourself. Commit to five or six weeks of working out, then see what happens. I hope you develop an addiction to exercise.


One more thing...I'm a decade plus older than you are. It gets harder to get back into shape at my age. Do it NOW, so you don't have to work so hard later. ;) On days when I don't want to work out or get out in the cold, I bring up a mental picture of my MIL. Now in her seventies, she is overweight and trapped by her body. She can hardly move from one end of her house to the other. Water aerobics have helped, but what she needs is a time machine. I knew her in her forties...all she needed then was a membership to WeightWatchers and a work out plan. It's not just her weight, it's her flexiblity and strength. Even a two or three mile walk a day would have made a huge difference in her quality of life twenty or thirty years in the future.


Get moving, girl, before it's too late.

Edited by Happy
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Hey buddy!!!! I am excited for you! A few months ago, I could have written your first paragraph. I had never exercised consistently in my life. I hate aerobics, pilates, yoga, zumba, and all that. But girl, I love running!!! I crave it now. Right now, I am feeling nuts cause I haven't run since Wednesday, and I neeeeeeeeed it!! I am going this afternoon.


You need to go to http://www.coolrunning.com and look at the Couch to 5K schedule. You can do it. It is very gentle, not easy, but gentle. Does that make sense? It is for people who are literally "on the couch". I was in horrible shape when I started. I'm not in great shape now, but so much better. I ran my first 5K 8 weeks after starting. I'm running another one on Thanksgiving Day.


About shoes: I had a $50 pair of shoes, and I had shin splints so bad I thought I would die. I just bought a pair of Saucony shoes that were $137 and they are heavenly! NO shin pain at all with them!!


I am trying to find a good bra. I am a D cup, and my books hurt when I run, so that is my next investment.


Go for it!! Stick to it, even when it sucks, cause it will sometimes. You can do it!!

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The only way I could be faithful to running is to do it my way and at first it was getting up at 4A. It is what I had to do and once I realized how nice and quiet it was and that hour of the day was mine there was no one around to say "MOOOOMMMM" or "I can't find XYZ" I really looked forward to my hour of the day it was good and refreshing for mind, body and soul. You have to make time which sometimes means sacrifices. Get up an hour earlier or have a set time in the evening when you are out the door, no excuses, no compromises. Most people use couch to 5k program. Find a good stretching routine. I found one that works well for me on runnersworld.com. As far as the bra goes don't get a chitnzy walmart bra. TJMaxx sells adidas, nike and other top name sports bra and running clothes for a fraction of new.

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Your biggest problem isn't booKs or time or age, it's PF.


Spend at least 40-60 bucks for a good bra.


http://www.titlenine.com I buy from there. Your booK problem is solved.


Just start on the weekends and perhaps another day in the middle of the week. You will adjust.


Running sucks but I love it because it gives me a chance to clear my mind. I couldn't run without an Ipod. As I run, I daydream along with the music about all sorts of things. If you don't get the high from the effort, you might get it from the sense of accomplishment. Running is one of those activities that you notice immediate improvement in ability, unlike tennis for instance.


Anybody, any age, can run. It's like swimming in that regard, unless you are broken, you can do it and you don't have to be good. You just have to do it.


I have no answer to PF. I am working on that. I buy motion control shoes that are supposed to help with PF and over pronaters and flat feet. I still have PF even when I use my custom orthotics. Shoes should cost you at least $100.





Try them out. You have 60 days to try shoes. You can send them back if they don't work for you.

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AWESOME!!!!! Another runner in our midst!!! I think you should go for it!!! I don't know about PF, so I can't address that. The other runners have talked about the other things and I can just say that I agree. Get GOOD shoes. Seriously - it's not worth it to be in bad shoes. I'm still looking for that good bra. And, I'm endowed like you! I bought a bra at Target and it's one of those uniboob things. I don't really like it, but it works for now.


You need to make it a priority. Get up early if you have to. Really, it'd just be 30 minutes earlier than you're waking up now. Not too bad. If not, do it at night, but make sure you DO it!!!! Make it a family thing. The boys can ride bikes (or run with you!). Your dh can start running too!


That exercise high - I didn't get it at first either. I felt GREAT when I was done, but I didn't feel that high that I'd heard about. Now that I'm able to run 9 miles (!! I still can't believe I can run that far and long!!! Just 1 1/2 years ago, I couldn't even run down my street to the corner!), I do find that I get that high during exercise. But, it's around mile 5 or so. But, that's just me!! For a long time, running was just plain work. Period. But, I'm SOOOOO glad I started. I've found a little group of running friends on line (here!) and at home.


I went to the Expo down at Cobo Hall last night before the marathon to pick up my race packet. There is SUCH GREAT comraderie among runners. Everyone there was excited about the race and we all had one thing in common - we were runners and we were running a LONG race in the morning. I didn't want to leave!!! There was such electricity in the air. Such excitement. Sorry if I sound corny! I just loved it SO much!!!!


Good luck with whatever you choose - walking or running. Either way, you're on your way to better health!!!

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AWESOME!!!!! Another runner in our midst!!! I think you should go for it!!! I don't know about PF, so I can't address that. The other runners have talked about the other things and I can just say that I agree. Get GOOD shoes. Seriously - it's not worth it to be in bad shoes. I'm still looking for that good bra. And, I'm endowed like you! I bought a bra at Target and it's one of those uniboob things. I don't really like it, but it works for now.


You need to make it a priority. Get up early if you have to. Really, it'd just be 30 minutes earlier than you're waking up now. Not too bad. If not, do it at night, but make sure you DO it!!!! Make it a family thing. The boys can ride bikes (or run with you!). Your dh can start running too!


That exercise high - I didn't get it at first either. I felt GREAT when I was done, but I didn't feel that high that I'd heard about. Now that I'm able to run 9 miles (!! I still can't believe I can run that far and long!!! Just 1 1/2 years ago, I couldn't even run down my street to the corner!), I do find that I get that high during exercise. But, it's around mile 5 or so. But, that's just me!! For a long time, running was just plain work. Period. But, I'm SOOOOO glad I started. I've found a little group of running friends on line (here!) and at home.


I went to the Expo down at Cobo Hall last night before the marathon to pick up my race packet. There is SUCH GREAT comraderie among runners. Everyone there was excited about the race and we all had one thing in common - we were runners and we were running a LONG race in the morning. I didn't want to leave!!! There was such electricity in the air. Such excitement. Sorry if I sound corny! I just loved it SO much!!!!


Good luck with whatever you choose - walking or running. Either way, you're on your way to better health!!!


YOU GO GIRL!!! I am so happy that you are running a big race. It gives this middle-aged momma hope. :D


OK, another question, if I were to follow the couch to 5k program, is it better to run on a more flat surface? I live in a really hilly area and I don't know of any "tracks" I could run.


Any suggestions (from all of you) on the best running shoe? So far nike, adidas and saucony have been mentioned. Any particular "model"? Luckily there are athletic stores all over the place here and I want to get good shoes before I even start because I don't want to make my PF worse.


An Ipod while running sounds like a good idea too. Although I was wondering how many of you run solo and how many run in groups?


I am going to go at 7pm. I can't go in the morning because it is pitch black and just not really a good idea around here for a variety of reasons. But I am almost always home at 7pm, it is cooler out, sort of the "gloaming" time and not dark yet. And I can get 3 nights a week in easily.


How many days a week do you all run?


I'm really nervous. I am so worried I will quit like I do every other exercise. :(

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I've been following this thread with great interest. I have a question about the shoes....If you are just starting out, would it be okay to just use the shoes you have until you build up to a decent mileage? I'm just nervous about spending the $$ for the shoes when I have no idea what to even look for.

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I've been following this thread with great interest. I have a question about the shoes....If you are just starting out, would it be okay to just use the shoes you have until you build up to a decent mileage? I'm just nervous about spending the $$ for the shoes when I have no idea what to even look for.


How old are the shoes you have? If you wear them regularly and have had them for a year or more they may be to worn out to run in and thus lead to various injuries. I get new running shoes every 6-9months not so much because of mileage but I have a heavy step and wear down the part that's at the balll of my foot. I keep the old pair to wear if it's wet and/or muddy, work in the yard, when we go hiking etc. for they are still in decent condition but not for my daily runs.

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Secondly, I will need good shoes. I have pretty severe plantar fascitis (sp?).


You better check with a physician.


I thought running was counter-indicated for people with Plantar fasciitis?


If it's OK, brisk walking and strenuous hiking are a good warm-up to running (and are actually better for your long term joint health).



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YOU GO GIRL!!! I am so happy that you are running a big race. It gives this middle-aged momma hope. :D


OK, another question, if I were to follow the couch to 5k program, is it better to run on a more flat surface? I live in a really hilly area and I don't know of any "tracks" I could run.


What ever you have around you. My neighborhood has a lot of hills so that's what I had to work with.


Any suggestions (from all of you) on the best running shoe? So far nike, adidas and saucony have been mentioned. Any particular "model"? Luckily there are athletic stores all over the place here and I want to get good shoes before I even start because I don't want to make my PF worse.


That's a personal preferrence. When you have time go to the store and try several brands. There should be some fit guides on line. I like New Balance because I have a wide foot and work well for me.


An Ipod while running sounds like a good idea too. Although I was wondering how many of you run solo and how many run in groups?

I run by myself. I live in a decent neighborhood. It annoys me to run with other people because I keep my own schedule and pace. Many people say they don't like to use Ipod's because they can't hear what's going on around them. Now I have never had a problemw ith that using mine and I am deaf in my right ear. I did however stop using mine when I found out you can not use them races for safety reasons.


I am going to go at 7pm. I can't go in the morning because it is pitch black and just not really a good idea around here for a variety of reasons. But I am almost always home at 7pm, it is cooler out, sort of the "gloaming" time and not dark yet. And I can get 3 nights a week in easily.

Sounds like a great start. One hint. Take a few minutes in the morning or night to have everything ready to go. It frustrates me to have to look for hair things, socks etc. right before I am ready to go. Oh and also have some water ready for your return.


How many days a week do you all run?


I exercise 7 days a week and try to run atleast 4 minimum.

I'm really nervous. I am so worried I will quit like I do every other exercise.

Change your motivation to want to exercise. Mine is that it's my time. There are no "moooom"'s. "mom, where's xyz" etc. Also I don't want to be a burden on my children when I get older so the better shape I am in now I believe will help me down the road.


STay with it and post when you complete your days. It's encouraging to others and will help with the mind set that you have to post something, why not let it be something good:D

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I echo the Title Nine recommendation - they have great bras!


I also agree with Spy Car - check with a doc before beginning running.


Walking is very nice, too! You still need good shoes, and it is very helpful to buy them at a place that has knowledgeable staff. If you don't have access to that, then you're going to have read the running or walking websites carefully so that you know what you're looking for.


I also want to echo Happy's comment about getting started NOW. I'm 50 this year, and I still wish that I had gotten started earlier - but even so, I'm grateful - I'm in better shape at 50 than I was at 42!!


Go, Heather, Go!



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Any suggestions (from all of you) on the best running shoe? So far nike, adidas and saucony have been mentioned. Any particular "model"? Luckily there are athletic stores all over the place here and I want to get good shoes before I even start because I don't want to make my PF worse.


An Ipod while running sounds like a good idea too. Although I was wondering how many of you run solo and how many run in groups?


I am going to go at 7pm. I can't go in the morning because it is pitch black and just not really a good idea around here for a variety of reasons. But I am almost always home at 7pm, it is cooler out, sort of the "gloaming" time and not dark yet. And I can get 3 nights a week in easily.


How many days a week do you all run?


I'm really nervous. I am so worried I will quit like I do every other exercise. :(


For shoes, you definitely want to try them on and jog around a little bit in the store with them on. I wear the Nike Shox Turmoil and love them! The shoe salesman had me try on others that were supposed to be better, but I just loved the way these shoes feel on my feet. I'd wear them all day long if they weren't so expensive. They were around $100, which I guess isn't bad for running shoes, but we *never* spend even close to that on shoes. (Well, except for a good pair of dress/work shoes for dh.)


I run about 5 days a week. I started out running in the evenings, too but after a couple of years (baby getting older and not needing to nurse first thing in the morning) I have transitioned to running mostly in the morning. During the summer, I'd get up as early as 4:45am to get a long run in. It is hard to get up at first, but it is so worth it for how good I feel the rest of the day. (Not to mention, I am down to 127 pounds! I haven't weighed this little since I was a preteen.)


I hope you can get into it and not have the PF hold you back. It really is a wonderful hobby/exercise.

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If you decide it's okay to run with PF (you go girl!!), definitely get good shoes. It's easier (and more painful) to get an injury than a person might think. It's not usually dangerous, of course, but if you develop an injury, you might have to take an extended break from running after you've done a lot of the toughest early work. I hated running in the beginning, I really did. But after awhile, I got to the point where I liked "having run" when it was all over. It surprised me what I could do. I don't actually get that "high" that everyone talks about, but I do look forward to running and when I'm finished I feel like, "Yeah, I did something for me, something that mattered, today!"


I started out by walking. I tried to add time as well as length to the walks, making sure I did some tough stretches, up hills. Then I did the walk/run method for awhile. Then I was challenging myself to keep running to the next tree before I could switch to a walk, and then the next tree. It was so cool when I made it to my first mile!



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I'll agree w/the rest of the ladies; a good, tight, sport's-bra is sooooo very important. Get fitted in a sports store, if you need to. Otherwise, running will take it toll and leave you w/boobies hanging to your knees. Not to mention all the pain of bouncing. Dh says my sport's bra is like a cast.


Next; sneakers, you do get what you pay for. Running shoes also have a short life span, about six months, depending on how much you run. If you don't get the right shoes, numerous problems can occur such as; back problems, arch problems, shin-splints, and so much more.


Go to a professional sports store and get fitted for your sneakers. It takes just one time, then you will know what to look for on your own. You can do both bra and sneaker at the same time. It is worth the extra money. Otherwise, you could end up buying several cheaper versions, (cost inefficient in the long run) or get the professional version right from the start.


Give yourself time to really get into it. Your at the right age to start!!


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I just wanted to add two comments (in addition to my first post)


AprilTN -- Honestly, even if you're just beginning, invest in good shoes. SO many injuries can happen when you have ill-supporting shoes. Also, once you purchase good shoes, you'll know when it's time to change them b/c you'll hurt somewhere in your body. For me it's one knee. :)


About a sports bra....like running shoes, they have a shelf life! I had NO idea that even if I invest $50 in a good quality sports bra for my non-existent chest, I'd still need to replace it in six months!!!!!!! One sign of it stretching too much is after a run I'll have a "rub" line where it sits under my bOOks...it can rub so badly that if I take a hot shower is stings like heck and get a little scab. Just wanted to add my 2 cents, b/c I had no idea that this happened b/c the bra was wearing out...it still looked new!

Edited by 4kids4me
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I've started doing the jog-walk. I do a few leg stretches as I head out the door. Then I walk far enough to get warmed up. Then I jog, coming down on my toes and taking little steps, until I feel winded (when I started I jogged about 20 paces. LOL!). I return to walking until I am breathing evenly, and then I jog again until I start breathing hard. I end by walking the last stretch to be sure that I have cooled down.


I started with 15 to 20 minutes of this and have moved up--I rarely have more than 30 minutes that I want to give to aerobics. I cover a lot more ground in 20 minutes than when I am walking, and I do feel good when I get done--I feel like I've done enough to have gotten my lungs working but not enough to feel sick and over-tired.


In winter, I jog on the mini trampoline if there is too much snow or ice; in summer, I use the trampoline when it is way too hot outside.


The scales are going down...


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I have a crazy-busy schedule. I get up at 6:15am and I am usually not home until 6pm. So exercising in the morning is not going to happen. It will have to be evenings. Obviously, I will need to start slowly, like maybe walking first? I live on a mountainous island so there are plenty of places to walk/run that are very challenging. It is crazy hot here so I wouldn't go until probably 7pm or later when it cools down below 90 degrees.
My hubby and I get up at 5:30 am in order to run before he goes to work and I get busy with the kids. Neither of us get home until 6-6:30 pm. Sometimes we run later in the evening, when we slack off in the morning. Hubby (who is the real runner in the family) insists it is better to run on an empty stomach.


So the first thing I need is a schedule to follow. How do you work up from NO exercise at all to running in a 5k?
Couch to 5k. Stay on a week until you can complete it without stopping or walking when you're supposed to be running. Remember, try to keep your strides long, let your legs work more than your lungs.


Secondly, I will need good shoes. I have pretty severe plantar fascitis (sp?). I have special inserts that were custom made for me that I can put in whatever shoes I buy but I will also need whatever shoes I wear for walking/running to have really good arch support and really cushioned heels. Any suggestions?
This is something to talk to a doctor and good running store about. Everyone's feet are different. When I started I was having trouble with my achilles tendons, I wound up having to switch running shoes. I have a high arch and high instep. Due to the high instep there are some shoes (like New Balance) that I cannot wear. I like the Mizunos. My DH prefers Brooks.


Lastly, how do you run if you are ummm....well-endowed up top? :D
Accoring to the Title 9 store's bra calculator I'm a 34DDD. Buy a good running bra and it shouldn't be a problem.


Is it possible for someone like me to become a runner? WIll I ever learn to LOVE it like some of you or will I just do it because I need to? I would really like to develop at least a fondness for exercise even if I'm not in love, ya know? ;)
I don't love running and I'm not sure I ever will, but I love the sense of accomplishment I get from it. Edited by Mrs Mungo
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This is a great thread! I just found out recently that I have premature menopause (I'm 39). I don't exercise at all, but I want to start exercising (mainly running) to prevent osteoporosis and heart disease, so this thread is really helpful.


I just hope that I can get started and won't quit. It'll be good to come here and read about everyone's progress. Hopefully that will get me motivated too.

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