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Girls sick - What could this be?

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Both of my girls are sick.


The first one to get sick started complaining of a headache Monday afternoon. Later that evening she was lethargic and complaining of headache and stomach ache. She had barely eaten all day because she said she felt like she would throw up if she ate. Tuesday she had fever all day, mostly low but highest was 101.8. Still had headache and stomach ache, barely eating, but no other symptoms. Wednesday she said she felt fine but still had low fever all day, plus she began coughing a little and said her throat felt "dry". So far today (Thursday), fever is gone but still coughing and says throat hurts. She also woke up with a stuffy nose, but that could be allergies as it is normal for her this time of year.


My other daughter has basically the same symptoms but has followed a day behind. She has had a sore throat and fever longer, though. First DD's fever is gone today, but second DD has 101.2 this morning.


It doesn't really sound like flu to me, but we don't get sick very often so I may not recognize it even if it is. I don't want to take them to a DR. or ER if it isn't necessary and expose them to the germs, KWIM?

Edited by hsmom3tn
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Both of my girls are sick.


The first one to get sick started complaining of a headache Monday afternoon. Later that evening she was lethargic and complaining of headache and stomach ache. She had barely eaten all day because she said she felt like she would throw up if she ate. Tuesday she had fever all day, mostly low but highest was 101.8. Still had headache and stomach ache, barely eating, but no other symptoms. Wednesday she said she felt fine but still had low fever all day, plus she began coughing a little and said her throat felt "dry". So far today (Thursday), fever is gone but still coughing and says throat hurts. She also woke up with a stuffy nose, but that could be allergies as it is normal for her this time of year.


My other daughter has basically the same symptoms but has followed a day behind. She has had a sore throat and fever longer, though. First DD's fever is gone today, but second DD has 101.2 this morning.


It doesn't really sound like flu to me, but we don't get sick very often so I may not recognize it even if it is. I don't want to take them to a DR. or ER if it isn't necessary and expose them to the germs, KWIM?



Those are the exact symptoms that my DD had and she tested positive for H1N1.

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THe anti-viral is most effective within 48 hrs of contracting the virus. What is anti-viral? The Dr gave it to my less than 2 year old when he had the chx pox and it went secondary... (which he could have given it to him earlier... ) The nurse said... that he could have the flu.... and she said, "next week you could come in for the flu shot..." hmmm


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Those sound exactly like the symptoms of the flu that has been going around our circles. It has been running its course like any other virus.



From the CDC:

How do I know if I have the flu?

You may have the flu if you have some or all of these symptoms:


fever *


sore throat

runny or stuffy nose

body aches




sometimes diarrhea and vomiting

*It’s important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever.

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Both of my girls are sick.


The first one to get sick started complaining of a headache Monday afternoon. Later that evening she was lethargic and complaining of headache and stomach ache. She had barely eaten all day because she said she felt like she would throw up if she ate. Tuesday she had fever all day, mostly low but highest was 101.8. Still had headache and stomach ache, barely eating, but no other symptoms. Wednesday she said she felt fine but still had low fever all day, plus she began coughing a little and said her throat felt "dry". So far today (Thursday), fever is gone but still coughing and says throat hurts. She also woke up with a stuffy nose, but that could be allergies as it is normal for her this time of year.


My other daughter has basically the same symptoms but has followed a day behind. She has had a sore throat and fever longer, though. First DD's fever is gone today, but second DD has 101.2 this morning.


It doesn't really sound like flu to me, but we don't get sick very often so I may not recognize it even if it is. I don't want to take them to a DR. or ER if it isn't necessary and expose them to the germs, KWIM?


Hi, my kids are exhibiting similar symptoms. Ack! My 2yo was rubbing her head/eyes alot yesterday and has started coughing. She coughed up once or twice (but not huge pukey pukey!). She doesn't have a fever, but my 5yo does, 100.4 taken in the ear. He hasn't eaten alot today, but my 2yo has...


I have a headache, too, today, but nothing else. I figure it's just dehydration. :confused:


Hmmm....I'll have to keep an eye out.

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Same symptoms here. After the headache and 24 hr fever, dc are on the mend now (a week later) with only that rotton cough left over (lethargy seemed to last a couple days after the fever). No idea if it was H1N1 because they weren't so bad I felt it warranted a trip to the clinic waiting room where everyone else was terribly sick, but it certainly was something. Started dosing the nonproductive cough with garlic tabs last night and they are both finally coughing up goo. Really want to avoid the dr's ofc if we can.

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Same symptoms here. After the headache and 24 hr fever, dc are on the mend now (a week later) with only that rotton cough left over (lethargy seemed to last a couple days after the fever). No idea if it was H1N1 because they weren't so bad I felt it warranted a trip to the clinic waiting room where everyone else was terribly sick, but it certainly was something. Started dosing the nonproductive cough with garlic tabs last night and they are both finally coughing up goo. Really want to avoid the dr's ofc if we can.


We have had good success with licorice root for coughs.


ClearLung works really well for bad coughs. The key is to take it every 2 hours and then lessen gradually as the cough subsides. Dh went off too early the first year and it came back.


For the little guys I have found this Herbs for Kids product to work well.


(Not knocking the garlic at all - Good stuff!!!)

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We have had good success with licorice root for coughs.


ClearLung works really well for bad coughs. The key is to take it every 2 hours and then lessen gradually as the cough subsides. Dh went off too early the first year and it came back.


For the little guys I have found this Herbs for Kids product to work well.


(Not knocking the garlic at all - Good stuff!!!)


Thanks for the advice! I'm willing to head to the vitamin store today to avoid pneumonia or bronchitis at all costs.

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Now I'm wondering if what I had was H1N1 a few weeks ago. I always thought fever was the main sign of the flu.


A few weeks ago I started out feeling fatigued, had a little bit of chills, very very slight fever, very sore throat, developed a dry cough that was worse at night, and I just felt tired. It started on a Sunday evening and I started feeling better the following Friday morning. I went to the doctor on Thursday and she told me I had "The Crud." Now I'm wondering if it was not H1N1? No one else in my family got it though.

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Sounds similar to my son except higher fever (103), vomitting and chest pains.


Doc said he'd be "really sick" if it was seasonal flu or H1N1. :confused: :001_huh:


not true!!!!! Check the CDC website. It specifically said that h1n1 affects people differently. The symptoms are similiar from one person to the next however the severity is different. We all had it this week but my dh was hit the hardest (he was the 1st to get it then gave it to the rest of us but the rest of us felt ok just had headaches, chills, and fever with mild cough. Dh had all of the symptoms and severe coughing. Yet we all have h1n1.


So your dr is WRONG!! Also do not take what the drs and nurses say in the offices. Our dr's partner blew up at my dh over this. He gave him a lot of wrong information and we tried to point out to him that his info is worng and to check the CDC website.


Alot of bad information is out there. I strongly urge everybody to check the CDC website. The nasal swab done in the office (the 15 min one) is only 50-70% accurate. There are alot more false negatives on those test than positives. Also this has to be done within 4 days of onset. This info is on the CDC website.



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not true!!!!! Check the CDC website. It specifically said that h1n1 affects people differently. The symptoms are similiar from one person to the next however the severity is different. We all had it this week but my dh was hit the hardest (he was the 1st to get it then gave it to the rest of us but the rest of us felt ok just had headaches, chills, and fever with mild cough. Dh had all of the symptoms and severe coughing. Yet we all have h1n1.


So your dr is WRONG!! Also do not take what the drs and nurses say in the offices. Our dr's partner blew up at my dh over this. He gave him a lot of wrong information and we tried to point out to him that his info is worng and to check the CDC website.


Alot of bad information is out there. I strongly urge everybody to check the CDC website. The nasal swab done in the office (the 15 min one) is only 50-70% accurate. There are alot more false negatives on those test than positives. Also this has to be done within 4 days of onset. This info is on the CDC website.




Thanks! The doc was comparing him to a college student the doc had seen that just couldn't function who tested positive for H1N1. My ds walked in, got up on the table, etc...


DS is on the mend. No more fever, just exhaustion & a cough. Hasn't thrown up in 1 1/2 days. Afebrile (is that a word?) since last night. I guess it doesn't matter what it is called now that he is getting better? Or does it?

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When we took our 2 youngest in for the flu they were really, really sick. I told the dr. I was not feeling right. A little dizzy and not quite myself. She told me I probably had a mild case. I wasn't tested because, honestly, I was extremely worried about the girls. I told the dr. I couldn't have the flu because I wasn't very sick and she said that was a common misconception. We all had times of not feeling quite right during that week the 2 flu cases in our family were confirmed and the dr. assumes we had some form of it.


Rupert Grint from the Harry Potter movies was surprised he had it because his only symptom was a sore throat.

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Thanks for all of the replies.


I guess I'm wondering what to watch for. I mean, when do I need to break down and take them to the DR? I don't want to, if it's not completely necessary. We don't go to the doctor or hospital unless it is something that absolutely can not be treated at home.


Neither one of them has had chills or thrown up. The first of my girls to get sick seems to be much better now except that she has a bit of a dry cough. Her appetite is back and she is very active. Her fever is gone. The second daughter, who has been a day behind the other in all of her symptoms, still has a fever (highest today was 101.2) and has a croupy cough. She says she feels a little better and her appetite is somewhat improved, but she's still lying around a lot.


Does this sound like it's "running it's course"?

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Thanks for all of the replies.


I guess I'm wondering what to watch for. I mean, when do I need to break down and take them to the DR? I don't want to, if it's not completely necessary. We don't go to the doctor or hospital unless it is something that absolutely can not be treated at home.


Neither one of them has had chills or thrown up. The first of my girls to get sick seems to be much better now except that she has a bit of a dry cough. Her appetite is back and she is very active. Her fever is gone. The second daughter, who has been a day behind the other in all of her symptoms, still has a fever (highest today was 101.2) and has a croupy cough. She says she feels a little better and her appetite is somewhat improved, but she's still lying around a lot.


Does this sound like it's "running it's course"?


I actually called the doc on day 4 b/c I was concerned about the fever. I talked to the nurse & she was worried about pneumonia. We probably shouldn't have gone. I mean, he was a mess for 3 days & I take him in when he's getting better. I hate making decisions like that.


I'd keep them home if I were you.

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Thanks for all of the replies.


I guess I'm wondering what to watch for. I mean, when do I need to break down and take them to the DR? I don't want to, if it's not completely necessary. We don't go to the doctor or hospital unless it is something that absolutely can not be treated at home.



From the CDC:

What are the emergency warning signs?

In children


Fast breathing or trouble breathing

Bluish skin color

Not drinking enough fluids

Not waking up or not interacting

Being so irritable that the child does not want to be held

Flu-like symptoms improve but then return with fever and worse cough

Fever with a rash


In adults


Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

Pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen

Sudden dizziness


Severe or persistent vomiting

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As of this morning, neither one has fever and they both say they are feeling better; but they are both coughing a lot and say their throats hurt a little.

My son still doesn't seem to have caught anything. I have had a dull headache for most of the week, but that's all.

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1st DD - still no fever, coughing has increased, dry cough, sneezing, and stuffy nose. Last night she threw up, but I think it was just because she was coughing so much. It was the first time she has thrown up through all of this, and she hasn't complained of nausea or anything. She insists that she feels fine and is as active as usual. Symptoms started last Monday.


2cnd DD - still no fever, coughing has increased, croupy cough, a bit of a sore throat, and very runny/stuffy nose. Says she feels okay, but she's still lying around a lot. Her symptoms started last Tuesday.


Neither one has had a fever higher than 101.8, and there has been no fever for the last few days.


DS still seems to be unaffected.


I have had a dull headache for almost a week and my throat has been sore since yesterday.


I'm still torn about whether or not to take them to the doctor. I don't want to expose them to germs if this is just a cold or something that will pass soon. Also, our insurance won't cover it so we'd have to pay for everything.


I'm not sure of what to do. I keep hoping that since they seem to be okay besides the coughing and yucky noses, it just a minor thing and I don't need to take them to the doctor...


Normally I would not be so worried about this, but this swine flu stuff has me pretty freaked out. :confused:

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1st DD - still no fever, coughing has increased, dry cough, sneezing, and stuffy nose. Last night she threw up, but I think it was just because she was coughing so much. It was the first time she has thrown up through all of this, and she hasn't complained of nausea or anything. She insists that she feels fine and is as active as usual. Symptoms started last Monday.


2cnd DD - still no fever, coughing has increased, croupy cough, a bit of a sore throat, and very runny/stuffy nose. Says she feels okay, but she's still lying around a lot. Her symptoms started last Tuesday.


Neither one has had a fever higher than 101.8, and there has been no fever for the last few days.


DS still seems to be unaffected.


I have had a dull headache for almost a week and my throat has been sore since yesterday.


I'm still torn about whether or not to take them to the doctor. I don't want to expose them to germs if this is just a cold or something that will pass soon. Also, our insurance won't cover it so we'd have to pay for everything.


I'm not sure of what to do. I keep hoping that since they seem to be okay besides the coughing and yucky noses, it just a minor thing and I don't need to take them to the doctor...


Normally I would not be so worried about this, but this swine flu stuff has me pretty freaked out. :confused:


You need to ask yourself what you accomplish by taking them to the doctor? Will you feel any better if he tells you it is just a virus and to go home and wait it out? Would you want them to get the anti-viral drug if it was offered?


The H1N1 can be nasty but it isn't something to be paranoid about. You will know if your children have the emergency symptoms (posted above from the CDC) and when you need to act. How would you treat any other virus that came through your house?


From what I have been hearing and reading, bronchial issues are what are causing a lot of concern. So if you think your dd has crossed the line into a secondary infection, then it might warrant a visit to the doctor. Listen your mom gut instincts not the media.

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I'm going to try to stop worrying about it so much. My instincts tell me not to take them in. The problem is my STBXH keeps asking me when I'm going to take them to the doctor. He seems to think that they need to go. That, plus all of the conflicting information that I keep hearing/reading is making me second-guess myself.


A friend of mine sent me a chart that shows the difference in symptoms between a cold and H1N1. She got the chart from a friend of hers, who got it from her SIL (a nurse). According to that, it sounds like we just have a cold.

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I'm going to try to stop worrying about it so much. My instincts tell me not to take them in. The problem is my STBXH keeps asking me when I'm going to take them to the doctor. He seems to think that they need to go. That, plus all of the conflicting information that I keep hearing/reading is making me second-guess myself.


A friend of mine sent me a chart that shows the difference in symptoms between a cold and H1N1. She got the chart from a friend of hers, who got it from her SIL (a nurse). According to that, it sounds like we just have a cold.


We had essentially the same type symptoms about a month ago. Like you, I was torn and my hypochondria plus all the swine flu fears got hold of me. We didn't go to the doctor, though, and the kids are much better.


If you want to do something, get them some mucinex for the dry coughs. If there is anything in their lungs, the mucinex will help bring it up.

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We had essentially the same type symptoms about a month ago. Like you, I was torn and my hypochondria plus all the swine flu fears got hold of me. We didn't go to the doctor, though, and the kids are much better.


If you want to do something, get them some mucinex for the dry coughs. If there is anything in their lungs, the mucinex will help bring it up.


Thanks :)

I did actually go to Walgreens yesterday morning and get some Mucinex. It's helping a lot.

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