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What do you take for sinus/allergy trouble?

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I have had sinus issues forever it seems. I usually take sudafed and it usually helps. But lately even sudafed isn't working and I have now had a sinus head ache for days. It is causing ear pain which I think it from a eustachion tube malfunction. I really need to get this under control but I don't know what to take. I looked at clariton but I think that's just antihistamine? What about a decongestant? Mucinex has something that is supposed to thin the mucus, but it's not in the clariton or sudafed. Do I need to take 2-3 different things? :confused:

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With you having the problems that are lasting for a while you may need to see the doctor for some antibiotics. To help speed recovery, and for prevention when you are all better, I would recommend the Neil-Med Sinus Rinse. Our ENT suggested it my husband after his sinus surgery. He ended up loving it. I was the skeptic, not wanting to put anything up my nose. Well, when allergies hit hard enough, I was desperate for anything. It really does help with congestion and keeps things clear, so no infection sets in. You can get the kits in any drug store or Wal-Mart, Target, something like that.

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Claritin works wonders for my kids. Youngest had chronic hives when she was little and claritin was the only thing that gave her relief. Claritin works really well for me, but after I've been on it awhile I get a hunger that won't go away no matter how much I eat. So, I rarely take it. It doesn't affect dh or the kids at all like it does me. They have never needed a decongestant while taking it, but claritian also comes with a decongestant in it just look for Claritin-D.

I use a nettie pot daily when allergies are bad and it works pretty good.

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I use virtually nothing because most things are only marginally effective and have a whole list of unpleasant side effects, though I wholeheartedly second the suggestion for the sinus rinse or neti pot (I had a SinuCleanse bottle, but couldn't work it... I'm chalking that up to operator error, though).


If it gets really bad and I can't get them to drain with tomato tea, I will admit that I will hit the Afrin. Just to break the cycle.


Feel better!

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I can live where I live now only because of Veramyst nasal corticosteroid spray. I never had allergies before we moved here, and this med has kept me able to function through the spring, summer and fall. I do not like meds, steroids in particular, but I have to function. As my body acclimates, I hope to reduce my use (have even been successful this year, after my first summer last year) and get to simple nasal passage rinsing.


For sinus trouble that is cold-related, I get pseudonephrine, either Sudafed or the store brand. You have to ask the pharmacist for this, it is not the one you can buy over the counter since the big meth-ingredent crackdown several years ago. The current on-shelf formula of Sudafed contains a different active ingredient which does nothing for me.

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For sinus infection it's all about drainage and reducing inflammation. If there isn't drainage, you cannot get well. For that reason, anti-histamines don't address the problem well.


I heartily recommend some sort of sinus irrigation, whether a Neti Pot or the NeilMed thingey (my sister loves it) or even just an OTC saline nasal spray. Do it a couple times a day. Also steam to help loosen that congestion.


Also you might try ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.


Finally, if you're really not getting better you might need a prescription. My dr recommended steroid nasal spray and an antibiotic. Unfortunately the steroid made me really wakeful, but I don't know if it affects everyone that way.

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Unfortunately the steroid made me really wakeful, but I don't know if it affects everyone that way.


Slight h/j... strider, in another post I believe you asked if nasal steroids made others feel "wakeful," as you put it. Mine has not had that effect on me, not that I've noticed, anyway. However, I only use it in the morning (when I'll take all the wakefulness I can get!!!).

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..... I would recommend the Neil-Med Sinus Rinse. Our ENT suggested it my husband after his sinus surgery. He ended up loving it. I was the skeptic, not wanting to put anything up my nose. Well, when allergies hit hard enough, I was desperate for anything. It really does help with congestion and keeps things clear, so no infection sets in. You can get the kits in any drug store or Wal-Mart, Target, something like that.


I agree. The NeilMed rinse has helped me to avoid sinus infections- I use it 2x a day when I start to get really congested. I cannot believe the difference that it makes, really- its a completely different kind of 'clean/decongestant'. Please try it. :) I've heard from more than a few allergy sufferers that it makes the single most significant difference in symptom control, but also helps to avoid sinus infections.


Medication wise, I take Zyrtec on a daily basis and now that fall has hit (My mold allergies are at their worst) I also a daily decongestant/pain reliever (Generic Tylenol sinus).

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Slight h/j... strider, in another post I believe you asked if nasal steroids made others feel "wakeful," as you put it. Mine has not had that effect on me, not that I've noticed, anyway. However, I only use it in the morning (when I'll take all the wakefulness I can get!!!).


Thanks. Unfortunately I react very, very strongly to meds in general, and usually have to take smaller doses or even child-sized doses. I didn't take the steroid last night and slept marginally better. I'll stay off it and see if there is continued improvement.

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Thanks. Unfortunately I react very, very strongly to meds in general, and usually have to take smaller doses or even child-sized doses. I didn't take the steroid last night and slept marginally better. I'll stay off it and see if there is continued improvement.


I'm not sure about wakefulness, but I have other odd reactions to steroid sprays - like a 2 week cycle for the entire time I'm on them - that I've been told is "not possible" because the steroids are topical (which makes be laugh because anything you spray on a mucous membrane is absorbed, duh). And I also react very strongly to minute doses... it's like I have the metabolism of an elderly cat.

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Jean, I posted to you about my E. tube malfunction. I was taking clariton and sudafed almost daily, and it wasn't enough. I finally went in and saw the doc, and he added nasonex to that. What has helped me the most though, is making sure I take the clariton every. single. day. Even if I think I don't need it. I add in the Sudafed on really bad days. And I have started taking vit C and Zinc on a daily basis, which helps tremendously!


I would ask your doc too, about taking singulair. I think that is my next step. The nasonex and I aren't getting along, and I'm thinking the singulair would be better at blocking the allergies. I hope you get some relief soon, I know it's miserable.

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I take FloraSinus by NutriHealth. It is kind of a probiotic for the sinus and bronchial health. It really works for me (and it has recently helped my mom, too). The only thing weird about it is that it tends to make my tendons tight, so I have to be careful about how much I use it (only when I really have a sinus headache brewing).



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(this is a cut and paste from a thread I answered a few weeks ago....good info there, you might want to check it out, too).


I've had chronic sinus infections on and off for years, most recently this spring. I never was congested -- just felt pain, had a low-grade fever and was blowing nastiness out, especially in the morning and in the the shower.


At one point, I had been on three different antibiotics over a 5 or 6 week period. But the only thing that finally cleared me up, and that has kept kept me infection-free, has been consistently using my neti pot or nasal rinser bottle and NealMed (spelling??) brand sinus rinse with a few drops of pure tea tree oil added, along with a spray of Flonase in each nostril daily. I get the pre-measured NealMed packets (just add water) at Walgreens, and the tea tree oil from my local health food store.


Sudafed did nothing for me. :grouphug: I feel your pain...it's rotten.


Re: Afrin: something one of the nurses told me to do (and check with your Dr.) was to keep spraying into your nostrils until they are clear...don't stop at 2 sprays, it may take 3 or 4 in each. I KNOW this is not per the directions on the bottle, but it worked for me.

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I <3 my netti pot. It really helps. Plus, I take a teaspoon of local raw honey every day. It has to be local and raw. As long as I keep up with it daily I rarely have to take anything else. If I do need to take an OTC I usually take Mucinex.

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I have been rinsing my sinuses for years now and as an alternative to a neti pot you might even try the new spray form Ocean that is meant to work in the same way but without the mixing up your own solution.


**Just wanted to clarify that it's not the moisture spray, it's a canister that shoots a strong stream and makes cleaning out the sinuses so easy. I use it twice a day at least.


It's very handy and I'm loving it. Not loving the price, but it's worth it to have a sterile rinse all ready to be used.

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I get awful sinus infections every year and they make me miserable. Last year someone suggested the NetiPot and I was a putz and put it off till this autumn. I've only been using it a week and it is AMAZING!


I hate getting water in my nose swimming and honestly, this is slightly uncomfortable, but nothing like that. It really does work and if you don't like it you're only out $10. That's what you'd pay for some OTC medicine. But if it does work for you, it will be the best $10 you ever spent and you'll kick yourself for waiting a year!


I feel like Sam in "Green Eggs and Ham." Try it! Try it!

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NeilMed - definitely and for sure!


I was sick continuously for almost a year with severe allergies - I will spare you the gross details and just how horrifically bad things were, and just say that I spent way too much on doctor visits, prescriptions, OTC's, natural treatments, nasal sprays, saline solutions, etc., and nothing worked - at.all. I tried NeilMed. It worked. I used it daily for two weeks but was noticeably improving immediately and within five days others could tell as well. Now, I use it only if I think I need it, or just for maintenance.


I truly can't say enough good things about NeilMed. I would highly encourage you to try it.:)

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A weird suggestion:


I had a terrible stomach virus last spring that lasted 6 weeks. It sounds impossible but a specialist confirmed it. Other friends had it too. Anyway, I decided to give up dairy to help my stomach problems and mysteriously my sinuses were clear for the first time in years. Now I'm back to having milk in my tea and pizza occasionally, and the stuffiness is back.


I think I would try the netipot rather than give up milk in my tea. :tongue_smilie:

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Thank you everyone! I did go to the Dr Friday and got a steroid shot and a script for antibiotics and nasonex. So far my head ache is gone but I still have pain in my ears. I have been using the nasonex in the morning but by night I am needing soomething more so I am using Mucinex Sinus before bed. I am going to look into either a neti pot ot NeilMed today and add that in too.

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Thank you everyone! I did go to the Dr Friday and got a steroid shot and a script for antibiotics and nasonex. So far my head ache is gone but I still have pain in my ears. I have been using the nasonex in the morning but by night I am needing soomething more so I am using Mucinex Sinus before bed. I am going to look into either a neti pot ot NeilMed today and add that in too.


May I suggest trying the NeilMed alone? Of course, using it with the prescription stuff is okay, too.


Here is what happened with me. Briefly, I had been on meds of all kinds (antibiotics, allergy stuff, nasal sprays, etc.) for about eight months straight (daily) and, as I posted earlier, nothing helped - at all. I had also developed an asthmatic component with the allergies, so I was having to use Albuterol as needed and Advair.


One day I picked up the latest 30-day prescription that I was to take in conjunction with another OTC. I had finished the OTC the previous day and didn't feel up to going to the drug store for more; I had ten days of the script left. I looked at that prescription, and looked at it again, and finally set it down and said, "Lord, I quit." There was more I said, but to keep on-point here, I stopped ALL medication that day, including the Advair. I still needed the Albuterol, but I strived to not use it any more than absolutely necessary.


It was about four months after this before I started the NeilMed. During that time I stayed very sick - no improvement at all. This is why I am so sure that the NeilMed alone helped me. I was taking nothing else, doing nothing else.


The instructions with the NeilMed say that if you are very stuffed, not to use it. I ignored that on the advice of the friend who recommended the product. The first night I used it, the solution simply dribbled right back out and I figured it was a waste of time and product. But in the morning, there was a small but noticeable improvement. Additionally, I noted that I did NOT need the Albuterol at all that day - and have not used it since.


Within five days of using nothing but NeilMed, I had cleared up CONSIDERABLY - I actually felt human again! (By now, the product was making its' way through the nasal passages better - it actually got to the back of my throat, and within two weeks, it was working completely properly - in one nostril and out the other). Within those same two weeks, I was fine!


As I posted earlier, I don't use it everyday now - basically once a week for maintenance, or if we are going somewhere that I want extra protection. My experience has been that once I started NeilMed, I didn't need any of those other costly things.


NeilMed is used with warm distilled water - so the only other purchase is a gallon of distilled water. Where we live, the starter package of NeilMed (the bottle and 50 packets) is $12.99. The refill kit (100 packets) is also $12.99.


Not meaning to preach here - I am just sorry that you are feeling so miserable - I feel for you because I know how I felt - and miserable doesn't come close to how bad it was!


I do hope you feel completely better SOON!:grouphug:


ETA: I saw the following post after I posted mine - and just wanted to add that I know each person is different and may have other issues to take into consideration, so what I posted is not something I am pushing - just sharing my experience - and glad also that the poster below that I copied and pasted has found relief!


Here is the post I'm referring to:


I have horrible allergies, both seasonal and food as do my children. All of us have been able to successfully switch to just taking a spray of Flonase up each nostril daily. It has been amazing. I discovered this when I was pregnant and the doctor wanted me off my other allergy meds, but told me to continue taking Flonase.


Please be careful with the sinus rinses (neti pot). After seeing our allergist had a bunch of brochures on it, I tried it. My entire system went hay wire, I wasn't tolerating food, it took months of specialists, tests, barium swallows, ultra sounds to discover I have EE and the Flonase was helping my body tolerate a variety of foods. I tried to go off the Flonase in favor of something more natural, as soon as I resumed the Flonase, my system calmed down. I haven't had any issues since. I still will use the sinus rinse, but only when I have a cold to help clean things out and I do not discontinue Flonase while using it.

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Try eating fresh pineapple. Really.



"Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in Vitamin C. Fresh pineapple is not only high in this vitamin, but because of the bromelain, it has the ability to reduce mucus in the throat. If you have a cold with a productive cough, add pineapple to your diet. It is commonly used in Europe as a post-operative measure to cut mucus after certain sinus and throat operations. Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to allergies. In and of itself, pineapple has a very low risk for allergies."

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Have you tried the Netty Pot? I haven't, but am thinking about getting one having just survived a cold that would have benefitted from having one.


My Dr. recommends Mucinex and Afrin spray.


I use a Neti Pot and love it! Use it at the onset of symptoms and most of the time it never progresses. It's a little strange feeling at first, but well worth it. I don't use any OTC meds anymore, just my Neti Pot!

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