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Hadassah Is here!!

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Tuesday I had mild cramping that wouldn't go away maybe 2 contractions a hr. So that evening I went into the hospital. My pastors wife took me because my plan was just to be "checked out" Well I was dilated to 3. 50%efaced. She said if nothing has changed after she is done eating then I could go home. Contraction wise nothing changed. The nurse was surprised I was dilating because my contractions were week and I was only having two a hr. Well when she was done approx. 1/2 hr.she checked me and I was at 5 So I couldnt go home. So I had to decide between a c/s or Vbac. We discussed it and I decided the best would be a repeat c/s. So at 8:49 pm weighing 6lbs 7oz 18 3/4 inches came Hadassah Leone. Leone (lee-own) is my DH grandmas middle name. We could never agree on a middle name.He always wanted Evelyn his grandma's 1st name but I never liked it, We went through a ton of middle names and when she was born I surprised him and named her middle name Leone.



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