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This makes me sick--

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There must be more to the story since I think the coach did the right thing in suspending the team. And if the coach is over the legal drinking age then who cares if he was drinking--as long as he wasn't the one who supplied the alcohol to the team. I guess I just don't understand why you are so upset?

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We don't think alcohol is wise here. However, there is a big difference between an adult drinking and some teens.


Unless I'm missing something, it seems he did the right thing no matter how yucky he is otherwise.


And what he did is something that coaches here won't and don't do in similar circumstances. Whatever his underlying motives it was still an action I wish coaches took across the board.

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IT was NOT his class reunion. He was drinking in front of middle school kids. The rest of the adults put their drinks away when they came in. The rest of the adults were drinking responsibly.


He also called from the bus saying he needed a "drink". The game was bad, and he was bad mouthing his players in front of the middle school kids. This man is known to put his arm around a 13 yr old girl and only this girl at church in the pwe when her parents are not in sight. :glare: I should have elaborated more in the op. ;)



I guess so...

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I'm truly confused. In your OP you said he was at your dh's 20th class reunion. What were middle school children doing at a class reunion? I don't understand how he was in situation where he would have been drinking in front of middle school children. Nevertheless, it is not illegal for him to drink. My dh and I have a drink in front of my children. Yet they are very well aware that it is absolutely illegal for them to drink. If the players were drinking, then I applaud him for suspending them. Just because his behavior isn't up to par, which I'm still not sure of, doesn't excuse the behavior of the students.


Of course, there is probably more to this story - none of which excuses underage drinking.



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Being drunk and having a drink or two are two different things. You said he 'partook'; I don't read that to be drunk. Just the other day when my dh came home, my first words to him were, "I need a drink". It doesn't mean I'm a drunk. I had my glass of white wine and relaxed. I would not be okay with him putting his arm around a young girl at all. Personally I don't find an adult having a drink, responsibly, in front of a young person setting a bad example. Now if he was drunk, loud, obnoxious, that is very much out of line.


I think all of us believe coaches should set a good example. Obviously we don't know the whole story.



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My husband will drink a beer in front of our children.

I'll have a cooler (or would before I was on heavy pain meds).


Neither of us were setting a bad example, imo. Drinking responsibly is something that's ok to model, on par with appropriate affection btwn husband and wife. Neither of us get drunk, but I believe that our example teaches our kids that its ok for an ADULT to have a drink now and then. They know how we feel about drunkenness, drug abuse, etc.

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IT was NOT his class reunion. He was drinking in front of middle school kids. The rest of the adults put their drinks away when they came in. The rest of the adults were drinking responsibly.



To be perfectly honest, I'm flabbergasted that the adults HID their drinks when the kids came in. That just sends such a bad message, IMHO. If you're okay with having a beer, it's okay to have the beer. It's not something you should be ashamed of or hide. It's a part of adult life that gives us pleasure, but shouldn't be abused.


If you hide it from your kids, it's showing them that drinking alcohol is something you should sneak off and do where no one can see you. That brings back memories of highschool keggers in the woods which is not what I'd like my children to think of as normal drinking. I'd much rather they see dh and I and other adults drink alcohol as part of a meal and not as a forbidden thing that adults can get away with.


Of course, YMMV. This is an issue I feel passionately about and I'm sure others feel just as passionately that no one should drink.

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The only thing proven (or even explained) here is that the football coach suspended 15 of his 16 member team for breaking the law, a move I applaud.


As for the rest...


an adult drinking an alcoholic beverage and not hiding it from children?

putting his arm around a girl in church?

making comments on a bus?

or maybe....unfounded accusations/innuendo/slander on a public message board?




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Being drunk and having a drink or two are two different things. You said he 'partook'; I don't read that to be drunk. Just the other day when my dh came home, my first words to him were, "I need a drink". It doesn't mean I'm a drunk. I had my glass of white wine and relaxed. I would not be okay with him putting his arm around a young girl at all. Personally I don't find an adult having a drink, responsibly, in front of a young person setting a bad example. Now if he was drunk, loud, obnoxious, that is very much out of line.


I think all of us believe coaches should set a good example. Obviously we don't know the whole story.




Well, I'm confused too... :confused:


I know of many Christians who partake and have not lost their witness. It was at a private home and the kids probably knew drinking was going on. That is up to the hosts on how to handle that situation with drinking. If one feels they need to abstain from alcohol, that is fine too. Didn't Jesus drink -- his first miracle was making wine from water?


And yup, perhaps we don't know of the whole story... he may be creepy, a braggart, egomaniac, or whatever. But busting those kids as a coach was the right thing to do. My apologies for stirring the pot, if I have caused any offense. I'm still unclear on why the OP feels this way.

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Underage drinking is not ok ever. We were all gathered at a classmates home--class was only 21 people. We were building a float and the hosts children and some of their friends came out to the garage.


I believe the comments on the bus speak enough. I can be almost certain that he was highly encouraged by the principle and the assistant coach to suspend the players.


I can see that I am in a minority as far as seeing that this coach should be setting an example. The players are encouraged to look up to and respect their coach. Well, it would be hard for me to, knowing how his standards are set. In our community there is VERY little responsible drinking. for the most part those at the reunion were responsible. My children have noticed the issues with this man without me or dh having said anything.


My children' smallest worry would be, being suspended from playing in a game if they drink under age. I think the standards generally set in our community are VERY low. I am sure there are others who understand this. ;) My point is that if you are going to work with children,teens, you need to set examples and drinking to get over a bad game is not doing so. Especially when you are professing yourself as a Christian.

drunkenness is a sin and if you are professing Christian then your example needs to follow it.

Being drunk and having a drink or two are very different things. While you might decide to not drink in front of under-age people, there is no law that says you must do so. We choose to drink in front of our children (not to drunkenness) and would have no problem being in public and drinking even if middle schoolers (or younger...or older) were around.

And yes, I'm a Christian. It is not for you to judge that someone who drinks in front of people who are underage is not a "good enough" Christian.

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To be perfectly honest, I'm flabbergasted that the adults HID their drinks when the kids came in. That just sends such a bad message, IMHO. If you're okay with having a beer, it's okay to have the beer. It's not something you should be ashamed of or hide. It's a part of adult life that gives us pleasure, but shouldn't be abused.


If you hide it from your kids, it's showing them that drinking alcohol is something you should sneak off and do where no one can see you. That brings back memories of highschool keggers in the woods which is not what I'd like my children to think of as normal drinking. I'd much rather they see dh and I and other adults drink alcohol as part of a meal and not as a forbidden thing that adults can get away with.


Of course, YMMV. This is an issue I feel passionately about and I'm sure others feel just as passionately that no one should drink.

I agree.

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OP, I urge you to be VERY careful with how you proceed with these accusations. In your sig line you have provided what may be your real name ("find me on facebook as....") and your blog. If he knows who you are and stumbles across this site (which he could do with a bit of ego surfing) then you could find yourself facing a lawsuit for libel.




Please proceed with caution. I'm not saying that you don't have concerns. Obviously you are concerned. Based on what you have said here my only concern is the girl in church, but that should be dealt with by telling her parents, not strangers on a message board.



I'm not saying any of this to offend, but to offer you some much needed protection. :001_huh:

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