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Conservative mamas--appropriate reading content for 13yo?

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I checked out a book that was recommended as "clean" historical fiction that would be appropriate for age 13, and the first page I read as I leafed through it had phrases that I wondered if other conservative parents would find objectionable. With that in mind, if you are a parent who's watchful over what your very young teens read, would you tell me if these phrases would be ok with you?


[Yet each time he went. And was rewarded by the fragrant softness and the knowing wiles of her body. When the rapture had subsided, he would rebel again.

"Why must we meet like this, my love? Like loutish serfs afraid of their master! Why won't you wed me, so that I may share your bed in open decency? You say you love me. You give yourself to me as though you love me. Or is it I am such a fool I do not know?"

Always she soothed him, pressing her mouth on his, her naked (booKs) against his chest, murmuring in her sweetest voice, "Be patient, darling--yet a little while. Of course I love you, but be patient."]


A few paragraphs later:


["When he put his hands gently on her (booKs) and started to kiss her, she pushed him away. "Oh, Rumon--can you think of nothing else? Or at least a different--" Her voice trailed off and she smothered a yawn. He stiffened, his hands dropped from her (booKs). "I weary you, my love?" he said, and heard his own voice trembling, abject. "What can I do to please you?" She threw him a quick speculative glance, and laughed. "Jesu! Don't look so Woebegone! Here, go on--have done with it." She unfastened her girdle, and pulled off her gown. He flinched, and the sign of desire left him. Nor, though now she smiled at him and murmured endearments, could he for some time regain it. The consummation when it came left him miserable and uncertain instead of triumphant.]


Though the book seems good, I wouldn't recommend it if folks may find it objectionable. What say you?


p.s. In case you're wondering, the book is Avalon, by Anya Seton.

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I checked out a book that was recommended as "clean" historical fiction that would be appropriate for age 13, and the first page I read as I leafed through it had phrases that I wondered if other conservative parents would find objectionable. With that in mind, if you are a parent who's watchful over what your very young teens read, would you tell me if these phrases would be ok with you?


[Yet each time he went. And was rewarded by the fragrant softness and the knowing wiles of her body. When the rapture had subsided, he would rebel again.

"Why must we meet like this, my love? Like loutish serfs afraid of their master! Why won't you wed me, so that I may share your bed in open decency? You say you love me. You give yourself to me as though you love me. Or is it I am such a fool I do not know?"

Always she soothed him, pressing her mouth on his, her naked (booKs) against his chest, murmuring in her sweetest voice, "Be patient, darling--yet a little while. Of course I love you, but be patient."]


A few paragraphs later:


["When he put his hands gently on her (booKs) and started to kiss her, she pushed him away. "Oh, Rumon--can you think of nothing else? Or at least a different--" Her voice trailed off and she smothered a yawn. He stiffened, his hands dropped from her (booKs). "I weary you, my love?" he said, and heard his own voice trembling, abject. "What can I do to please you?" She threw him a quick speculative glance, and laughed. "Jesu! Don't look so Woebegone! Here, go on--have done with it." She unfastened her girdle, and pulled off her gown. He flinched, and the sign of desire left him. Nor, though now she smiled at him and murmured endearments, could he for some time regain it. The consummation when it came left him miserable and uncertain instead of triumphant.]


Though the book seems good, I wouldn't recommend it if folks may find it objectionable. What say you?


p.s. In case you're wondering, the book is Avalon, by Anya Seton.


Wow, are you sure Fabio wasn't on the cover of this book?!?!

That passage made me blush:blush:, no way would I let a 13 y/o read that.

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Ann Seton is a historical romance author who wrote for adults.

I used to read a lot of hx rom as a teen and into my 20's though it's not been my fave genre for a long time now. IIRC Seton is widely recognized for doing decent research so there's a lot of historical accuracy in the portrayals.


I personally don't think there's anything wrong with romance - I write romance myself. I probably would not have given that book to a 13yo - but I might suggest it to her now (she's almost 15). When she was 13, I gave her Georgette Heyer's ....


Just as a btw, I find a lot of hx rom written these days is much 'hotter' than that written in the past decades so, as always, reader beware.

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I wouldn't even let my 15yo 10th grader read it. I read too many of my mom's "romance books" as a teen, and I have to wonder if it didn't skew my perception of love and intamincy (I know that's spelled wrong - brain freeze - anyone? how is it spelled?)

Don'tcha hate it when that happens? :001_smile:


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I hesitated to open this since I'm probably more liberal than you, but absolute not would I let a 13 yo read that. I probably wouldn't give it to my 15 or 16 yr old either, especially hormones are even more active. They have enough ideas on their own without that kind of help.


However, I would read and am going to look for it, but I'm 49 and have been married for 24 years.



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I hesitated to open this since I'm probably more liberal than you, but absolute not would I let a 13 yo read that. I probably wouldn't give it to my 15 or 16 yr old either, especially hormones are even more active. They have enough ideas on their own without that kind of help.


However, I would read and am going to look for it, but I'm 49 and have been married for 24 years.



Thanks for your input Janet. It's good to know that I'm probably not overreacting, and that even folks more liberal than I am wouldn't allow this one! :001_smile:

I've seen this book listed on several supposedly "clean" historical fiction booklists, and was wondering if my perspective needed adjusting.

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Yes, the title is Avalon by Anya Seton.

I included it in my original post because I wanted to make sure and give the author credit, but it's waaay at the bottom of my post. :001_smile:


Oops! You're right, sorry - I guess I just jumped to post too quickly!


ETA - Dd read a book called Avalon - I had to run quickly to Amazon to see if it was the same one. Whew! It was not; she read the one by Rachel Roberts.

Edited by LauraGB
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Wow. No way.


That was recommended for juvenile readers? Gosh I sure hope I can find more conservative reviews that will detail. If nothing else, just to know it's there before handing it over to the kid.


I can sure see how finding reading material for kids that are more advanced readers would be soooooo hard. I had a Christian site recommended to me called Squeaky Clean Reviews but it's still new and many books are not yet reviewed. They are looking for people to submit reviews though!

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I checked out a book that was recommended as "clean" historical fiction that would be appropriate for age 13, and the first page I read as I leafed through it had phrases that I wondered if other conservative parents would find objectionable. With that in mind, if you are a parent who's watchful over what your very young teens read, would you tell me if these phrases would be ok with you?


[Yet each time he went. And was rewarded by the fragrant softness and the knowing wiles of her body. When the rapture had subsided, he would rebel again.

"Why must we meet like this, my love? Like loutish serfs afraid of their master! Why won't you wed me, so that I may share your bed in open decency? You say you love me. You give yourself to me as though you love me. Or is it I am such a fool I do not know?"

Always she soothed him, pressing her mouth on his, her naked (booKs) against his chest, murmuring in her sweetest voice, "Be patient, darling--yet a little while. Of course I love you, but be patient."]


A few paragraphs later:


["When he put his hands gently on her (booKs) and started to kiss her, she pushed him away. "Oh, Rumon--can you think of nothing else? Or at least a different--" Her voice trailed off and she smothered a yawn. He stiffened, his hands dropped from her (booKs). "I weary you, my love?" he said, and heard his own voice trembling, abject. "What can I do to please you?" She threw him a quick speculative glance, and laughed. "Jesu! Don't look so Woebegone! Here, go on--have done with it." She unfastened her girdle, and pulled off her gown. He flinched, and the sign of desire left him. Nor, though now she smiled at him and murmured endearments, could he for some time regain it. The consummation when it came left him miserable and uncertain instead of triumphant.]


Though the book seems good, I wouldn't recommend it if folks may find it objectionable. What say you?


p.s. In case you're wondering, the book is Avalon, by Anya Seton.


No, I wouldn't want to read it myself. And I'm only medium conservative.

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I've seen that book recommended several times here on TWTM but only when people were asking for themselves and there have been a lot of threads asking for recommendations for kids. That tells me that people here have not thought of it as a good teen book. I read romance novels sometimes, I don't let my kids read them.

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I've seen that book recommended several times here on TWTM but only when people were asking for themselves and there have been a lot of threads asking for recommendations for kids. That tells me that people here have not thought of it as a good teen book.

One of the recommendations for that book (for that age) was posted here, and the other two recommendations were from other sources. Definitely illustrates the point that people's definitions of "clean", "appropriate", and "excellent" are apt to be varied.

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One of the recommendations for that book (for that age) was posted here, and the other two recommendations were from other sources. Definitely illustrates the point that people's definitions of "clean", "appropriate", and "excellent" are apt to be varied.


Well, it's also possible that the poster just had not read it and got the name from somewhere else. I see cut and pasted lists here all the time when it's clear that the poster has not read them.

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Well, it's also possible that the poster just had not read it and got the name from somewhere else. I see cut and pasted lists here all the time when it's clear that the poster has not read them.

In this case, the poster had read it, but perhaps they'd forgotten some of the details, or just had a different level of okay-ness. That's why I was checking here...to make sure it wasn't just me, overreacting. :001_smile:

To each his own, though. I realize some families are less sensitive than mine.

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