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Maybe it is because many of us feel our freedoms are being stepped on and abused by the current political administration. Normally mild-mannered people who would never dream of participating in heated discussions find themselves compelled to speak up. It is not in my nature to be disagreeable. But when coaxed with a cattle prod I will shout. It is not just on this board. Look around your town - it is happening everywhere.


I try to stay out of it but sometimes I just can't help it. It is hard to get excited about a new recipe or curriculum when our constitution is being picked apart and our rights eroded on a daily basis. Battle lines are being drawn and sides are being chosen. These are certainly interesting times.

Speaking of rabbit trails...
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Maybe it is because many of us feel our freedoms are being stepped on and abused by the current political administration.


And then there are those of us who felt this way about the previous administration.

Edited by EKS
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Really? Which freedom is being stepped on and abused?


Yeah - what she said. I had thought that after the Patriot Act and then the supreme court voting that we don't have the right to remain silent when the cops questions us and then cops all around the country using tasers on little old ladies and police setting up Free Speech Zones - I would really like to hear what rights this administration is stepping on because I need to add to my list.

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And yet managed to converse on crockpots without bringing it up.



Do I need to throw out my crock pot? Because I am pretty sure it was the cheapest one I could find when I bought it at walmart years ago while I was only making jokes about the previous administration and not discussing it on this board.

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Do I need to throw out my crock pot? Because I am pretty sure it was the cheapest one I could find when I bought it at walmart years ago while I was only making jokes about the previous administration and not discussing it on this board.


I received my crockpot as a gift from my aunt. I'm pretty sure it was also the cheapest one you could buy and that was...like...15 years ago. It still works great, of course we had a Democrat as president then.

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On a board I used to be on we solved this problem by creating a "Just Agree With Me" forum where you were *not allowed* to disagree. People took umbrage at first but it quickly gained in popularity for specific issues. It really helped a lot. :D eta: maybe we could have a "gentleman's agreement" of sorts to put "JAWM" on threads where we don't actually want to solicit opinions, only sympathy or solidarity?
A lot of people (most) won't admit that they want everyone to agree with them (especially on the curriculum board), but it would cut down on some.


How many years has he been deployed? :D


It's a joke




:lol: That was too good!
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Maybe we need a Crockpot Modification Loan Program.



I say, free crockpots for everyone - as long as they are made naturally, organically, in small batches, by local farmers. I'd support having a little checkbox on the income tax form like the box for donating to the presidential election form. I'd much rather give $1 for crockpots than ...presidents.

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Heck I tried to put the kettle on today and I caught a dishtowel on fire. Dd is running a fever the baby is wild and I have had quite a day.


I thought your comment was ironic considering that *neither* party trashed the economy, greed did (by a whole RANGE of parties, corporations, and individuals.) I had a part in it, did you?:D

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Do I need to throw out my crock pot? Because I am pretty sure it was the cheapest one I could find when I bought it at walmart years ago while I was only making jokes about the previous administration and not discussing it on this board.


I started one of the crockpot discussions & I'm happy to stir the pot again :tongue_smilie:


I believe I can make it bipartisan.


The issue is lead in the ceramic glazing on the liner.


I think some people did a bunch more research but only a handful of companies had detailed info about how much lead was in their liners. IIRC they can be within legal guidelines (I could veer off into a political discussion but I'm pulling back from the brink) and still have *some* lead in the glazes. The lead can leech out into foods - esp. where the food is in contact with the glaze for a very long time.

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I say, free crockpots for everyone - as long as they are made naturally, organically, in small batches, by local farmers. I'd support having a little checkbox on the income tax form like the box for donating to the presidential election form. I'd much rather give $1 for crockpots than ...presidents.


Hear! Hear!


Crockpot Reform.


It's the next big thing! And you heard it here first!



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I thought your comment was ironic considering that *neither* party trashed the economy, greed did (by a whole RANGE of parties, corporations, and individuals.) I had a part in it, did you?:D


No I didn't.


We bought a 50 year old house that we could afford with a low fixed rate. We only bought a new car this year because our old car had 240,000 miles on it and stopped working. We don't use credit cards. :)We have never declared bankruptcy. My husband and I both work. I never voted for George Bush.

Edited by Sis
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I started one of the crockpot discussions & I'm happy to stir the pot again :tongue_smilie:


I believe I can make it bipartisan.


The issue is lead in the ceramic glazing on the liner.


I think some people did a bunch more research but only a handful of companies had detailed info about how much lead was in their liners. IIRC they can be within legal guidelines (I could veer off into a political discussion but I'm pulling back from the brink) and still have *some* lead in the glazes. The lead can leech out into foods - esp. where the food is in contact with the glaze for a very long time.


You know, hornblower, 70% of statistics are made up.

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The lead can leech out into foods - esp. where the food is in contact with the glaze for a very long time.


For a long time? Made worse by the application of low heat???


Good thing no one uses Crock-pots that way.


Or we might need Government regulations :D



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No I didn't.


We bought a 50 year old house that we could afford with a low fixed rate. We only bought a new car this year because our old car had 240,000 miles on it and stopped working. We don't use credit cards. :) We have never declared bankruptcy. My husband and I both work.


Good for you! (Really!:D)


ETA: It's hard to answer you when you keep changing your post.

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Hear! Hear!


Crockpot Reform.


It's the next big thing! And you heard it here first!






Now, now... you aren't going to go FORCING crockpots on people at the POINT OF A GUN are you?? I has to be voluntary crockpottery or nothing for anyone! :tongue_smilie:

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Good for you! (Really!:D)


ETA: It's hard to answer you when you keep changing your post.


Sorry I am having difficulties concentrating as my dd is having vapors. "My head hurts...I don't want to lay in the bed..I feel dizzy!!"


And my baby (yes the 15 month old) is "picking" on her.


Oh he just punched her in the head.

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Sorry I am having difficulties concentrating as my dd is having vapors. "My head hurts...I don't want to lay in the bed..I feel dizzy!!"


YOU DID IT AGAIN!:lol: This is *not* what your post said a minute ago!


Now, did you buy cheap goods made in third world countries? A crockpot perhaps?:tongue_smilie:


ETA: I am just going to keep adding to this post like sis! :lol:

Edited by Renee in FL
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