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What are your most favorite and least favorite household chores?

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I honestly cannot think of even one household task that I actually enjoy. Watering plants is okay. I tolerate washing dishes, as long as there aren't too many! Folding clothes isn't so bad if the dc are there to help & we can chat while we work. I really dislike cleaning the bathrooms, and I detest dusting.

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Nothing's a favorite, per se, but I will gladly do any of them if I don't have to iron. I absolutely loathe ironing. Fortunately, I have a wonderful dh who a.) doesn't care if his clothes are ironed every time they're washed and b.) will iron his clothes (and mine!) if he absolutely needs to have them done. But in that case, I'm usually willing to iron for him just out of sheer appreciation for his willingness to do something he knows I hate doing so much.


And you know? I think I just realized why I hate ironing so much. It's because I don't like that I'm just standing there. I don't feel productive at all, even though I know I am. I like to be moving. It makes me feel like I'm doing something. With folding clothes, I don't usually enjoy it, but I tolerate it because it doesn't take any time to do. 5 minutes or less and I'm done. Vacuuming and mopping are probably the most satisfying, probably because I'm in constant motion, though I don't love to do them. Huh. Never thought of it like that before, but I do believe that's the reason.

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Too bad we don't all live near each other, we could swap off chores!


Ain't that the truth! When our family of five visited our "family of six" friends this winter, I took it upon myself to do all the laundry . . . .:ack2: I think I had my fill of laundry that week! (And a HUGE appreciation for those of you who do laundry for eleven on a daily basis!)

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Favorite: Cooking lets me indulge my creative side. After cooking comes delegating. I simply adore delegating.


Least Favorite: Probably bathrooms. I'm squeamish, even after so many kids. I don't mind cleaning vomit if it's fresh and I know where it came from, but crusty old mystery stains in the bathroom make me want to retch.



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I don't mind ironing, cooking, grocery shopping, preparing food for storage (freezing, canning, preserving). I do get tired of cooking but I rarely dislike doing it.


I detest cleaning out the fridge. Especially when you need to take out all the the shelves, wash everything and throw away too much food.


I also hate cleaning the attic. If I would have know what to do with the stuff in the first place, it wouldn't be in the attic! It is like a room full of frustration and irritation to me.

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I'll iron dh shirts when he's going for an interview or a pulpit supply. Otherwise, I just try to get them out of the dryer fast enough and figure the remaining wrinkles will just make him look "authentic," you know?:001_smile:


Least Favorite: probably cooking. I love to bake, but to cook something nutritious? Aack. I'm getting more accustomed to it with my (marvelous cook) dh unable to contribute to that chore very often.


Most Favorite: Anything that includes organizing and throwing/giving stuff away: I love to declutter closets, etc. - I even enjoy packing for a move to a certain extent: not only is it a challenge to get everything in the most organized and most suitable boxes, but I get to cull lots of stuff - I hate clutter.


Mama Anna

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What is this "ironing" of which you speak?:001_huh::confused:

No, really, if I actually did iron, that would be my least favorite. I will only iron on the very rare occasion. If something is wrinkled, it goes back in the wash!:001_tt2:



I'm not even sure if I own an iron! I won't buy anything that needs ironing, and I hang up the laundry immediately when it's dry so it doesn't wrinkle.

Michelle T

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Confession: I did NOT know that "permanent press" meant permanently pressed until reading a mag article recently. For the first time in my life, I took hangers w me to the dryer, got stuff out on time, & hung them.




(wait for laughter to die down) But, yeah, dh does his own ironing, poor man. Although it might not be as bad here on out.


I hate putting away folded laundry. I hate it so badly that I only do it when I need the laundry baskets again a week or two later. Even then, I sometimes just move them to the bed. (Then dh moves them to a chair or back to a newly-filled basket of clothes.)


So. I've started folding my clothes in. the. laundry. room. The dc take stacks back to the rooms they go to, putting away anything that goes in their bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen. So that when it's all said & done, there's at most one basket left to put away. Takes forever, but works great! Plus it wears the dc out, running back & forth. (Some refolding required.)


I really like folding clothes. I mean, if I have to do chores. I'm not going to volunteer. I prefer to fold other people's laundry. I *love* to sweep. Mainly because I'm always walking around barefoot & I can't stand the crunch. :ack2: Plus it's quick. It's not one of these things where you turn on a machine & then have to go back to it later. When it's done, it. is. done.


And I'm w whoever hates unloading the dw. Love loading (again, only if I have to), but where's the reward in unloading? I only do it if the sink is full!:tongue_smilie:

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I truly detest ALL housework. This is why I refer to myself as a SAHM and not 'housewife'. Cleaning is just not my forte.

I can tolerate sweeping, cleaning kitchen, and making fresh beds. The rest is some sort of domestic torture for us SAHM/Ds to appreciate the moments when we aren't moving needlessly.

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I truly detest ALL housework. This is why I refer to myself as a SAHM and not 'housewife'. Cleaning is just not my forte.

I can tolerate sweeping, cleaning kitchen, and making fresh beds. The rest is some sort of domestic torture for us SAHM/Ds to appreciate the moments when we aren't moving needlessly.

:iagree: I cannot stand housework. I don't mind laundry except folding and vacuuming isn't that bad either but really it is torture. It seems to get dirty faster than I can ever get it cleaned. GRRRRRR

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Favorite - We have two irobots so my favorite chores are vacuuming and mopping. I turn them on while I am cleaning or schooling and it is like having another little helper in the house. They never whine or complain and they give me the most cheerful little beep when they are done. So cute!


Least fav. - cleaning our shower. Ugh! I wish they made an irobot for that chore.

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I like those "instant gratification" chores where you really SEE dirt being cleaned away, lol! what does folding laundry accomplish??? It didn't clean anything!! I'm w/ Aubrey in how our clothes usually end up --shifted from one place to another.....


I actually don't mind ironing, sweeping, mopping, dusting, and scrubbing a pot. I just detest the TIME it takes to do those --I'd rather be doing something else. But if there's nothing else to do, then i sweep first. That barefoot thing ;). i do think I'll hafta check out the shmop robot!


dh irons. my clothes are mostly wash and wear. His pilot stuff needs to be starched and ironed. I'll iron from time to time, but I'm so anal about ironing every. little. crease. that I rarely feel an article of clothing is *done* --there's no closure, lol.


The chore I usually get done first cuz i see the greatest benefit? loading the dishwasher. another control freak here in how it's loaded. Kids unload. Kids clear and clean the table. Kids pick up to vacuum.


The chore I like the most? Steam cleaning the carpet --seeing all that gunk sucked up and out. back to the instant gratification thing!


The chore I *hate*?? cleaning the bathrooms. yuck.

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