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Looking for ways to get my family more active and fit

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:bigear: We struggle with this one too, so I'm looking forward to hearing the suggestions.


Right now ds, 11, is running in place on the trampoline while jamming out to the Newsboys on iTunes. Dd, 7, already had her turn. They also like to play Dance Praise, which is like Dance Dance Revolution.


Heather in MD


Everything is so expensive...how can we become fit and have a more active lifestyle for little money?


What do you do?



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We bought a WiiFit, which has dropped in price considerably. (Well, the Wii has, I mean).


You could also go on family walks, bike rides, join with other families for games of basketball or soccer, play volleyball or tennis at a park. Maybe check with your parks department on low-cost events, teams, etc to see what your city offers.

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What we do:


I take my boys for a walk around the neighborhood. We live in a quiet little area, and it's 1 1/4 miles around. We go anywhere from one to three times a day. They ride their bikes, I walk. Fast, LOL. They love it, since they both learned to ride their bikes without training wheels this summer.


We also have a Wii Fit. We live in MI, and it gets too cold to exercise outside part of the year. The Wii was pricey, but I just saw them on sale in the Kmart ad this week; down from $250 to $200. The wii fit is another purchase. But it's so fun, and it doesn't FEEL like exercise. I love it, the kids love it.

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We have a wii fit that we use occasionally, but we mostly just jump on our trampoline in the backyard. If cost is an issue, you could always buy a mini exercise trampoline. My mom had one of these when I was younger and I loved it.


Do you have a community center or YMCA nearby? We love our community center, they offer lots of activites.

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The kids take turns running, rollerblading or riding bikes along with me when I run.


Our metroparks here offer a walking/hiking badge that you can earn if you do 8 of 13 trails that they offer for the free program. You just find one you like, walk it, date it and at the end everyone gets their badges. The trails are varying distances and difficulties. I need to get a better stroller for my 3yo, though! lol If you don't have trails in your area, go to Runner's World and put in your location and you'll find routes mapped out for you with the distances! http://traininglog.runnersworld.com/tools/find_maps


2 years ago we tried to do the President's Physical Fitness Challenge but we couldn't find a group to join. We may try that again. http://www.presidentschallenge.org/

Edited by 6packofun
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Being more active has become a priority for us this year. Monday we run as a family in the neighborhood or on a nearby trail. Tuesday we hike/canoe/bike with an outdoor club (for homeschoolers) we started. Wednesday we meet with our running club (thru our HS group) and do the workout together at a park. Thursday is soccer practice for the kids, mowing for me. Friday is co-op, one child takes martial arts, we often go to the park or go skating after co-op. Saturday is games for whatever sport is in season. Sunday we usually bike or hike after church.


We aren't spending much, just making sure we get outside. Our running club just started this year and is doing the couch to 5k program. The kids don't always enjoy it, but running on trails seems to improve attitudes tremendously. We're in NC, so the weather doesn't get too bad here. I hope we can stay this active through the winter.

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another option is to work on food/nutrition/exercise through 4-H: they offer many outlets for the kids to report on what they know/learn/do, and can compete in educational speeches as well as rack up community service and public speaking opportunities.


BSA offers a merit badge book for about $4 as an easy cheap option [with free printable worksheets for academic stuff].


We follow the President's Physical Fitness Challenge as a family w/o worrying about getting actual awards :)


we also hike a lot --we all strapped on hiking backpacks yesterday [except the 3yo] and did a 3 mile hike over rugged terrain. Even my 3yo and 5yo kept up.

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We walk a lot. Sometimes we just walk around the neighborhood, sometimes we go to a park. Dd ended up earning a Junior Girl Scout badge for walking -- it was sort of fun to have something like that to work towards.


Lately I've been working with younger dd with the book Progressive Plyometrics for Kids. It's been loads of fun, and we can both see that her strength, endurance and speed have improved greatly in just 2 weeks time. I do all of the exercises with her, even though I am old and slow.


The kids also go over to the neighbors and use their WiiFit -- the ultimate cheapo way to use one. They keep saying we need one for Christmas as the Big Family Gift.

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Do your kids have a YMCA membership? I know you can get financial assistance with membership if you qualify. We go to open swim once a week. You can also reserve the raquet ball courts or use the gym for whatever (basketball, jump rope, running, whatever) during open gym hours. All that would be included with your membership. And the open swim and gym hours are blissfully EMPTY during weekday afternoons!

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