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just met woman with the most beautiful waist length pure white hair

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I was at the library and there was an older lady there with perfectly straight, pure white hair. It was so beautiful and healthy looking. She had it pulled back and it hung down her back , not braided but straight, and seperated every 4 inches or so with black scungies (sp). I don't normally talk to strangers but I just had to tell her how beautiful her hair was. She turned out to be as lovely on the inside and had a very beautiful smile. I would love to look like her and be as kind as her when I am her age. Even, her laugh of pleasure when I told her how beautiful her hair is, put a smile on my face.

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WOW! It takes so long to do that! You were so nice to compliment her!:)


DD29 grew her hair (which is platinum - has been since she was born and still is) that length - and donated it to 'locks for love' or one of those organizations that makes wigs for kids undergoing chemo. It was definitely a labor of love as she suffers greatly from chronic lyme disease and the weight of the hair on her small frame caused her increased pain. She was determined, though.:)

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My grandmother left her hair long for a very long time. It was actually easier for us to maintain that way. We could pull it back in a loose ponytail, braid, french braid or many other easy to do but elegant styles. It used to be standard pratice for older ladies but you hardly see that anymore. Because of pain issues I have to go with easy to style but should I ever need my children to do it for me then I will go with whatever is easiest for them. That was so kind of you to compliment her that way. It probably made her day.

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Thank you for posting this. And thank you for complimenting that lady--I'm sure it made her day.


I have white hair, and am in the process of letting it grow. It is driving me crazy, and I am struggling mightily with the temptation to just cut it. I am glad to read this thread, take a deep breath, and just walk away from the scissors. :)

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I have white hair, and am in the process of letting it grow. It is driving me crazy, and I am struggling mightily with the temptation to just cut it. I am glad to read this thread, take a deep breath, and just walk away from the scissors. :)


You have beautiful hair! (I remember running into you at a Cincinnati conference.):) I think it will look great long.


One of my grandmothers had pure white hair, the other silver gray. Mine is starting to turn in earnest now, and I'm hoping for white. I would love to have long white hair some day.

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I have white hair, and am in the process of letting it grow. It is driving me crazy, and I am struggling mightily with the temptation to just cut it. I am glad to read this thread, take a deep breath, and just walk away from the scissors. :)


If it helps encourage you further, I am officially jealous of you!


I wish that mine would just go all the way white like my dad's did at an early age. I always loved his hair, and love when I see snow white women, especially youthful ones.


My mom, on the other hand, did not get a gray til her 70s (possible Native American genes!) and I think I am doomed to perpetual salt and pepper. Not a good look for me, though many other women look terrific with it.

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I wish I could grow my hair really long without it becoming a tangled mess! I'm prematurely gray, probably abour 60-70% now and I'm 39. I've had to color it since I was 21, I wish I had the nerve to just let it go, but I'm afraid I'll look like my kid's grandmother instead of mommy :(

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You have beautiful hair! (I remember running into you at a Cincinnati conference.):) I think it will look great long.


One of my grandmothers had pure white hair, the other silver gray. Mine is starting to turn in earnest now, and I'm hoping for white. I would love to have long white hair some day.


:blushing: Aw, shucks . . .


Thanks for the encouragement.

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I wish I could grow my hair really long without it becoming a tangled mess! I'm prematurely gray, probably abour 60-70% now and I'm 39. I've had to color it since I was 21, I wish I had the nerve to just let it go, but I'm afraid I'll look like my kid's grandmother instead of mommy :(


My hair before it turned was limp and dark brown. I first noticed a gray streak when I was ten years old. When I went to college it was a bold, noticeable streak, and many thought I dyed it that way on purpose. I considered dying my hair for my wedding, but dh wouldn't hear of it. By the time ds was born, my hair was all white, and has been ever since.


I am now complimented on my hair all the time. No one thinks I look like a grandmother. (I am 37yo.)


So, my experience suggests that going natural works rather well. Embrace your hair--it's soooooo much easier than having it colored regularly. I'm sure it will look beautiful.



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I am pretty gray already. I started getting grays about high school age. I've been coloring it so long now, I'm not sure what color my hair is LOL.

I LOVE gray hair especially on youthful faces. Theres a lady at the local gym that is prematurely gray... I keep meaning to tell her, she has beautiful hair.

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  • 1 year later...
I first noticed a gray streak when I was ten years old.



All my children ( apart from DD) have started go go grey at around 7.

It is not very noticeable yet. My DH had what looked like large clumps grey tips in the front when 20, and when I met him at 30 he was completely grey. He is now completely white ( 49)

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