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Do you grind your teeth?

Do you grind your teeth?  

  1. 1. Do you grind your teeth?

    • I have an overbite and I grind my teeth.
    • I do NOT have an overbite and I grind my teeth.
    • I have an overbite and I do NOT grind my teeth.
    • I do NOT have an overbite and I do NOT grind my teeth.
    • Obligatory Other (please explain)

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I'll bite (ha ha..sorry, couldn't resist).

I do have an overbite and I grind my teeth while I am sleeping. I can't really control that, but sometimes I wake up with a sore jaw. I guess its noisy too...have to do something to get even with my snoring Dh!:001_smile:

:lol: I've woken up with sore teeth/mouth/jaw frequently from grinding my teeth. I find myself gritting my teeth when I'm stressed too. I've thought about getting a mouthpiece to wear at night, but I just don't know if I could do that- I'm afraid it would make me nauseous.

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I grind. I have a mouthguard that I wear when it gets bad. Maybe every other month I will use it for a week. For me that will stop the bad habit and I'm able to not wear it for awhile. I can tell when it gets bad because my jaw will be sore. It's really not to bad to wear, my only problem is I wake up with my mouth really dry when I wear it.


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I did have an overbite, fixed with a night time appliance. Perfect bite now. I grind.

I have a guard but I don't really like wearing it. My current one is nicer than my previous but it's still a bit uncomfortable - even though it's custom made. It's a slightly softer gel material.....My dentist likes to scare me into wearing it by showing me pix of older people with ground down teeth.

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I do have an overbite, don't grind my teeth and have TMJ problems. The best guess is that I clench my jaw when stressed. My teeth do not show the wear that would be there from grinding but... YIKES! My jaw can hurt when I am stressed out.


And dental appointments are awful because I need to keep my mouth open for so long and my jaw is super duper tired. I have gone to taking tylenol just before I leave to make the jaw ache better when it is over. (I am allergic to advil, motrin and all the other NSAIDS or I would take them instead. They are supposed to work even better.)

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I grind as does my son. I grind my molars and the dentist thinks I have TMJ starting as a result. Ds grinds, but he grinds his front ones as well as the back and has really worn down a few as well as wearing a hole right through his stainless steel crown. I grind more when I am stressed (and clench during the day when stressed), ds grinds more when his anxiety flares.

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I voted that I DO have an overbite, but I do NOT grind my teeth. I do however clinch my jaw like crazy when I am stressed.


I went to the dentist sure that I had an abcess tooth because my mouth, jaw, head, etc hurt so bad. He told me I clinched my teeth and I thought he was nuts and I was pissed because I wanted something done! I left and then cried... The pain continued so I decided to try a night guard... It helped! Ha! So I wear it whenever I start feeling that pain... I don't have to wear it very often.


My husband grinds his teeth in his sleep, the noise just about makes me shiver! My son who is only a year old and only has two top and two bottom teeth just started grinding his teeth! He was awake, sitting on my lap, and I hear that noise! :blink: He was grinding his teeth up and down or something... his top teeth were behind his bottom teeth... I started poking his mouth to get him to stop and then he thought it was funny so he kept doing it and giggling... Ick!:ohmy: That noise is worse than nails on a chalkboard to me!

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I voted "Other." I have an overbite and I quit ginding my teeth. I have a few children who grind their teeth and they all have overbites, but I don't think that is the cause. Mine was nervousness and I ground them when I cut out fabric or anything else! and in my sleep. I made myself quit by putting my tongue between my molars....Ouch! the kids that grind in their sleep do it mostly when they are cutting new teeth...hmmm...

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I have an overbite and grind. I have always grinded my teeth at night. As a kid, my sister would complain about it (we shared a room). As a married adult, my husband complained about it. Then my tooth cracked and a chunk fell out. Turns out I have some additional cracks in other teeth as a result of the grinding. I now have a custom made night guard that I wear every night. It took me many, many months to adjust to, but the thought of more teeth breaking kept me wearing it. It is now comfortable and even gives me a feeling of security knowing I will not be doing any additional damage.

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I have a slight overbite and ocassionally grind my teeth, but more often clench my teeth. I had to have emergency oral surgery this past Monday to try and save my bottom 2 front teeth due to constant clenching and banging them against the top 2. :glare:


If you even THINK you grind or clench your teeth when you sleep I highly recommend getting a night guard.


I am praying for my teeth to take or I'll be singing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth...":svengo:

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I have a small overbite and do not grind my teeth.


I wore head gear at night for about 6 months when I was younger, then braces, then a retainer.


I was bad about using the retainer, so they didn't stay as straight as they should have.


I roomed with my best friend in college and she would grind her teeth. She wore a mouth piece at night, but she had this weird thing about throwing the mouth piece across the room while she slept:tongue_smilie:

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I had an overbite that was corrected in my teens. I grind my teeth at night and have done so for years.


I had a custom made night guard that I used but every morning when I woke up I would have to search for it because sometime in the night I must have taken it out. So I stopped wearing it and now it doesn't fit.


Lately I have been thinking that I need another night guard, but I don't know how much good it will do if I keep taking it out in my sleep.

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