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Thanks for praying, update inside

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Here's my update:


From my heart -



God has been so amazingly good to us through this trial. I can't tell you how much we have all grown in our walk with him. Our faith is strengthened and we are so glad He held us up through all of this. I cannot recall anything in my life that has ever brought me to the bottom where I truly had to give up total control. THIS experience has been it for me. I'm hoping that through these updates you are encouraged to seek Him more. Don't wait until you have to have a "big one" happen before you give up and let Him be all He wants to be for all of us. A friend once said to me "I'd rather be prayed up and full of the Word before the storm, then to have the storm hit and be empty." This is so true!


The chest xray shows that everything is stable and this is what my doctor wants to see. He is so pleased with this news and how I am doing. He said I'm doing great and our prayers are being answered. I have to admit that when the report read "stable", I was a tad bit disappointed, just briefly though. It was because I was looking for some great adjectives like I got last time. I mean the words "significant improvement" like I read last time are pretty hard to beat. LOL! So, stable it is and what a wonderful, encouraging word that is. Praise be to God!!


I have to share with you what happened with my veins this afternoon. Nurses have trouble finding a good vein when they do my blood work, so I'm always asking for prayer whenever I have to have that done. My nurse, Judy, knows I have lots of folks praying when I come in for my calcium iv. She's a believer in prayer. Anyhow, I sat in the sun for about 10 minutes to soak in some vitamin d before I went inside the office. I went and sat down in my usual chair. She got her "stuff" together for my iv. I was talking to a friend I've made there so I'd get my mind off of what Judy was doing. Usually it takes her a few minutes, the vein might blow or she'll have to dig, but this time when I turned to look, THE NEEDLE WAS IN and I DID NOT FEEL it at all! It was a good vein, in fact today, she she said I had FOUR good veins she could've used in my hand. Folks, that just doesn't happen with me. So, the power of prayer and the warm sunshine is what she contributes to her easy job today. She said to thank you all for praying for my veins and for her too. :-)


I am thankful for each of you and for the prayers you pray for our family. God is answering them! I'm believing I'm going to be okay and I am a survivor! God is good all the time!!


Living with hope,



Edited by MJN
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