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UPDATE - Back From Vacation - Much of our house ruined while we were away

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I posted yesterday - mostly in shock - about the pipe that broke while we were on vacation. In spite of the water main to the house being shut off, the shut off was apparently 'faulty,' a pipe leaked, and about half of the rooms in our house are slated to be torn down to the wall studs, and re-built from there.:001_huh:

We have mold - 3-5 days worth -- rooms are sealed off - it looks like a scene from the movie, ET, with large plastic bags filled with dd's belongings. DD's bedroom, her bathroom, the den/study we just completed in July, the laundry room and the kitchen are all involved. It's not the way I would have wanted to get a NEW kitchen, but it looks as if I will be getting a new kitchen. While everything else is being torn out, our classroom will be gutted and rebuilt as well - may as well do it while the rest of the house is a disaster.

I have to get started packing up the kitchen - the adjuster and the 'mold mitigator' are due anytime, and we will be told what the damage is, and we have to make arrangements for temporary housing.

I guess we won't be having school today - at least not a full day!

The kids and I will get our school things packed and organized and I guess we will become regulars at the Library.

Must go -- fortunately, today, the migraine that I had yesterday seems to have subsided. Having to move to a hotel will make this the fifth time in five years that we have moved. Prayers are coveted -- I will be checking in to this board regularly to see what's going on and to maintain/enjoy a sense of, if not an illusion, of normalcy.

Thanks for listening, and thanks for the kind words written to me yesterday.

Edited by MariannNOVA
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OMG ~ :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:!!!


This happened to a dear roommate in college. she was the last to lv the family home before lving for Christmas in India and turned the heat down. Just too far down for a PA winter & you guessed it - the pipes froze & broke.


I am soo sorry for you & your family!

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:grouphug: That's terrible. It happened to my parents as well - they went on vacation for 2 weeks, and when they came back a pipe in the 2nd story bathroom had burst and flooded the whole house. It was very stressful on them for the 6 months it took to get all the repairs done, but now they are very happy with their remodeled house :001_smile:

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I so appreciate the kind words and kind thoughts. The 'mold mitigator' came today - he was here a couple of hours....he will email a report to the insurance company and to us. He basically told us what his report will say and he gave us some idea of what the insurance company's response will be -- the lower level of the house (dd10's bedroom and bathroom - just completed in April - and the den/guest room (completed in July) and the laundry room will have to be ripped down to the studs and new dry-wall installed. There is alot of mold in that area and what he described seems to be protocol. The kitchen floor has to be ripped up and the subfloor replaced and a new floor installed. Some of the kitchen base cabinets have mold so they have to be ripped out so all of the cabinets will be ripped out since everything has to match - the counter top will be removed, but he said it is likely it will be damaged when it is removed so we will need a new one. Dh and I guess that now is the time to put that new kitchen window in so we are compiling a very small list of what we can pay for and have done while this mess is going on.

Tomorrow the kids and I are back to a full school day -- today we did some reading and narration, but tomorrow we begin an LCC - it should hold our attention in the midst of the chaos that is going on -- and I daresay we will end up at the library or a barnes and noble or someplace. We could go out on the screened porch BUT the road in front of our house is being re-paved and the noise today was unbelievably loud :glare: -- the road crew expects to be there for another couple of days.

At some point, we will be going to a hotel - the 'mold guy' said that it will take a few months till we are back to some semblance of 'normal' or 'fully habitable.' I've read and heard so many 'water' horror stories since Saturday night, I am just amazed. The crew who came Saturday night to set up the de-humidifiers had two other jobs they were working on simultaneously.

Again - thanks for the good thoughts and kind words.

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Mariann, I won't send those things that make us highly uncomfortable;), but I do hope you are able to find some peace and enjoyment while teaching your children. It's hard to have just finished so large a project and then have to turn around and do it over. Take care of yourself and be stop in here regularly for encouragement. I'm sure we would love to help you redecorate when you reach that point.:001_smile:

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Thank you again for the kind words and the much-needed encouragement --Dh's parents and my mom, who are all in NJ, seem to be, as usual, absent.


I've received offers from the kind women on this BB to send books, and someone who is actually quite close by, told me to get in touch with her if she could help -- I am touched by the contact that was made here. To SWIMMERMOM (keep you name, I like it) -- those little virtual hugs are good - they make me smile :001_smile:. tee hee!


My dd30 was wonderfully kind and had many offers to help - but she had her dh have two small children and she and her dh teach full-time -- they have enough on their plate. Dh's parents and my mom (all retired and rattling around in rather large homes) --their response was: 'you'll get through this.' Well, of course we will.....and we will pray that we maintain a good attitude as well, but of course we will get through this...but, do you think that with three kids and a dog we maybe could use a little help!? DH is back at the office (his position is demanding) and next week he goes on travel. His office though has been incredibly helpful -- comping us meals until our insurance company takes over - which should be today or tomorrow.


I think I may post a new thread on this -- Are your families (immediate or otherwise) helpful - meaningfully, physically helpful - in a crisis? Look for it.


Thanks again to everyone here --

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