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Progress on the Civil War Tea Party Dress I'm sewing for dd 10

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Lovely!! You should have her join an English Country Line Dance group. Our HSers have one here and they get together to practice monthly. Then they do up a big annual "ball" with period costumes much like the dress you are sewing. :001_smile:

Example of a class:


Edited by tex-mex
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This is so cute!! Is it hard to sew? Man, you really just raised the bar in my head for summer school with my niece next year. We will be studying Victorian times, a la American Girlhood/Samantha. Your dd certainly is a lucky girl! :)

You'll have fun. I let her pick out the colors and I was impressed with her choices. She's going to sew the skirt (nice long seams to practice on) and put in the elastic waste band too. I decided to make it in two parts so she can wear the skirt afterwards on its own.


Sewing the bodice was a snap. I was really stressed out because it's been a while since I sewed something other than pj's. But the pattern is really easy to follow and my machine cooperated beautifully. It's going together easier than I'd hoped.


I'll be looking forward to seeing pictures from your summer project.

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that is awesome! I too am working on a prarie dress and bonnet right now for my friends dd but your idea looks great. Maybe I'll loan her Rifles for Watie and sew her a tea dress. Can't do this sort of thing for ds any more, he's just too grown up.:cool:

pictures! I'd love to see what you're doing.

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